

The Moving Dissect and the Influence of Chinese Reform

【作者】 徐俊峰

【导师】 宋焕新;

【作者基本信息】 曲阜师范大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 二十世纪90年代,苏东剧变,社会主义运动遭遇了前所未有的打击,西方国家欣喜若狂,弹冠相庆,等待着“多米诺骨牌”现象的出现,在此形势下,中国以“苏东为鉴”,高举改革的大旗,认真审视自己的改革事业,提出了适合本国国情的社会主义改革方案。使社会主义的发展出现了“山重水复疑无路,柳暗花明又一村”的全新局面,挽救了将要沉没的社会主义的大船,成了社会主义国家的中流砥柱。本文以动态发展的眼光,纵横交错,对中国改革的发生、发展及未来进行了系统的描述与探讨,对其理论进行了细致的分析与考察,以期对中国改革事业做出全面的理解,总结出一些科学的启示,从而对今天改革事业有一些科学的启迪与指导。 中国改革的发生有其特定的缘由。具体说来,1、是社会主义制度本质所要求。任何一种制度都有其成长与完善的过程,社会主义也不例外,而改革就是其成长与自我完善的必由之路。2、当代中国的国情,是改革缘起的直接原因。受苏联模式的影响,加上缺乏社会主义的建设经验,“左”的路线一直统治着中国的发展,造成经济上发展停滞,政治上个人崇拜,形式主义现象严重,最终导致了十年文革,把中国经济推向了崩溃的边缘,不改革,只有死路一条。3、时代的发展与国际形势的变迁是中国改革的外部压力。资本主义世界从外部对我国进行敌视与破坏,加上其新技术革命的洗礼,生产力突飞猛进,促使政治多极化,经济一体化格局的形成。资本主义妄图凭借其经济优势,对中国进行“和平演变”策略。面对此严重形势,必须改革高度集中的经济体制,吸纳资本主义世界的文明成果,缩小与发达国家之间的差距。4、改革是社会主义中国化的必然要求,由于我们缺乏建设社会主义的经验,事实又证明外国经验在中国行不通,必须努力探索适合自己的建设之路,而改革则成了社会主义中国化的必由之路。 中国改革的进程:萌芽时期,1、十一届三中全会以前的三次改革。50年代中期,毛泽东突破“苏联模式”的探索实践。刘少奇关于政治体制改革的设想,陈云经济体制改革的探索,1975年邓小平改革。2、改革中断的原因,主观上理论与实践脱节,教条主义思想严重,对于刚从战争环境进入到和平建设时期的党来说,社会主义的理想模式与实践发生了冲突。客观上中国社会主义建设的现实决定改革的时机尚未成熟,计划经济体制的使命尚未终结,因而市场经济很难在这时形成。尽管这些改革都因种种原因而失败,但其中闪烁着理论的光芒,智慧的火花,开阔的改革思路,孕育着中国改革的胚芽。 全面展开阶段.1978年,十一届三中全会提出了我国经济体制改革的任务,是中国改革的源头。1、由农村向城市平稳发展。主要原因在于“文革”之后,中国农村的落后状况迫使农民向旧体制开刀。农村改革大发展,刺激了城市工业生产的提高,影响了城市,农村劳动力的转移等,迫使改革由农村逐渐转向城市.2、由经济体制改革向政治体制逐步深入.政治改革和经济体制改革是中国改革的主要内容. 改革的深化阶段。1、改革处于十字路口,农业生产“一次性”高速增长之后,其发展潜力已尽,必须使农业进行改革,农业进入了转轨阶段.城市经济体制改革给城市经济带来发展的同时,也带来了一些令人头痛的难题,政治改革与经济改革进入了排徊之境地,再加上国际原因与国内改革的负面影响,给改革带来了巨大压力,中国改革站在了风尖浪口。2、改革的转折与深化.邓小平南巡之机,明确指出改革开放的胆子应再大一些,坚定了改革的决心,把中国改革推向一个全新的形势。十四大召开之际,社会主义市场经济的目标脱颖而出。此后,中国的改革逐步走向深化,农业经济逐渐向市场化方向发展,突破传统农业发展模式,进入了“大农业”发展阶段,制定了中国改革的明确发展目标,小康社会的目标昭示着我们要大胆改革,把改革推向全新的时期。 中国改革理论决定了中国改革的成功性,同时也给我们提供了一些启示。一、中国改革与马克思主义的内在统一1、中国的改革符合社会发展的规律。社会主义作为一种新兴的社会制度,具有强大的生命力,尽管注定会遇到一些失败和反复,但成功之势不可阻挡。在国际风云变幻之际,我们坚信改革的正确性.因为我们的改革所走的是由易到难,由简单到复杂,由基层到深入,由个别到一般的道路。2、中国的改革符合马克思主义的群众观点.坚持从群众中来到群众中去的路线,依靠群众、发动群众与党结合的策略,把人民利益放在第一位的宗旨,党的正确引导与人民相结合的根本,决定了中国的改革事业是坚不可摧,因为有广大人民的拥护。3、中国的改革符合马克思主义的实践观和认识论。沿着实践一认识一再实践一再认识循环往复的路线,把试验与实践相结合的途径,“对了就坚持,错了就改正”的虚心态度。既坚持了马克思主义的实践观和认识论,又发展了实践了内涵,既符合马克思主义的实践观,又符合马克思主义的认识论。二、市场经济与社会主义的结合在中国经济改革中占有重要地位。在市场经济目标的指引下,通过所有制的变迁,逐步把中国的经济改革推向顶峰。经?

