

Study on Legal Problems Concerning the Transfer of Bills of Lading in International Carriage of Goods by Sea

【作者】 谢静

【导师】 司玉琢; 郭萍;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 国际法学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 提单在国际贸易中居于十分重要的地位,而它的重要性正是凭借多数提单的可转让性得以实现。由此可见,研究提单转让问题有着极为现实的意义。由于提单在国际货物买卖环节、结算环节及运输环节中具有的法律性质及功能不同,由此所引发的转让问题也存在着差异,本文不予一一论述,而仅从运输的角度进行探讨。 就国际海上货物运输中的提单转让问题而言,一方面,在理论上缺乏对于提单转让的涵义及其法律效力等基础性问题的深入研究;另一方面,在立法实践中,现有法律中的相关规定也存在不尽人意之处。正是由于理论研究及立法实践中存在的缺陷导致了司法实践的不统一,又进一步妨碍了对于相关权利义务主体的正确判定,并因此造成了法律关系的不确定。有鉴于此,笔者将针对国际海上货物运输中的提单转让法律问题,即提单作为债权凭证转让时所产生的一系列问题展开讨论。具体而言,本文将运用比较法等研究方法探讨包括提单转让的涵义及其法律效力在内的基本问题。希望通过对于此类基础性法律问题的研究,为解决理论及实践中存在的难题提供一些帮助。

【Abstract】 Bills of lading play a very important role in international trade. This significance should be fulfilled through the Negotiability of most bills of lading. Therefore, it is essential to study the Transfer problems of bills of lading. In international buying and selling section, accounting section and transportation section of goods, the legal nature and functions of bills of lading are different. As a result, there are various Transfer problems in different sections. This thesis will focus on the Transfer of bills of lading in transportation aspect.As to Transfer issues of bills of lading in international carriage of goods by sea, firstly, there is a lack of deeply theoretical studies on certain basic norms, such as the implication and legal effects of the Transfer of bills of lading; Secondly, the existing legal rules and regulations are not competent. Inconsistency of judicial practices can be found according to the defects in theoretical studies and legislations. This inconsistency consequently blocks a proper judgment on the subjects of the related rights and obligations in certain relations, and, further, raises uncertainties of those relations. For this concern, the author will discuss a series of legal matters arising from the Transfer of bills of lading, as documents of obligation, in international carriage of goods by sea. Different methods, such as the comparative method, will be used to analyze the basic problems, including the implication and legal effects of the transfer of bills of lading. The author hopes this basic study to be helpful for the resolution of certain difficulties in academic and practicing fields.

【关键词】 提单转让涵义法律效力
【Key words】 Transfer of bills of ladingimplicationlegal effect
  • 【分类号】D996.19
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】435

