

Theory and Approaches of Chemistry Learning Supervising in Secondary Schools

【作者】 刘英

【导师】 闫立泽;

【作者基本信息】 曲阜师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 人类社会已经进入知识经济时代。科学、技术与社会的飞速发展对学生的素质培养提出了更高的要求,同时也对当代化学教师提出了新的挑战。学会学习、在学习中提高素质、培养创造型人才已成为时代的要求。我国新一轮基础教育课程改革提出了全新的教育目标和新的学习方式,为教师的教学创新提供了广阔的舞台,教会学生学习已成为教学研究的重大课题。教会学生学习首先要求教师学会科学地进行学习指导。化学教学中科学地进行学习指导对学会学习具有十分重要的作用。然而,当我们审视中学化学学习指导的现状时,却经常发现化学学习指导目标不明确、内容不健全而且指导方式单一,这都不利于促进学生学会学习,迫切需要科学的学习指导取而代之。所以,笔者将中学化学学习指导的理论与方法作为研究课题。本文在界定中学化学学习指导内涵的基础上,就中学化学学习指导体系的构建问题进行了研究,并重点探讨了中学化学学习指导的策略,以期对中学化学学习指导实践有所裨益。 本文包括四个部分: 第一部分,中学化学学习指导概述。首先对学习指导和中学化学学习指导进行了界定,接着简单回顾了学习指导在我国的历史发展,然后针对目前中学化学学习和学习指导的现状,分析了化学学习和学习指导的弊端,提出了化学学习指导的必要性。 第二部分,中学化学学习指导的理论基础。中学化学学习指导以辩证唯物主义哲学为指导,既肯定教师作为外因的作用,又肯定学生作为内因的作 曲阜师范大学硕士学位论文用;以建构主义理论和元学习理论为依据,既强调情境构建、合作学习、意义建构的重要作用,又强调培养学生元学习能力的重要性。同时强调运用系统科学方法论对化学学习指导进行全面把握和整体优化。 第三部分,中学化学学习指导体系的构建。围绕着指导的目标、内容、原则、模式和评价构建了中学化学学习指导的体系。中学化学学习指导目标主要为愿意学习、乐于学习、学会学习、善于学习和自主学习;指导内容包括学习动力、学习方法、元认知、学习能力和化学课外学习;指导原则主要有主体性、系统性、层次性、针对性、诱导性、实践性、持续性和创造性等原则;指导模式包括讲授模式、规程模式、渗透模式、诊疗模式、交流模式和省悟模式。最后从教师和学生两个方面对化学学习指导的评价问题进行了论述。 第四部分,中学化学学习指导的策略。从更新教学观念、开展学情调查、激发学习动力、提高学生学习策略水平和提高教师教学能力等方面探讨了中学化学学习指导的策略.更新教学观念是化学学习指导的前提;开展学情调查是化学学习指导的基础;激发学习动力是化学学习指导的出发点;提高学生学习策略水平是化学学习指导的关键;提高教师的教学能力是化学学习指导的保障。

【Abstract】 It is an age of economy-based-knowledge. The rapid development of science, technology and society raises much higher requirement for student’s quality, which, at the same time, is a great challenge to today’s chemistry educators. Gaining skills and developing qualities and creativities in the process of learning have become the necessitation of this modern age. The current reform in fundamental educational program has set brand new educational goals and learning style, which provides broad stage for teachers to make their teaching renovation. Therefore, to teach students how to learn has become a major topic in schooling research. To train students learn to learn, first of all, teachers are required to understand the scientific supervising, which plays an important role in the process of chemistry education. However, when we exam closely the current situation of chemistry learning supervising in secondary schools, many negative factors, such as unclear goals, indefinite contents and monotonous supervising styles, encumber the student’s progression. Therefore, more scientific learning supervising is desired. Based on this, this thesis will aim at studying the theory and approaches of chemistry learning supervising in secondary schools. To benefit the chemistry teaching practice in secondary schools, this thesis first gives the definition of the chemistry learning supervising, then studies its system construction, and most important of all, explores its strategies.Roughly this thesis is divided into four parts.Part one summarizes the chemistry learning supervising system in China. First, the definitions of learning supervising and chemistry learning supervising in secondary schools are given, then the historic developments of learning supervising are introduced. Finally, based on the present situation of chemistry learning and supervising in secondary schools, some negative factors in chemistry learning and supervising are discussed and as well the necessity of chemistry learning supervising are put forward.Part two gives the theoretic basis of chemistry learning supervising. Guided by dialectical materialism philosophy, the functions from two sides should be emphasized. One is the supervising of the teacher that acts as the external cause and the other is the studying of the students that function as the internal cause. According to the constructivism theory and metalearning theory, two respects should be stressed in the process of chemistry learning supervising. One is the construction of teaching situation, cooperation of learning and construction of meanings. Another is the development of the metalearning abilities of the students. Definitely, another point should be stressed is the use of the systematic and scientific methodology for optimizing and controlling the whole supervising process.Part three mainly focuses on the construction of chemistry learning supervisory system. The goal, content, principle, model and evaluation construct its system. Its goals are willing to learn, ready to learn, learn to learn, good at learning and autonomous learning . The contents includes motivation, learning strategy, metacognition, learning ability and after school learning. The principles consists of autonomy, systematization, hierarchy, directness, induction, practicality, consistency, creativity, etc. The models include instruction, regulation, permeability, diagnose, exchange and recognition. The final discussion centers on the evaluations from the perspective of teachers and students.Part four focuses on the strategies of the chemistry learning supervising in secondary schools from perspective of renewal of teaching notion, investigation of learning situation, stimulation of learning motivation, improvement of student’s learning strategies and teacher’s teaching ability. The prerequisite is the renewal of teaching notion; the base is the investigation of the learning situation; the starting point is the stimulation of the learning motivation; the key is the improvement of student’s learning strategies and the

  • 【分类号】G633.8
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】443

