

Evaluation on the Teacher’ Teaching in the New Curriculum Reform

【作者】 张金泉

【导师】 李如密;

【作者基本信息】 曲阜师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 我国当前的基础教育课程改革是应素质教育发展的要求而在全国范围内掀起的一场教育教学大变革,它投入之多,规模之大实属我国教育史上的首次,无论成败如何它都必然会对我国的教育教学,对当前和今后一段时间的教师和学生产生直接或间接的影响。为此,对基础教育课程改革和既是其组成部分又是其重要保障的教师教学评价的关注,既是历史赋予我们的重要责任,也是时代发展和教育实践的急切需求。 本文从探讨教师教学评价内涵入手,在批判地吸收现当代诸家评价理念的基础上,着力对传统教师教学评价和发展性教师教学评价的优劣进行了分析和定位,结合我国新课改的理论要义和实践需求,对我国当前基础教育课程改革中的教师教学评价中的评价理念、评价标准、评价方式和元评价等相关问题进行了探索性尝试,力在新课改评价理论和评价实践之间寻求那个必要的“支撑”和保障。因为新课改既不是一个理论的探讨,也不是一个简单的教育实验,而是一次关乎教育百年的大事! “教师教学评价”是一个让人感到既熟悉又飘渺的概念,它熟悉于我们的嘴边,而飘渺于我们理性的捉摸,它不同于教学评价、教师评价、课程评价,但又与它们有着密切的联系,且常因探讨角度的不同而闪烁于不同的层面。本文在对教学评价、课程评价、教师评价与教师教学评价横向比较和对测量、测验、考试、评定、评估和评价等相关概念纵向分析之后,认为教师教学评价就是指:为了适应新课改的需要,以促进教师发展和专业化为目的,紧紧围绕教学这条主线,在收集客观评价信息的基础上而对教师的教学活动及与教学密切相关的因素而进行的以质性为主要特征的价值判断活动,它更强调一个循环上升的过程。 本文的第二部分主要着力于“传统教师教学评价的批判与反批判”、“发展性教师教学评价的理性认识”。我们承认所谓传统教师教学评价存在着不少问题,对它们的认识和批判可以让我们在新课改中的教师教学评价问题上少走弯路,对新课程的推进起到推动作用,但我们也切不可对传统教师教学评价一批到底,这一方面会抹煞传统中的一些切实有效的宝贵经验,另一方面也会致使一线中小学评价工作者进入“全新理论”的“盲区”,而处处难以适从。本文在认识到其客观不足的同时,对传统教师教学评价中的一些积极因素进行了“申诉”而提出了“再商榷”的若二F方面。事实上,笔者发现对传统教师教学评价的批判很多始于“发展性教师评价制度”被介绍到我国之后,大有“以彼代此”之意。诚然,发展性教师评价制度对教师评价提出了许多有益的探索,如:学校领导注重教师的未来发展,强调教师评价的真实性和准确性,注重教师的个人价值、伦理价值和专业价值,提高全体教师的参与意识和积极性等等。但我们也要认识到它并非是对我国传统教师教学评价的全盘否定;同时对它的借鉴也要注意一个本土化问题。 评价理念自来就是教师教学评价建构的理论基础,它很大程度上直接影响和决定着教师教学评价系统的终极走向,而它又与“判断”,“教育教学价值”等命题存在高度的相关。在理论分析的基础上,我们认为在教师教学评价中,事实判断和价值判断,知识本位和能力本位这两对理论取向需要兼顾,但在不同的阶段和层面上须各有侧重。最后,在这一部分本文还在分析教学的工具价值与内在价值,物质价值与精神价值,共同价值与多元价值的基础卜,探讨了教学评价的合理性问题。此外,基于新课改适应性的考虑,新课程中的若千评价思想和要求,诸如“强调教师的反思及在其基础上的自评,以促进自身的发展”等等,也在文中进行了重点分析。 论文最后一部分,是关于“新课改中教师教学评价的统整”,我们认为:新课改中教师教学评价理念既有其辨证性又各有侧重点;新课改教师教学评价的目标、功能取向应具有变动性和阶段性的特点;新课改中教师教学评价过程应与若干评价新发现相结合;评价标准要因时、因地制宜,灵活而又有中心和依据。在综合论述了新课改中教师教学评价理念的基础上,文章探索性地将新课程在中小学推进过程中的教师教学评价分为:准备阶段(侧重甄别)—甄别、分类,“实验”阶段(侧重发展)—发展、提高;阶段总结(侧重奖惩)—激励、推进,三个阶段,并就三个阶段的评价目标、标准和过程作了相对一详尽的论证、分析。 综而述之,本文在纵向分析和横向比较的基础上提出了教师教学评价的内涵,并在探查评价与价值论的关系中力图确立起一系列适应当前教育发展的评价新理念;同时重新梳理了传统教师教学评价制度和发展性教师评价制度的关系,并在吸收新课改评价要求和当代评价新观念的基础上初步探讨了在我国当前的基础教育课程改革中可能可以实施的教师教学评价方案。

