

The Study of the Plant Resources of Eurya and Vegetation Propagation Techniques

【作者】 潘健

【导师】 汤庚国;

【作者基本信息】 南京林业大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 柃属为常绿灌木或小乔木、雌雄异株、花瓣黄绿白色、虫媒花、浆果黑色,是一类极具开发潜力的园林观赏植物。我国的柃属植物种质资源十分丰富,约占总数的60%。本文以格药柃Eurya muricata Dunn、细齿叶柃Eurya nitida Korthals和翅柃Eurya alataKobuski为试验材料,经过一年半的引种栽培、养管试验,详细观察了它们的生物学特性、观赏性状,并对这3种植物进行了繁殖和抗性方面的初步研究,结果如下: 1.引种栽培和养管试验:这3种植物均能在引种地正常开花结果,当年的扦插苗均能正常越冬。 2.无性繁殖技术:从扦插的时间来看,格药柃,细齿叶柃3月插穗的生根率、侧根数、最长不定根长等各项生根指标均比6月和9月扦插的高。翅柃9月插穗生根率分别比3月和6月提高3.3%和41.6%。从所用的激素来看,用激素处理插穗的扦插生根效果均优于对照,吲哚丁酸处理插穗的生根效果最好。从所用激素的浓度来看,以浓度为50ppm最适宜,过低或过高的浓度都会影响扦插生根效果。 3.催芽效果:低温贮藏种子和用GA3处理种子均能显著提高发芽率和缩短发芽时间。试验表明种子在低温贮藏条件下,用浓度为300ppm GA3处理种子效果最好,细齿叶柃平均发芽率可达86.3%,翅柃为30%。格药柃的催芽效果不明显。 4.抗性研究:用电导法测定在自然降温过程中,经-15℃的冷冻处理其相对电解外渗百分率的动态变化,耐寒性能力的结果是翅柃>细齿叶柃>格药柃。 5.园林用途开发前景展望:可用作地被植物、园林绿化树种、绿篱、盆景、切花等方面。

【Abstract】 Eurya is a genus of dioecious shrubs and trees(separate female and male plants)native to tropical and subtropical Asia and Pacific islands. As an ornamental, Eurya has much to recommend it, with its strong branching pattern, dark green leaves, copious greenish-white flowers and, on female plants, black berries. The minute flowers are attractive.Eurya is a kind of ornament plant that has the potentiality to be exploited very much.There are abundant resource of Eurya in China, account for total kinds of 60% .In this thesis,Eurya muricata Dunn, Eurya nitida Korthals, Eurya alata Kouski serving as the experimental materials, observe their biological characteristic, view and admire the properties in detail. Furthemore, the propagation and the resistance was quantitative analysed.The main result are described as follows:1 .Three species of Eurya was introduced and cultivated. The results are: Eurya muricata,Eurya nitida and Eurya alata can produce flowers and fruits in the introducedloci, when the lowest atmospheric temperature is -7C in 2003, three observed rooted cutting can live through the winter with safety.2.Vegetation propagation techniques: According to season, to Eurya muricata and Eurya nitida, cuttings in spring has the best result on rooting rate, sum of laternal roots and length of the longest root. For Eurya alata has the best result in Autumn, the cutting rooting rate is 3.3% and 41.6% higher than cutting in spring and in autumn. Hormone had significant effect on rooting rate to contrast with CK, IBA held higher rooting rate than other two. With different concentrations of hormone, the most suitable content of hormone for inducing rate was 50ppm. pass low or too high density could inhibite the rooting traits .3.The effect of seed vernalization show :Keep seed in cold temperature storage and treat with GA3 has significant effects on germination rate and could shorten time of sprouting . Eurya nitida has most high germination rate among them,secondly it is Eurya alata,Eurya muricata hardly sprouts. Study show that soaking cold storage seeds in 300mg/L GA3 solution for 24h is the best,the average rate of germination percentage to E.nitida is 86.3%,E.alata is 30%. 4.The resisting is studied:The way of conductivity to determine grounds’ freezing resistance was used, the results are described as follows.according to the order from strong to weak in the -15C lowest temperature condition: Eurya alata>Eurya nitida>Eurya muricata. 5.Use development prospect forecast of the garden:Can be used as everygreen ground cover plants,afforestation seeds,hedgerow.potted landscape.cut spending when the respect.

  • 【分类号】S685.99
  • 【被引频次】12
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