

The Transformation of Models: the Cultural Interpretation of the Public Literature in the Transformational Period

【作者】 金晓雯

【导师】 吴绍全;

【作者基本信息】 曲阜师范大学 , 文艺学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 所谓大众文学,顾名思义,无非是指由大众作家(包括无名氏作者和已成名的职业作家)创作,反映大众生活,抒发大众情感,深受大众喜爱的文学。20世纪中后期,由于整个时代物质和精神状况的变化,大众文学的内涵也在发生着改变,在中国则是以改革开放以后社会转型期的开始为标志(转型期:特指中国社会从传统计划经济体制社会向现代市场经济体制社会,从封闭性社会向开放性社会的社会变迁与发展)。由于整个时代生活、社会状况、思想背景的转换、审美心理的变化以及文体自身的创新等原因所致,特别是当大众传播媒介从印刷时代步入了电子媒介时代之后,大众文学从内涵到外延都发生了从传统向现代的质性转换,并同时具有了新的特质。而新的大众阶层的出现也模糊了金字塔的社会结构中顶端和底层两个极端的界限,他们需要自己的文化,自己的语言,于是呈现出新面目的大众文学也就应运而生,蓬勃发展。于此而言,转型期的大众文学是更具现代意义的大众文学,它是兴起于当代城市中的、现代工业社会与市场经济社会的产物,以城市大众(包括部分进入城市,正在被城市所融合的乡村大众)为其消费对象和主体,通过大众媒体传播,按照市场进行大批量快餐式的生产和消费,采用时尚化形式,一定程度上反映和满足了受众的世俗精神需要,是对一元政治社会和传统伦理社会进行文化反拔和消解的、自下而上的娱乐性消遣性文学,是现代社会大众进行自我心灵抚慰的一种文学形态,具有商业性、世俗性、娱乐性、时尚性、快餐性等特征。而大众文学的审美价值亦自成系统,确定其系统质的主要因素是大众文化,因此它的总的取向既有历史的沉淀,又与整个时代的审美取向有着相当的一致性。它在审美上主要表现的是人物扁平化、叙事程式化、审美情趣化这三大特征。90年代后,文学从“共名”状态向“无名”状态的转变,多元化的价值取向,特别是有为数不少的的精英作家纷纷抛弃了那种自在自为自恋的呓语式的先锋创作而转向贴近大众,更具世俗情味的大众文学创作,使得新旧世纪之交的大众文学呈现出新的时代特色,那就是边缘化的人物书写,日常化的生活图景,城市化的题材空间,欲望化的叙事法则,杂语化的语言风格,大众文学也由此在注入了新的质素 的转化进程中获得了更新的契机.然而当我们理解大众文学批评之时,首先就要遭遇价值评I.J的尺度问题也即意义阐释的标准问题.如何确立大众文学价值的评判尺度也就随之成为衡枯大众文学价值的关键之所在.我们认为评判大众文学作品价值优劣的尺度,首先是适俗的尺度,其次是创新的尺度第三是理想的尺度。未来的大众文学又会走向何方?一点可以肯定,大众文学和精英文学以及主流文学、现在尚不得而知.但有民间文学之间的互动仍,大众文学也必然将继续下去,并且随着社会转型和艺术民主化进程的加速会有更大的发展,且会带来许多新的现象和新的问题。

【Abstract】 Public literature, as the term suggests, is the popular literature written by public writers (i.e. anonymous and known full-time writers) that reflects the public people’s life and expresses their emotions. The latter half of 20th century witnessed the change of material and spiritual situations that led to the transformation of the connotation of the public literature. It was marked by the social transformation in China since her reform and opening-up, during which China came across the transformations from command economy to market economy, and from the provincial society to the open-minded one. Owing to the changes of epochal life, social situations, ideological backgrounds, esthetic attitudes, and the development of stylistics, the connotation and extension of public literature experienced fundamentally modernized transformation with fresh features, especially since the mass media stepped into the electrical age. With the blur of the poles of the pyramidal social structure, the new public social stratum’s needs for their own cultures and languages give rise to the flourish of the new generation of public literature. If so, public literature in the transformational period, with more modern features, originated in the urban areas. It is the result of the modern industrial society and market economy. Targeting at urban public and urbanized migrant farmers, it is produced and enjoyed as fast food by mass media. With such fashioned features, it somewhat reflects and satisfies worldly spiritual needs. To reconciling the cultural conflict with the traditional ethnics and unitary politics, it is a psychological comfort for the modern public. It is commercial, entertaining, fashionable, and fast-food liking. With public literature as core of its systemic estheticism, it not merely embodies the historical legacy but is consistent with the direction of estheticism in the present time. Esthetically, it has the features: linear characters, ritual plot, and delightful estheticism. Influenced by the heterogeneous value attitudes, literature was becoming more multiple-faceted than single-faceted after 1990s. Instead of the free, initiative, indulgent and avant-garde works, many elite writers would like to create secular and public-oriented literature with new epochal features in the transformational period. Having the marginal characters, day-to-daylivelihoods, and urban subject matters, public literature is injected new factors and chances for development. Encountering the critics of public literature, we, however, have to choose standards for interpretation and value evaluation. Therefore, the establishment of standards is the key point to evaluate the value of public literature. The standards are suggested as the following: creativeness, idealness, and public-oriented. We don’t know the future of public literature, but one thing is so definite that public literature continues to exist with elite and mainstream literatures. The social transformation and acceleration of literature democracy are due to bring about the development of public literature and other new phenomena and problems.

  • 【分类号】I206.09
  • 【下载频次】279

