

Study on the Information Processing and Display System in VTS and Standardization of the System

【作者】 刘海龙

【导师】 柳晓鸣;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 通信与信息系统, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文针对VTS综合信息处理与显示系统中存在的不足以及随着技术发展和系统建设而出现的有待解决和完善的问题做了研究。系统标准化、规范化及系统显示模块的设计与技术实现是本文主要讨论和研究的内容。 目前,随着我国VTS建设的发展和对VTS系统信息共享的需求,VTS综合信息处理与显示系统中出现了一些新的问题和需求。首先,由于系统的兼容性和可扩展性很差使一些已有系统进行升级、更新很困难;再有,实现VTS系统信息共享要求VTS系统输入/输出数据有统一的数据格式。 本文结合在工程项目中遇到的问题和需求,研究了VTS综合信息处理和显示系统的标准化和规范化问题,其中重点研究了系统中显示模块标准化和规范化问题,同时实现了该模块。本文主要研究成果有以下几方面: 1、 综合信息处理与显示系统显示平台数据源标准化和规范化的研究,确定了系统显示平台应采用的具体的数据源; 2、 综合信息处理与显示系统数据交换格式标准化的研究,在参照有关国际标准、国家标准的基础上,确定了本文采用的数据交换格式; 3、综合信息处理与显示系统开发过程标准化和规范化的研究,制定了适应于综合信息处理与显示系统开发的规范并应用于开发过程中; 4、 采用国际标准海图数据的系统显示模块的研究和开发。该显示模块能够接受S-57标准的海图数据集,并进行数据处理和格式转换形成系统海图数据库单元;同时能够按照S-52标准的相关要求显示电子海图信息;此外,也提供了整个系统的人机交互界面和信息显示界面。

【Abstract】 This thesis made a study of the disadvantage of VTS Integrated Information Processing and Display System, as well as those to be resolved and consummated problems with technique and system developments. The main discussed and researched contents are system standardizes, design and realization of the system display module.Current, along with the growth of our country VTS reconstruction and demand that VTS system information share, there are some new problems and demands in the VTS Integrated Information Processing and Display System. First, it is difficult for some old system to update, because compatibility and extensible of system is very bad. Second, VTS system information share requests the VTS system input/ output data contain united data format.This thesis combined the problem and the demands in project, made a study of system standardize, the main studies are standardizing of system display module, and fulfilled that module. The main research fruits in this thesis are constituted by several fractions:1,Studied the standardize of system display platform data, selected system display platform data;2,Studied the data exchange format of system, selected the data exchange format based on relevant international standards, national standards;3.Studied the standardize of programming system, established standard of programming system and used it in programming system;4,Studied and programmed of system display module with used data accord with international standard. The module can use electronic chart data accord with S-57 standard, and deal with data, convert data format to build system electronic chart data unit; can displayelectronic chart data accord with S-52 standard; moreover, the module provide the MMI (Men Machine Interface)of whole system.

  • 【分类号】TP311.5
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】189

