

【作者】 王岚

【导师】 李宁;

【作者基本信息】 首都经济贸易大学 , 信息经济, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 Agent和Multi-Agent系统是当今计算机科学技术领域,信息工程领域和网络与通信领域十分活跃的前沿研究方向之一。Agent的原意是“代理”,即一个人代表另一个人或(另)一个组织去完成某件(些)事情,或者指完成某事的一种方法和手段。其显著特点是具有自主性,社会能力,响应能力,时间连续性,自适应性和移动性。多代理系统的理论与技术主要就是研究在逻辑上或物理位置上分布的多个代理如何相互协调与协作以实现问题求解,协同完成全局任务。 本文通过系统地介绍有关多代理系统的相关知识,如:多代理系统产生的背景,代理通信语言和通信机制,多代理协调模型,多代理协商模型。在此基础上,提出一种基于WWW平台的多代理系统,并详细介绍了系统的结构和各组成部分的设计。基于以上介绍的分布式多代理系统,提出了一种分布式应用—网络辅助教学系统,在这部分里,依次介绍了网络辅助教学系统的组成,系统结构,并详细介绍了系统的核心成分—助教代理的功能和部分功能的实现。 在文章的最后,作者就代理和对象做了对比,并展望了多代理系统的应用前景。

【Abstract】 Agent and Multi-Agent system are one of the most active research aspects in the field of computer science and technology, information engineering and network and commutation. The original meaning of Agent is "deputy" ; witch means one person deputes the other person to something else or points to the way and measure of accomplishing something. The distinct characteristics of agent are adaptively, sociality reactivity, temporal continuity, autonomy and mobility. The theory and technology of Multi-Agent system are most about how the single agents isolated in logic or physical position correspond and collaborate each other to solve problem and accomplish missions.This paper introduces the relatively knowledge of Multi-Agent system, such as the background of the appearance of Multi-Agent system, the commutation language and system of agents, the correspondence model of Multi-Agent system and the collaboration model of Multi-Agent system. And introduces a Multi-Agent system on the base of WWW, the structure of the system and the design of each components are also mentioned in this paper. Based on this Multi-Agent system, the author brings in an example-network assistant teaching system. In this part, the component and the structure of the system are presentation, especially the core of the system-tutor agent’ s function and it’ s realization.At the end of this paper, the author contrasts the agent with object, and look forward to the prospective usage of Multi-Agent system.

  • 【分类号】TP319
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】397

