

Study on Optimization of Bulk Carrier’s Loading Process

【作者】 唐惠宇

【导师】 徐邦祯; 杜嘉立;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 载运工具运用工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文结合散装船舶运输中的实际情况,提出了通过优化装载方案来控制船舶装货时强度变化的观点,使整个装货过程中产生的剪力、弯矩对船舶强度的影响尽量最小。初步建立了散货船装载优化模型,并将遗传算法运用于该优化模型的求解。 本文所开发的基于遗传算法的散货船装载过程优化软件,可以作为装载仪中的一个子系统,对各种装货过程进行优选,最后得到一个近似最优的装货方案。经过优化的装货方案可以大大减小装货过程中船舶所受的剪力和弯矩最大值。该软件可以运用于实际生产,通过控制船舶装货环节船体强度,提高散货船的安全性,延长船舶的使用寿命。

【Abstract】 This paper particularly analyzes the characteristic of bulk carrier. Present the attitude that controls the vessel’s strength in loading by optimizing the loading scheme. This optimization intends to make the vessel’s Shear Force (SF) and Bending Moment (BM) in loading process to the lowest extent. An optimization modal for loading of bulk carrier is basically established in this paper. Author creatively uses the Genetic Algorithms to get the solution of this optimization modal.The software named "Optimization of Bulk Carrier’s Loading Procession", which can be inserted to "Stowage System of Bulk Carrier" as a subsystem. This software chose the best one approximately from every loading scheme. The optimized scheme can reduce the maximum of SF and BM in loading at most extend. Using the software to optimize the loading process in practice will improve the security of the bulk carrier, and prolong the life span of the bulk carrier.

  • 【分类号】U693
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】249

