On the IT in Rural Education of Our Country
【作者】 刘光余;
【作者基本信息】 曲阜师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2004, 硕士
【摘要】 从20世纪后半叶开始的信息技术的发展使整个社会出现了信息化的发展趋势,信息化的澎湃浪潮也迅速地波及到了农村教育领域,正在对农村教育的各个领域产生巨大而深远地影响。 在我国,人们从不同的角度阐释着对农村教育信息化的理解。笔者认为,农村教育信息化是将信息作为农村教育系统的一种基本构成要素,在农村教育的各个方面,各个领域广泛地利用信息技术,促进农村教育现代化的过程。 农村教育信息化在适应农村教育的特点、拓展农村教育资源、改变农村文化传统、建设农村师资队伍、改进农村教学方法、调整农村教育结构等方面对农村教育的发展有着极为重要的作用。 近年来,各级政府比较重视农村教育信息化的工作,从中央政府到地方政府都出台了相关的政策和措施。但是农村教育信息化还远远没有落到实处,并且不同地区之间的差距较大。还有经费投入严重不足,师资力量短缺等一系列问题严重地束缚着农村教育信息化的发展。 为了应对农村教育信息化进程中的困难和问题,农村教育信息化必须找到适合农村教育特点的发展道路,做出自己的发展抉择。 应对农村教育信息化,改革农村教育理念。在农村教育信息化进程中,树立起适应于农村教育信息化的终身教育理念、教育民主化理念和创新教育理念是遵循农村教育信息化的历史使命,推动农村教育信息化健康发展的不竭动力。 顺应农村教育信息化,建设农村师资队伍。任何技术的社会作用都取决于它的使用者,信息技术的应用不会自然而然地创造奇迹,它可能促进教育革新,也可能强化传统教育。因此,为了顺应农村教育信息化的发展趋势,就必须从农村教师自身的实际和农村教育信息化的实际出发,发挥师资培训的主渠道作用,提高农村教师信息能力等方面的素质。 满足农村教育信息化,保证农村教育投入。我国农村教育信息化发展的现实表明,建立一个稳定可靠的投入保障机制是农村教育信息化的根本保证,是农村教育信息化投入的关健因素。这就必须增加政府在农村教育信息化方面的投入,并拓宽投入渠道,根据农村的实际实行有偿服务,促进农村教育信息化投入的多元化,特别是要加强农村教育信息化的管理和监督,做到节流与开源并举,走具有中国特色的农村教育信息化之路。 适应农村教育信息化,转变农村学习方式。农村教育信息化不但满足了人们多样化的学习需求,而且给农村地区人们提供了日后学习的启动器.适应农村教育信息化的发展要求,就必须着眼于发掘学习者沉睡的潜能,开启学习者封存的记忆,释放学习者幽闭的心灵,放飞学习者囚禁的情怀,促进学习者特色的发展。要做到这一切就必须促进农村地区人们学习方式的转变,培养自主学习者。 增强农村教育信息化,加强农村科学研究。农村教育信.息化不但深刻地影响着农村地区人们的工作、学习和生活方式,而且在农村教育信息化进程中还会出现许多新情况和新问题.因此,坚持科学研究,健全农村教育信息化的组织建设,强化农村教育信息化的运行机制,勇于实践,持之以恒,抓住重点,注重实效,博采众长,发挥特色是增强农村教育信息化,探索农村教育信息化发展规律的必然选择. 总之,农村教育信息化才刚刚起步,人们对农村教育信息化的研究也尚待深入,加强农村教育研究,力求以研究为导向,带动和促进农村教育信息化的发展,探讨农村教育信息化与农村教育的结合点将是我们教育工作者的神圣使命.
【Abstract】 Starting to develop in the second half of the 20th century, information technology has led to an informationlization tendency in various aspects of society, including the field of rural education. Ever since that, informationlization has been exerting huge and profound influence to almost every aspect of rural education.In China, attempts from various points of view have been made to interpret IT in education. The writer of this thesis holds the view that IT in rural education is a process in which information is regarded as the basic component of the rural education system and utilized widely in different aspects and fields of rural education, so as to promote the progress of rural education modernization.IT in rural education plays a crucial part in facilitating the development of rural education. The effects could be easily seen from aspects such as being suitable to the characteristics of rural education, enriching rural education resources, changing cultural tradition in rural areas, establishing rural teaching staff, improving rural teaching methods and adjusting rural education system.In recent years, governments at different levels have paid great attention to IT in rural education. The central government and local governments have issued policies and taken initiatives concerning the development of IT in rural education. Despite the efforts, the development of IT in rural education is far from satisfactory and, moreover, not very well balanced in different areas. Problems such as lack of education investment and teaching staff have greatly hindered the development of IT in rural education.To solve the problems, it is essential for IT in rural education to find out away suitable to the characteristics of rural education and then follow it firmly.Facing the challenge of IT in rural education, and refreshing the understanding of rural education. To push forward IT in rural education, we should be equipped with the thoughts of life education, education democracy and education reformation, which will help to undertake the commission assigned to us and drive continuously the healthy development of IT in rural education.Conforming to IT in rural education, and establishing the rural teaching staff. The effects of any technology will only be determined by the people who apply it. The utilization of information technology will not naturally create miracles, but it may facilitate education reformation and reinforce traditional education as well. To conform to the tendency of IT in rural education, we should observe the current situation of rural teaching staff and IT in rural education, and further train the teachers ?usually a major source to improve the quality of rural teachers, including their ability to utilize information technology.Fulfilling the need of IT in rural education and guaranteeing rural education investment. The development of IT in rural education in our country makes it clear that creating a stable investment mechanism is fundamental and essential to the investment on IT in rural education. To reach the target, governments should increase the investment on IT in rural education and meanwhile broaden means of investment. According to the situation in rural areas, paid services can be carried out so as to make various the channels of investment. It should be particularly pointed out that management and supervision should be strengthened so that we can make good use of the fund while opening up more channels of investment. In a word, IT in rural education in China should be the one with Chinese characteristics.Conforming to IT in rural education and changing the learning styles of people in rural areas. IT in rural education not only satisfies various learningdemands of people, but also triggers in them the drive to study further later. It is important to wake up the potential in the learners and make them feel free to study and eventually facilitate the development of the learners’ traits. That cannot be done until we have people in rural areas change their learning styles and
【Key words】 IT; education; rural education; IT in education; IT in rural education;
- 【网络出版投稿人】 曲阜师范大学 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
- 【分类号】G725
- 【被引频次】9
- 【下载频次】1198