

Rearches on Some Legal Supervisi on Issives on Legal Supervision and Iuternatization of Securities Markets

【作者】 王璐

【导师】 王桂芝; 杜力夫;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 国际法学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 证券市场作为资本市场的核心和基础,具有筹资产权复合与重组、资金导向与资源优化配置、宏观调控等重要功能。因此世界各国都致力于促进本国证券市场的国际化,促进本国证券走向国际证券市场。以其达到筹集长期资本,通过国际间的资金流动取得更大的资本收益。而这一目的在许多国家得到了实现并使之成为经济强国。而作为我国这样一个急需发展的国家更需要通过这种先进的融资方式增强国力,迅速走入世界强国之列。 本文从证券市场发展入手,对证券市场国际化进程,证券市场法律监管进行对比研究、探讨,提出了发展和促进我国证券市场国际化设想。

【Abstract】 Securities business which is the kernel and base of capital business is provided with the important function of raising capital rights compound and reform, the optionmize deploy of fund direction and resource, macroscopic control and so on. So the countries of the world all take up with accelerating home securities husiness’s internationalization and tending towards the international securities business, to reaching the long period of time of capital raising, through the fund’s mobility among the internation to gain more fund’s income. Many countries get the aim through aggrandizement the legal supervise and the venture’s prevention to make them become the economic great powers. Our country need build up national power through the advanced financing fashion to stride rapidly towards sreat power of the world which is in dire need of develoupentThis article start from securities business , research constantly and liscuss from the international course, the venture’s prevention and the egal supervise of the securities business , advance the assumption of de-eloping the intematonal securities business of our country.

  • 【分类号】D922.287
  • 【下载频次】156

