

Study on the Optimum Pilot Boarding Point for DAYAOWAN Port

【作者】 杨林家

【导师】 洪碧光;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 交通信息工程及控制, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 自从大窑湾港区开港以来,随着进出港船舶数量的不断增多和船型的不断增大,港口的发展和航道的改造,再加之海上养殖水域的不断扩充,使该水域的通航安全受到了严重影响,为了保证大窑湾水域的正常通航秩序和避免海上交通事故的发生,选择一个合理的引航员登轮点(范围)就显得尤为重要。鉴于目前港口情况和未来的发展,原定的港口通航规则已经不适应港口生产的需要。如何科学合理地确定通航规则和引航员登轮点,既可保证航行安全和操纵的要求,又可以充分地发挥港口和航道的资源,是目前急需解决的问题。因此,对大窑湾水域通航安全进行整体规划,并确定合理的引航员登船点,具有重要的现实意义。 本文运用模糊数学、矩阵理论、统筹学、船舶动力学、船舶耐波性、船舶操纵、浅水对操船的影响、理论力学等科学理论,利用电子海图显示信息系统和参照相关规定,对最初各初选大窑湾新港引航员登船点进行选择和确定。在进行了广泛的调查和模拟实验之后,建立了引航员登船点选择综合评判系统,在对统计数据进行分析和运算的基础上,最后获得优化结果。

【Abstract】 After Dayaowan Port was put into function, navigation security is severely affected by the increasing numbers of ships sailing into or out of the port, the increasing ship size, the development of the port itself and the route transformation, and the expansion of sea aquaculture area. To ensure normal navigation order in Dayaowan waters and to avoid the occurrence of sea transportation accident, it is particularly important to choose a reasonable harbor pilot boarding spot (area). Considering present port condition and its future development, the originally established port navigation regulations can not adapt to the port production needs. How to decide navigation regulations and harbor pilot boarding spot scientifically and reasonably to meet the demand of safe navigation and operation and to fully take advantage of the port and route resources in the meantime is an urgent problem. Thus to have an overall plan for navigation security in Dayaowan waters and to determine the reasonable harbor pilot boarding spot has practical significance.On the basis of study in scientific theories such as Fuzzy mathematics, etc. Electronic chart display information system is used to choose and determine the initially chosen Dayaowan New Port pilot boarding spots, which provide supports for the study. After extensive investigation and simulated test, this paper establishes the comprehensive evaluation system for the harbor pilot optimum boarding ground to calculate and analyze statistical data and thus to obtain the optimum result.

  • 【分类号】U651
  • 【下载频次】101

