

【作者】 李颖

【导师】 唐雪凝;

【作者基本信息】 曲阜师范大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 性别语言的源起与研究是先从国外开始的,早在十七世纪人类学就注意到了男性和女性在语言方面的差别,但是语言和性别问题真正引起学者们的关注是在二十世纪初期。二十世纪六十年代,社会语言学在美国的形成和发展,为性别语言研究提供了理论基础,推动了语言学家们对这一课题的进一步研究。二十世纪七、八十年代,社会语言学引入我国,性别语言作为其中的一个课题也随之进入我国语言学界,但是对这一课题的研究多集中在外语界,主要研究英语中的性别变异及其成因等。汉语中也存在性别变异,这一点已经被一些语言学家注意到并在其有关论著中有所涉及。因此我认为,关注汉语中的性别因素,挖掘性别这个社会变量在汉语中的变异及其社会文化内涵和语用特征,对于语言学的全面研究和丰富发展是十分必要的。 本论文主体共分三大部分。 第一部分透视汉语中的性别差异,主要从两个方面展开论述。一方面分析性别因素在汉语语言系统中的体现,分别从语音、文字(汉字)、词汇、语法、修辞等方面展开,主要分析汉语语言系统中存在的性别差异,属于静态分析;另一方面分析男女两性在汉语语言运用中存在的性别差异,主要从话语风格、言语行为、语用原则及非语言表达手段等方面展开,属于动态分析。 第二部分分析论述性别现象的成因,主要从生理特征与社会分工、习得方式与心理特征、权力支配与角色关系、传统文化与社会偏见等四个方面展开论述,突出汉语中存在的性别现象形成的社会根源。其一,由于男女在生理上的不同,造成他们在社会生活中的劳动分工不同,从而使得男女社会地位有所差异。这种差异必然会在语言中表现出来,形成语言的性别差异;其二,两性之间尽管存在着先天生理上的差别,但其思维模式、气质性格、行为表现等还主要是通过后天学习形成的。在语言习得过程中,由于受语言环境的影响,逐渐形成了语言的性别差异;其三,在现实社会生活中,每个人都占有一定的社会位置,分别担任不同的社会角色,“权势”和“平等”关系在两性交际中会产生一定的影响;其四,文化在某种程度上制约着人们的语言模式和行为模式,语言反映着语言使用者的文化和思想意识,这是造成两性言语差异的一个重要的社会原因。 第三部分论述从不同视角研究性别与语言关系的可能性,试图为性别语言的研究提供更为广阔的领域。一、差异与共性并重研究男女性别群体之间的差异属于主流文化下的亚文化差异,我们在看到语言中性别差异的同时,也要看到其共性。二、性别是在语言实践中建构而成的性别不仅仅是一个静止的概念,从某种意义上说是一个可变的因素,是人们在参与具体的交际活动中建构而成的,研究性别与语言的关系应结合具体的语境。三、性别与言语交际研究两性在言语交际中的不同风格特点,研究言语行为的性别特征,有利于男女间更好地理解和沟通。 性别是客观存在的社会因素,它和语言一样都与人类密不可分,息息相关。人类有性别之分,语言也就不可避免地会带有性别特征,我们不能忽视语一言的这种性别特征,但也不可以夸大性别在语言中的作用。因为性别不是影响语一言的单一因素,“考察语言中的性别差异不能脱离语境”(祝碗瑾)。应该把性别这个变量放置到更大的语境中去全面客观地发掘性别与语言地关系。我们还要看到,差异与共性是相对的,我们不仅要关心男性和女性在语言方面所存在的差异,而且还应关注男女两性在语言方面的共性。

【Abstract】 The research of gender language was first conducted abroad. As early as the 17th century, sociologists began to take into account the gender differences reflected in men and women’s language, but it was not until the early 20th century that the relationship between language and gender actually became the concern of many scholars. In the 1960s, the establishment and development of sociolinguistics in USA provided the theoretical basis for gender language research, stimulating many linguists to conduct further research in this regard. In the 1970s and the 1980s, sociolinguistics was introduced into China, and gender language began to attract the attention from many Chinese linguists, but the research, centering around gender differentiation existing in English and its causes, was mainly conducted by Chinese researchers studying foreign languages. Gender differentiation also manifests itself in Chinese, as has been pointed out by some linguists. Therefore, in my opinion, it is necessary that we should pay more attention to the gender factors reflected in Chinese, probing into the gender differentiation reflected in Chinese, its socio-cultural connotations and pragmatic characteristics, for the sake of an all-round linguistic study.The body of the thesis falls into three parts:Part one offers a binocular vision of gender differentiation reflected in Chinese. First, the author analyzes the gender differentiation reflected in Chinese linguistic system from the following aspects such as phonetics, philology, vocabulary, grammar, rhetoric, etc., which is rated as static analysis; second, the author analyzes the gender differences reflected in men and women’s use of language from such aspects as discourse style, speech acts, pragmatic principles and non-verbal language, etc., which is rated as dynamic analysis.Part two analyzes the factors that cause gender differentiation from the aspects such as biological features and division of social labor, acquisition modes and psychological features, power division and role relationships, and traditions and social prejudices, attaching importance to the social origins of gender differentiation in Chinese. First, man differs from woman in physiology, as forces man and woman take up different jobs respectively. So their social statuses are different. Such a difference will be inevitably manifested in language, resulting in the linguistic gender differentiation. Second, despite the innate physiological differences between man and woman, their thinking patterns, dispositions, behaviors, etc. are mainly acquired. In the process of language acquisition, the linguistic gender differentiation between them begins to come into being due tothe influence of linguistic environment. Third, in our daily life, every person has his own place in the social ladder, playing different roles, so "power" and "equality" may exert some influence in the communication between man and woman. Fourth, culture, to some extent, determines our communicative modes and behaviors, with language reflecting language users’ culture and ideology, as is one of the important factors that cause the linguistic gender differentiation.For the third part, the writer attempts to make a study on the potential relations between gender and language from various angles, which will expand the research area of gender language. First, the research attaching equal importance to the difference and commonness: the difference between men’s and women’s speech is a type of sub-cultural difference under the mainstream culture; we are not only aware of the gender differentiation, but also the commonness. Second, the construction of gender in communication: gender is not a stable concept. In a sense, it is dynamic, constructed by communicators during their communicative activities; the research on the relationship between gender and language should be contextualized. Third, gender and verbal communication: Making a study on the stylistic difference between men’s speech and women’s speech and the gender characteristics of verbal behavio

  • 【分类号】H10
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】1053

