

【作者】 肖月宁

【导师】 马秀峰;

【作者基本信息】 曲阜师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 信息技术在教育中的应用推动着教育形态的创新,网络教育正在世界各地兴起并蓬勃发展起来。网络课程作为网络教育的重要学习资源,它决定着网络教育的质量。但是网络课程作为一种新事物,它的发展和完善必须经过一个不断研究、探索的阶段。就目前来看,网络课程尤其是高校公共选修课网络课程的设计与开发还存在一些亟待解决的问题,比如单纯强调知识的传授,缺乏学生自主学习能力的培养;课程学习目标层次单一,很难照顾不同学生学习特点;辅助学习资源不足,缺少教学活动设计等等。 本文共分为四个部分。前两部分针对目前网络课程存在的问题,界定了网络课程的定义,并对网络课程的设计与开发进行了系统分析。第三部分是关于《多媒体课件原理与制作》网络课程的设计。这部分首先根据问卷调查结果分析了学习对象的初始状态。在此基础上,结合高校公共选修课的特点,确定《多媒体课件原理与制作》课程目标、课程内容,并对课程内容进行模块化组织,制定各个部分的学习目标。在教学活动设计上提出了基于网络笔记自我监控指导的学习模式,实现基础各异的学生从不同侧面入手学习。最后一部分介绍了本网络课程的各个功能模块,并在网络教学实验的基础上,分析了网络课程的教学效果。

【Abstract】 The application of information technology in educational field brings the innovation of the educational mode .The tide of Network education is coming in all the world .As one of the most important resources which can determine the quality of network education, the development of web-course must have a perfecting process .Now, the design of web-course, especially the elective web-course of university present many problems such as lack of the training of the student ’s ability of self study, the single level of course objective, short of accessorial resource and so on.This paper has four chapters .The first two parts define the definition of web-course, then analyse the design and realization of the web-course systemically. The third part is about the design of the web-course "The theory and realization of courseware". After the analysis of the learners’ characteristics by the questionnaire and the characters of elective courses, it determines the course objective, the modularising organization of the course content and the different level learning objectives. It also designs a new self-monitor instruction mode, which is based on web-notepad. The last part is the realization of the system. It illustrates the function model and the study environment of the system. Finally, it gives the learning result of the system on the base of the instructional experiment.

  • 【分类号】G434
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】507