【Abstract】 The current curriculum reform of elementary education in our country is an important reform of education and teaching, which is developing all over the country to accelerate the development of quality education. Its investment and scale run first in the education history of our country. From now on, the teachers and students will be affected much by it directly or indirectly for a long time no matter the new curriculum reform will succeed or not. So we must pay attention to the curriculum reform of elementary education and the evaluation on the teacher’s teaching, which is the ingredient of the reform and guarantee of the reform. It is historic and urgent for the education practice.The thesis defines the concept of the evaluation on the teacher’s teaching, and analyzes the advantages and defects of the traditional evaluation on the teacher’s teaching and developing evaluation on the teacher’s teaching on the base of critically accepting all kinds of evaluation theories. Then according to the requirement of theory of the new reform and practice, we try to explore the evaluation ideal, the evaluation standards, the evaluation methods, and meta-evaluation of the evaluation on the teacher’s teaching in the reform to seek for the link between the evaluation theory and the evaluation practice of the new curriculum reform’s. We believe that the new curriculum reform is not a theory discussion or a simple education experiment, but the marvelous education reform movement.The evaluation on the teachers teaching is a paradox. It is well acquainted by us orally but it is obscure when we think about it carefully. It is different from the teaching evaluation, the teacher evaluation, the curriculum evaluation, but it is closely connected with them. The thesis compares the teaching evaluation, theteacher evaluation, and the curriculum evaluation with the evaluation on the teacher s teaching and analyzes the related concepts, such as measurement, examination, test, assessment, evaluation. Then we define the concept of the teacher’ teaching evaluation. It is a series of qualitative evaluation-judgment actions. In the process, we select the evaluation evidences and evaluate the valuation of the teacher’ teaching actions and the factors which are closely related to teaching to accelerate the teachers to develop professionally and apply to the new curriculum reform. A cycle process is emphasized by it.The second part of the thesis mainly discusses "the refuting and counter-refuting of the traditional evaluation on the teacher’s teaching" and "the rational acknowledgement of the developing evaluation on the teacher’s teaching". We admit those problems that exist in the traditional evaluation on the teacher’s teaching. The acknowledgement and criticism to them can make us go less wrong way in the evaluation on the teacher’s teaching of the new curriculum reform. It has the function of promoting the development of the new curriculum. But we can’t treat it as nothing, which will erase some practical and value experience existing in the traditional evaluation or will make some evaluation workers in elementary education get into the "blind area of thoroughly new theory". All that makes them not able to adapt to know how to do it. In the article, we acknowledge the traditional valuation’s objective shortcomings and at the same time we point out some active factors in it and rectify some subjective criticisms about it. In fact, the author finds out the refuting to the traditional teacher’s teaching evaluation started as soon as the developing teacher’s evaluation system has been introduced to our country. It seems that there is a tendency of submitting the traditional evaluation system with the developing evaluation system. Certainly the developing teacher’s teaching evaluation system has given many valuable explorations to the teacher evaluation. For example, the school leaders should pay more attention to the teachers’ future development, emphasize the evaluation true and accurate, pay more attention to the teachers’personal valuat

【关键词】 新课改教师教学评价
【Key words】 the new curriculum reformthe teacher’s teachingevaluate
  • 【分类号】G424.4
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】1551

