

Law of Financial Service on WTO and China

【作者】 毛双利

【导师】 姜圣复;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 国际法学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 在经济全球化和金融一体化的国际大背景下,金融服务贸易市场的开放已成为一种发展趋势。WTO法律体系是规范成员方之间经济与贸易交往的多边经济条约群,金融服务贸易也在其管辖之列。WTO金融服务贸易法律主要体现为GATS及其相关附件和1997年达成的全球《金融服务协议》。前者规定了调整金融服务贸易的一般原则,明确了金融服务贸易的定义和范围,并为成员方进一步开放金融市场提供了较为详尽的承诺框架;后者则使成员方在金融服务贸易领域的开放承诺得以具体化,反映了WTO成员的金融服务贸易自由化程度。在2000年正式发起的WTO新一轮服务贸易谈判中,金融服务贸易法律也取得了很大进展。 2001年12月11日,中国正式成为WTO成员。入世以来,中国政府严格履行入世承诺,金融服务领域的开放取得了很大进展,并顺利通过了加入世贸组织后的第二次履约情况年度评审。为适应WTO的要求,我国对与外资金融服务提供者进入本国市场的相关金融立法进行了必要的修订,但与WTO金融服务法律的要求仍存在很大差距。进一步完善我国金融立法势在必行。 本文首先论述了WTO金融服务贸易法律的架构,并对其构成文件加以评析。然后,在WTO金融服务贸易法律框架下,审视中国入世关于金融服务贸易的承诺及其履行情况,对进一步完善中国金融立法、使之与WTO接轨提出自己的建议。

【Abstract】 Under the background of economical and financial globalization, opening the markets in financial services becomes a trend. WTO Laws is a set of multilateral treaties regulating trade activities including financial services between WTO members. WTO Financial Services Trade Law is composed of General Agreement on Trade in Services, and Annexes on Financial Services, and WTO Financial Services Agreement being concluded in1997.GATS and its Annexes on financial services set principles, definition and extension for trade in financial services. FSA is mainly composed of schedules of specific commitment concerning financial services by WTO member governments and embodies their level in liberalizing trade in financial services. In addition, WTO Financial Services Trade Law has making progresses in the new services negotiations, which was formally launched in 2000.On Dec.11, 2001, China formally joined WTO. China government has always performed its WTO commitments properly. At the meeting on Dec. 1,2003, the Committee on Trade in Financial Services carried out the second transitional review of the implementation by China of its WTO commitments. In the past two years, China has made large progress in opening markets in financial services and establishing financial legislation in foreign finance bodies’ supervision. Howerer, China Financial Law System is still needed to be amended.This paper firstly states and analyzes the contents of WTO Financial Services Trade Law, then reviews the implementation by China of its WTO commitments, finally puts forward recommendation on amending financial legislation of China.

  • 【分类号】D996
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】304

