

On Cultivating EFL Learners’ Cultural Awareness

【作者】 杨港

【导师】 康淑敏;

【作者基本信息】 曲阜师范大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 随着经济和社会的发展,我国和世界的交流日益频繁,人们有了更多的机会接触外国文化,文化教学在外语教育中的重要性逐渐显现出来。同时,国外关于文化教学的先进理论在国内外语教育界中得到了较为广泛的传播。由此,在中国特定的文化环境中如何实施文化教学成为当今外语界关注的一个热门课题。然而,遗憾的是,在中国这样一个缺少目的语环境,并且经受了五千年传统文化洗礼的国家,该如何培养外语学习者文化意识的问题尚没有得到有效的解决。文化教学是中国外语教育中亟待改进的方面。基于此,笔者选择了“论EFL学习者文化意识的培养”这一课题进行了研究。 在本研究中,笔者以中国英语语言和文化教学为研究支点,通过在大学英语专业教师和学生中进行的文化测试和问卷调查,客观地反映外语教育中文化教学的现状,从而有针对性地提出培养外语学习者文化意识的意见和建议。 本研究的着重点是解决文化意识培养过程中遇到的实际问题。笔者运用“社会文化测试卷”(王振亚,1990)和针对教师与学生分别设计的两个问卷在国内四所大学的外语学院(系)中进行了测试和调查,对得到的社会文化测试结果与语言测试结果(英语专业四级考试成绩)进行了对比统计分析,并整理了学生和教师的问卷反馈。从测试结果中可以看出,学生的社会文化能力落后于语言能力。同时,学生的社会文化能力发展不均衡,这主要表现在:学生的普通文化能力优于正式文化能力,普通文化能力中语言行为能力优于非语言行为能力。由此可以表明,外语教育中语言教学与文化教学尚不平衡,文化教学中也存在合理选择社会文化项目的问题。学生问卷反馈的信息主要集中在以下几个方面:对文化学习的重视程度不够,对母语和目的语文化的态度有待于调整,对语言与文化关系的理解不全面,以及对文化习得途径的掌握不彻底等。教师问卷反馈的信息包括:文化意识的培养策略过于单一,文化教学涉及的文化项目不丰富,用于文化教学的教材不科学,以及文化测试和评价体系不完善等。这些都是需要在对学生进行文化意识培养的过程中巫待改进的方面。笔者认为,建立培养外语学习者文化意识的体系要比单纯的课堂文化教学更加有效并且切实可行。结合我国外语教育中文化教学的实际,针对当前文化教学中存在的诸多问题,笔者建立了文化意识培养框架以促进外语学习者的文化学习,并从文化意识培养的目标、原则、内容以及步骤等方面对这一框架做了说明。同时,针对课内和课外两个不同的教学阶段,笔者提出了合理的文化意识培养策略。课内文化意识培养策略包括文化讲座、电子信息呈现、角色扮演、小组讨论和文化探究等,课外文化意识培养策略包括文学阅读、报纸浏览、录像观看、网络查询和跨文化交流等。笔者还说明了未来文化意识培养过程中应着重解决的几个问题,涉及到教学大纲的修订,教材的编写,教师文化能力的提高,学生对待母语文化态度的调整,文化课程的设置以及文化测试和评价体系的建立等诸多方面。 本研究把关注的焦点放在外语教学中文化意识的培养之上,目的是诊释如何在缺乏目的语环境的情况下通过建立文化意识培养框架以行之有效地促进中国外语学习者对目的语文化的学习.但本研究所建构的文化意识培养框架尚未完全落实到外语教学中去,有些环节需要进一步完善并在实践中加以检验。

【Abstract】 With the economic and social development, the communication between China and the outside world is increasingly frequent. People have more opportunities to contact foreign cultures. Culture teaching is playing an important role in foreign language education. At the same time, the modern theories abroad concerning culture teaching are widely spread in China. As such, how to teach culture in foreign language education in the Chinese cultural environment is a hot topic. However, it is unfortunate up to now that no agreement has been reached in terms of how to effectively cultivate learners’ cultural awareness in EFL teaching and learning. Culture teaching needs being imperatively unproved. Inspired by the above discussion, the researcher selects the topic of "on cultivating EFL learners’ cultural awareness" as the study in his Master’s program.The researcher carried out this study through a sociocultural test and two questionnaires among college English teachers and learners, with the expectation to get an objective view of the current status of culture instruction in foreign language education in China. Accordingly, suggestions for promoting the cultivation of EFL learners’ cultural awareness were put forward.The focus of the study is how to practically solve the problems in cultivating EFL learners’ cultural awareness. The researcher applies "A Sociocultural Test" (Wang, 1990) and two self-designed questionnaires respectively answered by teachers and learners in English school or department at four domestic universities to this study. The learner participants’ achievements of culture testing ("A Sociocultural Test") are used to comparatively analyzed with that of language testing (TEM4). Feedbacks from the teacher and learner participants are arranged according to their answers in the two questionnaires. Data analysis indicates the problems as follows. (1) Learners’ cultural competence is weaker than their linguistic competence. (2) Learners’ competence on the small c cultureis stronger than their competence on the big C culture. (3) Learners’ competence on verbal communication is stronger than their competence on non-verbal communication. These problems show that language teaching and culture teaching are not balanced in foreign language education and teachers should pay more attention to the appropriate selection of sociocultural items in culture teaching. Feedbacks from learners in their responses to the questionnaire include the following aspects. (1) Learners have not paid sufficient attention to culture learning. (2) Learners’ attitudes towards the native and target cultures should be adjusted. (3) Learners have not quite clearly understood the relationship between language and culture. (4) Learners have not completely grasped effective culture acquisition channels. Feedbacks from teachers in their responses to the questionnaire mainly concern such aspects as follows. (1) Methods used in cultivating EFL learners’ cultural awareness are simple. (2) Aspects of culture involved in culture teaching are one-sided. (3) Materials applied to culture teaching are unscientific. (4) The testing and evaluating system for the target culture requires to be improved. It is the researcher’s belief that cultivating EFL learners’ cultural awareness through establishing a conceptual framework of culture teaching and learning is more effective and practical than through isolated classroom instruction. Thus, a conceptual framework of cultivating EFL learners’ cultural awareness is raised and illustrated in detail from the aspects of the goal, principle, content and procedure of culture teaching. The researcher advocates different methods for cultivating EFL learners’ cultural awareness in accordance with features of two stages of teaching and learning, namely curricular and extracurricular time. Methods for cultural awareness cultivation at curricular time are lectures of special topics, information presentation supported by technology, role-playing, group discussion and cultural inquiry. Literature reading, newspaper surv

  • 【分类号】H09
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】804

