

【作者】 周波

【导师】 张青萍;

【作者基本信息】 南京林业大学 , 木材科学与技术, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 室内设计是人类为了创造并美化自身的生存环境而进行的活动之一。室内设计是建筑设计的继续和深化,是室内空间和环境的再创造。它是一门建立在现代环境科学研究基础之上的新兴边缘性科学,其设计的范畴包括人文社会环境、自然环境、人工环境的规划与设计。室内设计教育是一种价值观的教育,更是一种传承历史,文理兼容,创造新文化的途径和手段。 本文通过调查,了解了部分高校室内设计专业的教育、教学内容及手段,适当借鉴了国外先进经验,综合运用归纳分析法,例举分析法等,对适合我国国情和教育现状的室内设计教育的理论和方法作了一些思考。主要研究了室内设计教育的发展历程,室内设计教育的构成要素,室内设计教学的课程、教材,教学评价以及教学环境,探讨了当代室内设计教育的理念及改革发展途径。 本文首先介绍了中国漫长的、具有深厚文化积淀的室内设计史。介绍了日本、美国、德国等国家室内设计教育发展的历史及对人类室内设计所作的贡献。说明了现代设计教育没有国界,没有一个统一的国际标准和体系。我们国家应该跟随社会、经济和市场的变化,走多元化发展的道路,建立起交叉融合、科学实用,符合自己国情的现代室内设计教育体系。 其次研究了室内设计教育的构成要素,指出教师是室内设计教育的主导者,并对室内设计专业教师应该具备的素质与能力进行了探讨。提出学生是室内设计教学的主体并对他们的个性心理品质及专业素质的培养方法提出了看法。 再次就室内设计教育的课程与教材做了一定的探讨。以国内、国外的几个学校为模板,采用了列举分析的方法,对采集的数据进行分析比较,提出我国的室内设计教育的课程和教材的改进意见,根据所做的调查研究整理出室内设计专业典型的课程设置表格。探讨了室内设计教育必须开设的主干课程和基础课程。讲述了教学评价的主要内容,结合美国室内设计课程的评价标准,提出了我国室内设计教育课程的评价方法。对室内设计教材的规范和统一提出了意见。 讲述了室内设计教学环境在调动学生的学习积极性,促进他们潜力开发的过程中所起的作用。学校必须通过整治教学环境,完善各种教学工具和设备,创造优良的校风和班风等方式改善室内设计教育的环境。 文章的最后提出了室内设计教育存在的主要问题和解决办法,从10个方面提出了我国室内设计教育改革和发展的途径,分别是建立适应时代发展的教育理念;强化大学生素质教育;建立适应时代发展的教育模式;规范人才培养模式;建立专科生、本科生、研究生三点结合的教育体系;推行导师、设计师联合培养办法;加强师资队伍建设,搞好继续教育;通过“联合培养基地”,加强实践教学;加强多媒体教学和网上交流;加强室内设计教育的科学研究。

【Abstract】 Interior design is one of the activities that mankind combine for the sake of creating and embellishing the environment which they live in. It is the continuity and penetration of architecture design; furthermore, interior design is the recreation of the indoor area and natural environment. It is a newly arisen edge of science based on the study of modern environment. Its design includes the aspects of social environment, natural environment and artificial environment. Interior design education is a kind of value education, and also a kind of way to inheriting history. It’s an approach to combining both literary and science in order to create a new design method.Through investigation of certain universities, we acquainted ourselves of education courses and method in interior design program, drew lessons from the foreign advanced experience, synthesized induce method and illustration method to reflect on the best theory in interior design education. This dissertation primarily studied the developing course of interior design, the main factor composed in interior design education, and together with its curricula, teaching materials, teaching evaluation and teaching environment in interior design education. At the end of the dissertation, the author has discussed the education principle and the way to reforming and developing in contemporary interior design education.First, this dissertation introduced the endless, gradual history of Chinese interior design with deep cultural accumulation. Then with the introduction of the interior design history of Japan, the United States and Germany, etc., it pointed out their contribution to human interior design. It also explained that modern design education has neither national boundary nor fixed international standard or norm. Thus it is necessary for our country to keep up with the development and diversification of society, economy and market so as to establish an alternate, scientific and practical modern interior design education system according to one’s own national conditions.Second, it studied the main factors in interior design education, pointed out that teacher is a dominant character in the course, and discussed the quality and ability that a teacher of interior design should possess. It also put forward that student is the center of the interior design education, and discussed the training way of developing their mental characters and professional abilities.Thirdly, it made certain discussions on the course and teaching materials of interior design education. Regarding a few schools of the domestic as well as abroad, we adopted the enumeration method analysing the date that has been collected. Then we put forward suggestions on the improvement of the course and teaching materials of interior design education. According to the investigations, we made the typical professional courses of interior design education. This dissertation also studied the basic courses that must be offered in interior design education. Relating the main contents in teaching evaluation together with the curricular evaluation in the interior design of the United States, we put forward the curricular evaluation method in our country, gave some suggestions on the norm of the curricular in interior design education.Fourthly, this dissertation told us the role of environment in interior design education played in prompting students’ study enthusiasm in learning professional skills. It also does a lot of good to their mental development. The school administration must improve the environment in interior design education through the way of renovating the teaching environment and provide various kinds of educational aids to create fine disciplines in class and in school as well.At the end of the article, the author pointed out the key problems that still remained in interior design education and tried to make some suggestions to the solution. It explored the reform of Chinese interior design education from 10 aspects: setting up the education theory that meets the development of era; stren

  • 【分类号】TU238
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】1117

