

【作者】 凌爱霞

【导师】 韩庆奎;

【作者基本信息】 曲阜师范大学 , 化学课程与教学论, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 新世纪伊始,科学技术的发展日新月异,尤其是以知识经济、信息技术为基础的世界经济一体化局面的形成,对人才提出了更高的要求。世界各国在深刻反思人才培养模式同人才需求之间的差距的同时,纷纷做出课程改革的决定。我国的基础教育课程改革应运而生,并将逐步建立起适应于时代背景的新课程体系。新课程将给中国的教育带来新的生命力,基础教育的曙光也将终于在此次基础教育课程改革形势下逐渐浮现。 此次课程改革的核心理念是“为了中华民族的复兴,为了每位学生的发展”,课程改革的成败将关系到中华民族的复兴大计。而课程改革成功与否的关键在于教师。教师角色是指教师在特定的社会位置上所产生的社会期望,以及由此表现出来的特征行为系统。教师自身的角色能否准确定位、素质能否及时提高,在很大程度上决定了教师在新课程中的作用是积极的还是消极的。中学化学教师是化学乃至整个新课程顺利实施的保障,但是现行课程体系下中学化学教师的角色形象与新课程的期望之间存在着较大的差距,因此重新定位化学教师在新课程中的角色是非常必要的。 首先在本文的第一部分“新课程及其对中学化学教师角色的要求”中,系统地介绍了新课程的背景,并分析总结出化学新课程的创新点,最后结合以上两点得出新课程对中学化学教师的要求。 然后在第二部分“现行课程体系下中学化学教师的角色形象的调查与反思”中,先对现行课程体系下有关中学化学教师素质进行调查,通过统计分析发现中学化学教师在工作态度和心理素质、教学观评价观以及教育科研等方面存在着的一些不足,自身的角色形象面临着新课程的挑战,新课程知识观、学生观、教学观的深刻变化以及教师对于课程改革的重要作用,都决定着教师要重新定位自身在新课程中的角色。曲阜师范大学硕士学位论文 在接下来的第三部分“面向新课程的中学化学教师的角色定位”中,通过对传统的教师角色的选视,笔者提出新课程视野下中学化学教师的角色主要是创新者、教育教学的研究者、学生的组织者、引导者和促进者、多方合作者、终身学习者、新课程的服务者、课程开发者,并通过分析影响教师角色定位的因素,得出教师素质及时地得以提升是促进教师角色定位的关健.为此,在文中详细论述了适应新课程的中学化学教师的素质:健康的身心素质和完善的人格魅力、面向新课程的化学教育理念、综合的知识结构、多元化的专业能力,这是保障教师角色顺利转型的关健。

【Abstract】 The presence of the new millennium witnesses rapid changes in science and technology with each passing day. Meanwhile, the increasingly integrated global economy has come into being, which bases on the combination of Knowledge Economy with information and technology. Consequently fierce challenges are issued and higher demands are set for the talents. Upon the deep reflection of the gap between the talent-training patterns and talent requirements, many countries make a decision of resorting to curriculum reforms. In China, the curriculum reform of fundamental education emerges to meet the requirements and a new curriculum system suitable for the new era will be gradually set up. The initiation of the new curriculum will bring new vitality to the fundamental education of this country. The upsurge in this new curriculum reform is bound to be following by the dawn in the fundamental education.The curriculum reform is for rejuvenation of the Chinese Nation and for the full development of each student, on which the nuclear idea of the curriculum reform focuses. The success of the reform has much to do with the rejuvenation of our great nation, while the former counts much on the teacher. The role of teacher is the social expectations generated and the corresponding characteristic behavior system on the given social position. Whether the teacher plays a positive or negative role in the new curriculum is mainly determined by his or her accuracy of role orientation and level of cultivated manners. Chemistry teachers in middle schools guarantee the successful implementation of the brand-new chemistry curriculum reform. The gap between the roles that the chemistry teachers in middle schools are currently playing and what they are expected of under the new curriculum program makes it indispensable to re-locate the teachers’ new role in the new curriculum.The first part of the thesis introduces the background of the new curriculum on a concise and systematic level, and summarizes the innovative aspects of the newchemistry curriculum, and correspondingly defines the teacher’s new role expectations.In the second part "The Investigation of and the Reflection on the Chemistry Teachers’ Roles in the Current Curriculum Program", the investigations and analyses on the chemistry teacher’s qualities indicate many of his or her drawbacks in attitudes to work, psychological factors, teaching, evaluation and scientific research in current curriculum system. So his or her role is facing challenges from the new curriculum. The profound changes in views of knowledge, of teaching and of students and the teacher’s key role in the new curriculum reform result in the re-orientation of the teacher’s roles in the new curriculum.In the third part "The Chemistry Teachers’ Role Orientation in Face of the New Curriculum", the author puts forward the theory so that we can finger out the new image of high school chemistry teachers should be an innovator, researcher on education and teaching , organizer and guider of learning activities, "promoter of student’s development, cooperator, learner for life, supporter and innovator of curriculum by analyzing the traditional teacher’s roles. The author also points out that the improvement of the teacher’s qualities is key to the promotion of the teacher’s role setting.Therefore, finally the author expounds and analyzes the characteristics which are crucial to teacher’s role transference: a healthy body and sound mind, perfect personality, chemistry teaching ideas based on the new curriculum, integrated knowledge framework and diversified professional abilities.

  • 【分类号】G635.1
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】533

