

【作者】 王菲彬

【导师】 芦建国;

【作者基本信息】 南京林业大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 蜡梅特产我国,是栽培历史悠久的名贵花木。其用途广泛,潜在着巨大的经济价值。近十几年来,研究者在蜡梅的资源调查等研究领域取得了可喜的成果。但在切花方面,则侧重于保鲜贮藏技术的研究,未见蜡梅切花栽培技术方面的相关报道。作者以为:在冬季切花市场需求增加,花卉生产者积极上马蜡梅切花生产项目的时候,应有一套专门的栽培技术指导生产的进行。本论文着眼于蜡梅切花品种的选择,并进行繁殖和栽培管理技术的研究,根据研究结论初步探讨蜡梅的切花栽培技术。 (一)切花品种的选择 依据实地调查记录与蜡梅品种分类相关资料,采用层次分析法,对35个观赏性状较好的蜡梅品种进行评价,选择出十多种适合切花应用的品种。 (二)栽培管理研究 1.播种繁殖试验 对蜡梅的几种播种方式进行比较试验,发现:随采随播的播种方式出苗率较高,可达80%以上。对于两种随采随播的播种方式,以将蜡梅果实置于阴凉处层积堆藏,待其胚根露出后进行播种这种方式,出苗率最高,达93.6%,而且出苗相对较早,能够延长播种苗的生长时间,有利于幼苗安全越冬,并缩短育苗时间。 2.扦插繁殖试验 采用高浓度激素配方快浸法处理蜡梅插条,结合遮光处理,在洁净基质和间歇喷雾条件下,可将蜡梅的扦插成活率提高到60%以上。其中用一层遮光网(40%遮光度),500mg/LNAA溶液,浸泡插条20-30min,扦插成活率为60%;一层遮光网,500mg/L NAA+40%乙醇,浸泡插条5-10秒,扦插成活率为67.5%。采用此种处理,最佳的扦插时间为6月初至8月初。 3.整形修剪实验 对蜡梅进行冬季修剪时,对生长枝和长花枝采用轻短截方法,能够促使二年生枝形成品质良好的切花枝。具体表现为:二年生花枝上形成的一年生枝起点增高,形成较多短花枝,减弱中、长枝长势,明显增大花朵密度而使全枝花朵数增多。 4.蜡梅切花栽培技术初探 在论文试验的基础上,初步探讨蜡梅的切花栽培技术。

【Abstract】 Wintersweet(Chimonanthus praecox Link),the special plant of China, is one of the famous and precious flower plants which have long cultural history. Because it is useful and has huge economic value, producers and horticulturists invested bigger manpower and physical resource carrying on resource exploration and cultivating research, and have yielded many encouraging results in recent ten years. At the field of cut flower, the researches are mostly of post-harvest handling and storing technique, while there are no relevant reports on cut flower cultivation technique. The author thought at the time that the market demands of cut flowers in winter times were increasing, and the producers positively started the projects of cut flowers of wintersweet, there should have a series of specific cultivation technique for the guidance of making production going on more successfully. The present paper focuses on the variety selection and cultivation of cut flowers of wintersweet, and synthesizes research results , trying to find out the cultivation technique of cut flowers of wintersweet. (1)Variety selectionAccording to field-survey results and variety classification documents, using layer analysis which associates the qualitative analysis with the quantitative analysis, combining with market investigations results, we get more than 10 variety of excellent wintersweet for cut flower production from 35 wintersweet varieties of Nanjing and the city around it ,among which cv.Lasu got the highest score:3.484. (2)Research on the cultivation managementBy introduction and cultivation the selected varieties, we carried on cultivation management experiments, including choosing seeding ways, enhancing survival rate of cuttings and improving the quality of sprays through pruning the twigs and reshaping the boles.1. Seed bred experimentThrough comparison of several kinds of commonly used seeding way, it is found that the seeding rate of fresh seeds is the highest; the rate might above 80%. In two ways of seeding fresh seeds , the rate of seedlings emergence that stacked the fruit in the cool place and waited till its seed root revealing the less advanced line and then seeded them, is the highest, the rate can reach above 90%. And the seedlings emerge relatively early, which can lengthen the growth time to make seedlings grow stronger to survive the winter safely, and thus shorten the time of raising seedlings.2. Cutting bred experimentThe method of Using the highly concentrated hormone formula to soak cutting-terminals quickly, shielding part of the sunlight, growing in the clean matrix and intermittent atomization condition, can enhance the cuttings’ survival rate of the wintersweet to more than 60%. Shielding one net (40% shade degree),using 500mg/LNAA solution to soaking cutting-terminals 20-30min, the cuttings’ survival rate is 60%; while another hormone formula 40%alcohol+500mg/L NAA, soak cutting for 5-10 seconds, under the same conditions, the cuttings’ survival rate is 67%. Adopting this kind of treatment, the best cutting seedling time is from the beginning of June; to the beginning of August.3. Reshaping and pruning experimentWhile pruning in winter, the wintersweet can form excellent cutting sprays next year if the growing branches and long sprays are lightly cut back. Embodied in: The annual starting points formed on the biennial spray increasing , more short sprays forming, while middle and long branches growing trend weakening, the density of flowers obviously increasing and finally the whole flowers counting and increasing. It also help to form biennial cut sprays, and improve the quality of them.4. Preliminary discussion of cultivation technique of cut flower of wintersweetBased on the research on wintersweet variety selection and cultivation management experiments, this part synthesizes predecessor’s research results and the results got in the paper, formulates the cultivation technique of cut flower of wintersweet.

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