

Study on the Advanced Oxidation Technology of Strong-field Ionization Discharge

【作者】 董克兵

【导师】 张芝涛;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 环境科学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 先进氧化工艺是二十世纪80年代开始形成的有毒污染物处理技术,目前在环保领域已成为国内外研究的热点之一。由于现有的先进氧化方法存在羟基产生浓度偏低、运行成本过高、受反应条件限制适用范围窄等缺点,难以满足环境污染工程治理的需求。为了将先进氧化技术推向工程化应用,并拓宽其研究及应用领域,本文结合国家自然科学基金重点资助项目“高气压下强电场电离气体的方法及其应用的基础研究(60031001)”和国家自然科学基金资助项目“气体电离放电治理外来生物入侵性传播研究(60371035)”,运用强电离放电方法和高效气液溶解技术实现了工程化制取高浓度羟基溶液,并成功应用于船舶压载水工程治理。研究取得的主要成果如下: 1.实现高气压(>0.1MPa)条件下强电场电离放电加速电子及激励气体分子。在反应腔体内形成折合电场强度E/n≥400Td,电子平均能量>10eV,电子浓度>1015/cm3的强电离放电,将水和氧分子合成高浓度、大产生量羟基自由基,具有不用催化剂,无副产品、无废料和零污染的特点。 2.采用强电场电离放电方法和高效气液溶解技术制取的羟基药剂浓度高达20mg/L,制取量大、运行成本低,满足了先进氧化技术工程化应用的需求。 3.强电场电离放电制取羟基治理船舶压载水的实验结果表明:羟基药剂可在小剂量条件下快速氧化分解有机体和杀灭微生物,并将其最终分解成二氧化碳、水和无机盐,剩余羟基则转化为无害的H2O和O2,反应后无有害残留物,治理过程清洁,是一项绿色的先进氧化技术。 强电场电离放电是目前工程化制取羟基的唯一有效方法,克服了限制先进氧化技术工程化应用的主要难点,使先进氧化工艺朝工程化应用方向迈出了关键性的一步。

【Abstract】 The Advanced Oxidation Technologies, which have been applied to treat hazardous pollutants since the 1980s, have currently become one of the hot subjects in the environmental protection field both at home and abroad. But the methods available could not be applied to the environmental pollution control engineering by reason of low generating concentration of hydroxyl radicle, high operation cost and rigid reaction conditions. In order to broaden the research and application realm of AOTs and put to engineering use, a new approach was investigated producing high-concentration hydroxyl solution by strong-field ionization discharge and high-efficiency gas-liquid dissolution technique based on the key NSFC Project "Studies of Method and Application of Gas Molecules Ionized with Strong Electric Field at High Pressure" (No "60031001) and the NSTF Project "Studies on Treating Invasive Spread of the Introduced Species by Gas Ionization Discharge" (No.: 60371035), and was successfully applied to treat ship’s ballast water. The main achievements are as follows:1. Activating gas molecules with accelerated electrons was realized by strong-field ionization discharge at atmospheric pressure. In the discharge chamber, the reduced electric field strength was E/n>400Td, the average energy of electrons was more than 10eV, the concentration of electrons over 1015/cm3. With this means, high-concentration and great-yield hydroxyl radicle could be produced by mixed gas of H2O and O2. This technology had the advantages of without catalyst, no byproducts and wastes.2. The obtained concentration of hydroxyl solution reached 20mg/L by strong-field ionization discharge and high-efficiency dissolution method, which met the need of engineering applications for its low operation cost and power consumption.3. The results of a series of experiments indicated that hydroxyl radicle could oxidize organic compounds and kill off microorganisms rapidly under low dose and ultimately discompose them into CO2, H2O and inorganic salts, the surplus hydroxyl radicle degenerated into H2O and O2, and that no harmful residue was left after the treatment. Itwas considered a green AOT by virtue of its clean treating process. It was regarded at present as the most efficient method producing high concentration hydroxyl radicle by strong-field ionization discharge, which overcame the main obstacles limiting the industrial applications of AOTs, and took a critical step toward engineerization.

  • 【分类号】X50
  • 【下载频次】142

