

【作者】 牛嗣修

【导师】 崔茂新;

【作者基本信息】 曲阜师范大学 , 文艺学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 南朝文学批评以其自身独具的魅力屹立于民族的文学批评之林,那么展示这种魅力的所在,便是本文的使命。 怎样梳理南朝文学批评的脉络,使之清晰而有序,泛泛而谈是不足取的。通过对南朝文学批评理论全面审视和观照之后,我们认为,只有将其放在历史的流程之中,从中选取一个横断面予以分析,横向与纵向的结合才是正确地把握问题之道。本文认为,南朝文学批评理论的特色及生成,贯穿其中的一条主要线索即是新变说与折衷说的形成及两者矛盾运动的发展轨迹。因此本文的主体部分,将围绕新变与折衷及它们之间的关系展开。 在南朝文学批评中,新变说无论是在文学创作上,还是在文学批评理论上,都成效显著,且这两大阵营互为犄角,成功地实现了文学创作与文学批评理论的融合。本文首先提出了南朝文学批评的新变称号,继而对新变的指向和界定做了阐释。新变不单是针对艺术形式而言的,它更是反映了南朝文士的审美趣味和文学理想。新变这种观念伴随着文学自身的发展,在魏晋呈现为加速度状态,到了南朝,新变说登峰造极。怎样看待新变说,将它简单归结为形式主义,然后加以无休止的批判,不是办法。真正科学合理的态度应是,既要批判又要肯定。批判那是因为在追求形式方面有过度倾向,肯定的是形式的发展也是文学发展进程中的应用之义,它是伴随着文学的发展,注意到了文学审美特质并对之追求的结果。此外,从其功用来看,新变说对形式的追求为唐诗的崛起做了准备,这是其不可抹煞之功。 与新变说并行发展的折衷说,有些学者将其界定为研究方法或批评主体独立公正的主体精神,我们认为在研究者探讨的范围内都有其理论的合理性。本文则不囿成说,认为它更是一种明确的文学观念。这种文学观念是对折衷派的文学观点的提炼和总结,或者说是折衷派在文学观念上的大致相同的倾向,这自然而然地扩充了折衷说的理论视域,从而将以上两种学说纳入自己的帐下。本文继之对折衷说的理论价值进行了比较深入的探讨,认为折衷说提倡一种健康理想的文学,目的是为了挽救积弊重重的南朝文学。然后,本文对折衷说的出现做了初步的揣测和解释,认为它作为新变说的对立一极,是对新变说的强有力的制衡.折衷说的出现,为误入歧途的文学的发展指明了方向和带来了福音。当时虽然没有实现这种文学主张,但是唐代文学的繁荣就是在这种理论的指导下发展起来的. 新变说与折衷说两者的相互作用,共同推动了南朝文学批评理论的发展。分析这两者的对立统一关系,描述它们的矛盾运动的发展过程,本文作了较为详细的阐释。我们认为,新变说在南朝文学发展及批评理论中处于中心主流和显性的位置,而折衷说则处于边缘支流和隐性的位置.双方虽表面上没有纷争,但内在里却进行了交流,这种交流并不是均衡的,由于某些原因,折衷说成为交流的最大受惠者.总之两种学说是相比较而存在,相对立而发展,在相安无事中争夺下一轮文学发展的主导权. 本文最后对南朝文学批评进行了总体描述,我们认为,作为南朝文学批评的重要组成部分,新变说和折衷说是继续沿着对文学特质的不断开掘的道路前进的.南朝文学批评是对魏晋文学批评的继承和超越.继承是前提,而铸就其自身独立的品格却来自不竭的创新力。然后本文对创新力的表现条分屡析,对南朝文学批评的主要特征做了简要的概括。 揭示南朝文学批评成就的独具魅力,本文试图说明只有根植于自身深厚的文化积淀中形成的批评理论,才是最有价值和最有生命力,也是最富于民族特色的.当前文学批评的窘境,可以从南朝文学批评中借鉴足资可取的经验,促进文学批评理论之树的茁壮成长,保持批评理论生命的常青.

【Abstract】 The literary criticism of the Nan dynasty standing towing in the literacy critical world by its peculiar charm. So to show this charm is the mission of this article.How to comb the sequence of ideas of the Nan dynasty’s literacy criticism and to make it clear and in proper, general approach is not a good way. Through comprehensive surveying and examining on the Nan dynasty’s literacy criticism, we consider that we can only put it into the process of the world, then select a transverse section to analyze and combine the vertical section and transverse section is the right measure to grasp this question. This article holds that the literacy criticism of the Nan dynasty owned its distinguishing feature and its formation. The main clue running through it was the track of formation and contradictory movement between Eclecticism and New change. Therefore, the principal part of this article will revolve around the relation between the two of them.In the Nan dynasty’s literacy criticism field, the theory of New change was very outstanding not only on the literacy creation but also on the literacy critical theory. The two cliques were affected each other deeply and mixed together successfully. This article firstly put forward the name of the theory of New change that the literacy criticism of the Nan dynasty derived of. Then explains the direction and the boundary of the theory of New change. It is in connection with the form of art, moreover, it reflects the aesthetic sense and literary ideal of the Nan dynasty’s literary; followed by the development of the literature itself. This connection had been accelerated in the dynasty of Wei and Jin. But when it comes to the Nan dynasty, the theory of New change had reached the climax. How to look at the theory of New Change? It is not a good way that we simply think the theory of New change being formation and criticize it. The real scientific and reasonable attitude is not only to criticize but also to affirm it. To criticize isattending of pursuing the form excessively, to confirm is the development of the form being the nature in the process of the literature. Criticize is accompany with the development of the literature which is the result of appreciating and seeking the essence of the literature. Besides, in the view of the function, the Eclecticism was ready for the Tang dynasty poestry. It is important to the arising of the Tang poetry because the theory of the New change was ready for it by chasing the form.The New change running parallel with the Eclecticism. Some scholars delimit it to the subject spirit of independent and fair critical subject or research methods. We think that within the range of inquiring into discussion has a reasonable quality. This article is beyond the established words, deeming that it was definite literary conception abstracting and summarizing the Eclecticism’s stand points, may be this conception had the same tendency to the Eclecticism, thereby admitted the two theories to its bosom. This article afterwards approaches the theoretical value of the Eclecticism, and cheaply believed that the Eclecticism a healthy and ideal literature, the purpose was to deeply save the Nan dynasty’s literature that had so many age-old abuses. After that, this text preliminary guesses and explains the rise of the Eclecticism and considers that it was looked on as an opposite role strongly refrained the New change theory. The Eclecticism had pointed a bright direction and brought about Gospel for literature. Although there was not advocate of such literary view, but the flourishing of one literature in the Tang dynasty was developed with the guide of this theory.The interaction between this two theories together pushed forward the development of the criticize theory in the Nan dynasty. To analyze the relationship between the two theories, to describe the contradictory developing process of the two theories, this text gives more details. We hold that the New change theory had played an important and dominant part details in the Nan dynasty’s literary

  • 【分类号】I206.2
  • 【下载频次】166

