

The Research of Vegetable Protein-Coffee Drink and the Analysis of Its Aroma

【作者】 蔡瑞玲

【导师】 赵晋府;

【作者基本信息】 天津科技大学 , 食品科学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 论文首先研究了两种云南产咖啡豆(2-1-M,2-2-X)的最适焙烤条件,并对焙烤过程中风味物质前体葫芦巴碱、绿原酸、烟酸、咖啡因等含量的变化进行了分析。此外,还研制了一种新型饮料——咖啡豆乳饮料,确定其最佳配比,并研究了咖啡豆乳饮料稳定性的影响因素。 2-1-M的最适焙炒条件可选为温度220—228℃,时间25—28min;2-2-X的最适焙炒条件可选为温度220—228℃,时间25—28min。 比较两种咖啡豆的成分,生豆中葫芦巴碱、烟酸、咖啡因含量没有显著性差别,而绿原酸含量具有显著性差别。可以解释在感观评价中2—1—M比2—2—X更具有咖啡的特殊苦味。咖啡抽提液中可溶性蛋白质含量随着焙炒程度的加深而增加。咖啡抽提液的pH值在中度焙炒时达到最低值,然后随着焙炒程度的上升而逐渐升高。 色度值与绿原酸/咖啡因比率的相关分析中,品种2-1-M根据L*-a*+b*所建立的回归方程的复相关系数最高为0.9783,其回归方程为y=5.7795e0.5411x品种2-2-X根据L*-a*+b*所建立的回归方程的复相关系数最高为0.9601,其回归方程为y=12.459e0.2779x。因此可以根据色度值来判断咖啡豆是否达到了最佳焙炒程度。 咖啡豆乳饮料的研制,首先通过感官评价确定咖啡,大豆和糖的最佳配比,在最佳的焙烤条件下研究NaHCO3和NaOH的不同加入量对咖啡豆乳杀菌前、杀菌后pH值的变化,以及乳化剂、稳定剂、络合剂的种类和用量,不同的均质温度、压力和杀菌条件对其稳定性的影响,并观察其对成品色泽和口感的影响,得出咖啡豆乳饮料的最佳工艺条件及配方:生咖啡豆在230℃条件下焙烤20分钟;咖啡豆:大豆:糖为3.5%:4%:6%;加入NaHCO30.03%,NaCl0.03%;加入乳化剂单甘酯0.3%;稳定剂卡拉胶0.02%;复合络合剂柠檬酸钠和三聚磷酸钠0.2%;采用二次均质,均质温度80℃,均质压力22Mpa;杀菌温度121℃,杀菌时间15min。

【Abstract】 This paper optimized the roasting of two kinds of yunnan coffee and analyzed the changes of content of trigonelline, nicotinic acid, chlorogenic acid (CQA) and caffeine in the process of roasting. Moreover, a new drink, coffee-soybean milk was produced, and its optimal proportion and stability was studied.The optimum range for roasting of 2-1-M was shown to be a time of 25-28min at a temperature of 220-228 C. The optimum range for roasting of 2-2-X was shown to be a time of 25-28min at a temperature of 220-228 C.Compare of two kinds of coffee, it is no significant difference in the content of greed coffee, trigonelline, nicotinic acid and caffeine, but the content of chlorogenic acid has significant difference. It can analyze why 2-1-M is bitter than 2-2-X in the sensory test. The content of soluble protein increase with the degree of roasting. The pH of coffee extract reaches the minimum in medium roasting, and increases with the degree of roasting.To the 2-1-M, the correlation coefficient of the model which is the ratio of CQA/Caffeine and color parameter is 0.9783, and the model is y=5.7795e0.5411x. Similarly, to the 2-2-X, the correlation coefficient is 0.9601, and the model is y=12.459e0.2779x. Then color parameters can be used to control the roasting degree.Through sensory score, the optimal proportion of coffee, soybean and sugar was determined. Under the best roasting condition this paper studied the influence of different adding quantity of NaHCO3 and NaOH. Furthermore observed its influence on color and flavor of the product. The effect on the stability of the coffee-soybean milk beverage was investigated, including the different kinds of emulsifiers; thickeners; and the different homogenization conditions and sterilization conditions. The optimal condition of the coffee-soybean milk beverage was as follows: roasting the raw coffee bean 20 minutes under 230 C;the rate of coffee : soybean : sugar is 3.5% : 4% : 6%; NaHCO30.03%, NaCl 0.03%; emulsifiers 0.3%; carrgeenan 0.02%; sodium citrate and sodium tripolyphoshate 0.2%; homogenization time 2 minutes, homogenization temperature 80 C,homogenization pressure 22Mpa; sterilization temperature 121C, sterilization time 15 minutes.

【关键词】 咖啡豆乳高压液相色谱色度值稳定性
【Key words】 Coffeesoybean milkHPLCcolor parameterstability
  • 【分类号】TS275
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】722

