

【作者】 吴泽泉

【导师】 吴绍全;

【作者基本信息】 曲阜师范大学 , 文艺学, 2004, 硕士


【摘要】 关于路·维特根斯坦,大多数人的第一印象似乎是:他是颠覆与破坏的代名词,在哲学上他是一个极端的唯名论者,在美学上他是一个取消主义者。其实这是一种偏见。无论对于哲学还是美学,维特根斯坦所起的作用都不仅仅是消解性的,维特根斯坦思想中包含着建设性的因素。维特根斯坦本人也从未把自己当成哲学与美学的终结者,他所要做的,只是劝说人们改变思维方式,换一个角度去重新思考问题。 本文从整体上和宏观上——即不仅仅从维特根斯坦关于美学的只言片语,而是从其整体的哲学思想出发,不仅仅从他对美学研究所产生的直接影响,而是从他对整个西方现代美学所起的宏观的、深远的影响着眼——来把握维特根斯坦,发现:维特根斯坦在宣告了旧的本质主义美学研究模式的危机的同时,又用“生活”、“语境”等概念,给我们暗示出一种新的、富有活力的美学研究方法。西方美学以维特根斯坦为界碑,发生了一个显著的变革:美学不再以“美的理念”、“艺术的本质”等问题为自己的根本话题,而转向了对现实的审美生活和艺术现象的探讨;美学不再坚守美的艺术的孤立本体,而开始关注人类整体的生存境遇、生活方式,探索美学参与人类现实生活的可能性;同时美学在存在形态上也由体系化走向了部门化和零散化,成为一个对象日益泛化、边界日益模糊的学科群。通过这一变革,美学的话题得到转换,美学的形象得到更新,美学也重新获得了生命力。当然,西方美学的这种现代转型,并不单是维特根斯坦一己力量所推动的,但从其内在精神上讲,与维特根斯坦却是完全一致的;深入研究维特根斯坦的哲学和美学思想,有助于我们把握当代西方美学的发展动向。 论文分上、下两部分。上篇“作为解构者的维特根斯坦”结合维特根斯坦的语言分析方法,论述维特根斯坦对传统西方美学的颠覆,并试图站在美学史发展的高度对这种颠覆做出再评价。下篇“作为建设者的维特根斯坦”通过对后期维特根斯坦“语言游戏”、“生活形式”等概念的分析,努力挖掘维特根斯坦思想中建设性的因素,揭示其对当代美学转型的巨大指导意义。

【Abstract】 Most people’s first impression of Lu.Weittgenstein is likely to be: he is a synonym for nominalism, in aesthetics he is a deconstructist. It is a prejudice, for no matter to philosophy or aesthetics, Weittgenstein’s function is not only destructive but also constructive, he had never considered himself as the ender of philosophy’s and aesthetics’. What he should do is to persuade people changing thinking approach and reconsidering problems with another aspect.This thesis tries to grasp Weittgenstein’s thought from the general angle, but not from some words about aesthetics that he says, from his philosophy thought, not only from the direct effect of his study, but also from his influence to the whole modern Western aesthetics. The author of this thesis found that while Weittgenstein claiming the old essentialism of aesthetic study in crisis, he offered a new aesthetic study method full of vitality ,using the concept of "life" and "context"!Taking Weittgenstein as boundary tablet, western aesthetics making a obvious reform: 1) aesthetics no longer considered " the idea of beauty "and "the essence of arts "as its basic topic, but turned to the study towards the practical appreciation of life and the phenomena of arts; 2) aesthetics no longer held the isolated beauty noumena of arts, but began to pay attention to the survival circumstances and life style, and pay attention to the possibility of aesthetics joining man’s practical life; and 3) aesthetics began to change from systems to branches, becoming groups of subjects with extensive objects and indistinct boundary. Through this reform, aesthetics swifted its topic, refreshed its image, and regained its vitality. Of course, Western aesthetics switch isn’t caused by Weittgenstein’s own power, but from the internal spirit, it is in accordance with Weittgenstein. The further study towards Weittgenstein’s thought of philosophy and aesthetics can help us to grasp the developing direction of the modem western aesthetics.The paper includes two parts, In the first part, "Weittgenstein as a deconstructist" using his method of language analysis, and tries to make comments on the development of aesthetic history, The Second part "Weittgenstein as constructor" through the analysis towards the concepts of "Language game" and "form of life" of his later period, tries to excavate the constructing factors in Weittgenstein’s thought, discovering its great significance to the transferring of modern aesthetics.

【关键词】 理念生活美学转型
【Key words】 IdeaLifeAesthetic Transformation
  • 【分类号】B83-06
  • 【下载频次】178

