

【作者】 陈玉华

【导师】 宋丁全;

【作者基本信息】 南京林业大学 , 生态学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 篌竹(Phyllostachys nidularia Munro)属竹亚科刚竹属中小型竹种。是一种具有良好的经济效益和社会效益的竹种。在理论研究方面,据检索,对篌竹生物生态学特性等方面的研究却较少。 本文采用无性系植物种群生态学的理论与方法,对天然野生篌竹无性系种群出笋退笋高生长规律,地下茎生长规律,种群生物量分配规律及模型,种群结构,种群数量统计,分布格局等方面进行了系统的研究,初步揭示篌竹生物学特性为丰富篌竹种群生态学的研究并为篌竹资源生产开发利用实践提供科学的理论依据。研究结果表明: 1、篌竹出笋时间始于4月8日左右,历时约32天,出笋初期出笋少,盛期、末期出笋数较多,但末期持续时间较长,退笋率随着笋期的推移先不断增加后下降。较早同生群幼竹高生长遵循逻辑斯蒂曲线方程,而较晚同生群幼竹高生长符合指数函数曲线方程。温度是影响高生长的主要生态因子。 2、篌竹竹鞭上活芽数随着年龄增大逐渐降低。鞭节上方的根粗长,下方的短细,左右两侧的根系差异不大,但比上、下方无论长度,根数都要长、多。通过篌竹无性系竹鞭的形态特征,组织发育成熟度及生理活动的规律等综合判别竹鞭相对年龄,具有准确,实用的特点。 3、篌竹无性系种群现存生物量为252.92g/m~2;各器官生物量分配顺序为:竹鞭>竹秆>竹枝>>根系>竹蔸。篌竹无性系种群生物量在龄级上分配规律为:3龄>2龄>4龄>1龄>5龄。通过篌竹各器官生物量与地径,秆高,枝下高,叶面积的相关分析,结果表明篌竹各器官生物量与地径,秆高,枝下高,叶面积呈显著的正相关。应用Y=aH~b,Y=aD~b,Y=ah~b,Y=aD~bH~c和Y=aD~bh~c建立篌竹各器官生物量模型可为相似地区的篌竹林估计借鉴。 4、根据实测资料,分析了天然野生篌竹无性系种群的龄级结构,径级结构和高度级结构。结果发现:径级结构符合正态分布(Pr>D值>0.15)略呈偏左,高度级结构经正态分布检验也符合正态分布(Pr>D值>0.15)但略呈偏右。 5、篌竹无性系种群静态生命表和生存曲线反映了篌竹种群是较稳定的种群,生存曲线介于类型Ⅰ和类型Ⅱ之间,平均期望寿命随年龄增加而下降。篌竹竹笋-幼竹无性系种群动态生命表说明篌竹竹笋-幼竹同生群分株的死亡率大于成竹率,生存曲线也介于类型Ⅰ和类型Ⅱ之间。死亡曲线有两个高峰,分株死亡主要集中在前期,主要原因是母竹营养供应不足。 6、引用“倒逐龄级累加法”(RAA)和聚集度指标研究篌竹无性系种群分布格局的动态,结果表明:随着时间推移,篌竹无性系种群由均匀分布、随机分布格局向聚集分布格局转变,且聚集程度逐渐加强。篌竹无性系种群动态的聚集规模都在16m~2左右,格局强度随区组增大而递减,其中以4—8区组的变化较为急剧。

【Abstract】 Phyllostachys nidularia Munro is a plant with high economic and ecological value. The results of literature hunting indicated that little numerical analysis ,concerning population structure and growth dynamics ,had been down for Phyllostachys nidularia Munro Based on resource analyzing, this dissertation studied the clone growth and cultivation mechanism by applying the theory and method of colonel plant population ecology. The contents of study included : ramets growth Regularity in Shooting Period, the regularity of rhizome growth and distribution, distinguishing of rhizome age, biomass structure and model, population structure of age, diameter and height class, demography of population, clone growth pattern. The purpose is to provide a theoretical basis and information for resource using of Phyllostachys nidularia Munro, and enrich the research contents of colonel plant population. The main results were as follows:1, Phyllostachys nidularia Munro started shooting on April 8 or so and lasted about 32 days; few shoots emerged at the preliminary stage of shooting, more shoots emerged at the prosperous stage and the last stage of shooting. The situation of shoot emergence lasted longer at the last stage than that at the prosperous stage. The degraded shoot percentage increased at the first and declined later with the time. The height growth of young culm of the earlier cohorts followed Logistic curve, while the later cohorts followed exponential curve. Growth increment in height was affected mainly by temperature.2, The number of live rhizomal buds decreased as the age increases .The length and diameter of roots was long in upper part and short in lower part. Not only the length but also the diameter was longer in left and right part than upper and lower part, but the difference between left and right part of roots was not clear. The relative age of rhizome was nicely estimated by applying morphological character, mature degree of tissue development, regularity of physiological activity.3 , The standing crop of Phyllostachys nidularia Munro population was 252.92g/m2 . The order of the biomass of different age class was that 3-year bamboo >2-year ones>4-year ones>l-year ones>5-year ones. The mathematical models for every organ had been established by applying the model of Y=aDb and Y=aDbHc which could be used for forecasting biomass of Phyllostachys nidularia Munro in certain site condition.4, The paper studied the clone population structure of age, diameter and height class of Phyllostachys nidularia Munro in natural forests. The results shows that : The structure of diameter-class was submitted to normal distribution(Pr>0.15). The structure of height - class was also submitted to normal distribution (Pr>0.15).5, The surviving curve and static life table of Phyllostachys nidularia Munro clonepopulation showed that the population was stable. The surviving curve came between I type and II type, and the expect life-span decreased with the age increases. Dynamic life table of bamboo shoot - young clone population of Phyllostachys nidularia Munro showed that the mortality rate was higher than survival. The surviving curve of bamboo shoot - young clone population of Phyllostachys nidularia Munro also came between I type and II type. Mortality curve of bamboo shoot - young clone population had two climax .The death of most young ramet was at previous stage, and the main reason was the short of nutrition.6, By the method of reverse age-class addition (RAA) and aggregate indices, the dynamics of clone grow pattern of Phyllostachys nidularia Munro clone population was studied . The results were shown as follows: The dynamics of distribution pattern showed a transformation from even, random to clump distribution with time, and the degree of clump dispersion pattern of this population is gradually increased. The pattern scale is approximately 16m2 for Phyllostachys nidularia Munro clone population. The contagion intensity is gradually declined with block increases .In addition .significant changes of contagion inten

  • 【分类号】S795
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】217