【Abstract】 In the 1820s, soviet and countries in the east Europe changed the society system suddenly. The socialist movement in the world had a beat that it has never met before. The west countries were glad to crazy to congratulate their victory , while waiting the appearance of "Domino Cards". In the case, China didn’t learn from other countries, instead she still insisted putting her flag of reform. She found out the appropriate steps by examining her own reform. These movements made the movement of socialism to form a wide road after finding no road. So the socialist ship to go down was saved, China became the strongest strength in the socialist movement. In the thesis, I will have a systematical instruction and study with the course of Chinese reform by studying the reformative theory to have a complete understand, and some scientific enlightenment to have leading part in ova future reform.Chinese reform has its own special causes. 1. Socialism sanction requires the reform. Any society sanction including capitalism sanction has a special law in the developing route. So just like it, socialism sanction also has a special law in making itself becoming completed and reform is just the law of its developing course. 2. The things in china is, at that moment, the direct course to reform with the influence of soviet socialism frame and little experience in building socialism, "left" route had an Important role in china, our economy and political things were very bad including stopping in economy and adoring individuals and so on, in the end "culture revolution" make our economy fall into a dying edge. Only through reform, can we get a chance to live. 3. The advancement of times and the changes of the international things are our outer pressure in reform. With the developingof socialism from one country to another, the capitalism is very afraid, so They are not friendly to us and destroy our building. After the technical innovations, with the productive forces developing very quickly, the capitalist countries wanted to make our socialism become together with their sanction without any war. Facing these things, we must change our economy system and get the technical fruits from capitalist world to make our country become stronger. 4.Making socialism into china requires reform. As we have no experience in building socialism, on the other hand, the experience in other countries are not fit for china, so we must try our best to find a course to build our sanction and thus reform is the fundamental course to make socialism Chinese.The Chinese reform courses. Bud step 1. The three reforms in front of the third plenary session in middle 1950s, comrade Mao ZheDong had some practice in trying to escape from soviet socialism frame. Comrade Liushaoqi had some opinion about political system reform, with comrade Chenyun’s economical system reform including Dengxiaoping’s practice in 1975. 2/The causes of stops of the reforms. The theory and the practice are not agreeable. As our party had just come from the warning stage into the building stage, she had an ideal frame in socialism building and the ideals can’t accord with the practice in subjective. In the objective aspects, with the things in china, the tune having a reform has not come, the planned economy system still had its own stage, so the market economy can’t be on in the old system. The reform had no chance to be on at that time. In spite of the failure of these reforms, the light and the spark of them are always sparking; they made a route in reform and had a reform idea in it.The complete spreading stage 1. The third plenary session in 1978 made a task in economy system reform. It began in countryside and spread into city. The cause is that the poor things in countryside after culture revolution forced the peasant to have their reform. The reform in countryside made the productive forces move quickly had a higher moving in products, the development of village and township enterprises, the working forces in village into city and so on. Theseall forced the city have a refo

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