

【作者】 刘稚怡

【导师】 吴晶妹;

【作者基本信息】 首都经济贸易大学 , 金融学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文主要分析了信用管理在金融创新中的应用,其目的在于论证信用管理对金融创新的作用和意义,从而对发展我国金融产业提出新的思路和建议。 在论述了信用管理和金融创新的有关基本理论的基础上,文章深入分析了金融创新的典型代表——消费信贷的发展状况以及推动其发展的信用管理因素,并指出,在金融创新的过程中,必然会出现一些信用问题:金融系统内的信用信息的不对称,金融授信机构无法克服的新增内部信用管理成本,以及新增的和扩大了的信用风险。而这些信用问题是无法由金融机构在其系统内部独立解决的,只有通过金融系统外部社会化的信用管理体系和信用管理行业来加以解决。文章就此论述了信用管理产业服务于金融产业、解决这些信用问题的机制,从而得出结论:信用管理对金融创新的发展起到了重要的支撑作用。 文章随后分析了我国信用管理和金融创新发展的现状,认为信用管理的发展滞后是我国金融创新不足的重要原因之一,并对此提出了发展我国信用管理体系和信用管理行业的具体建议。 全文既回顾了历史,又着眼于当前;既理论联系实际,将理论分析与经验总结相结合,又理论指导实践,根据抽象概括的结论提出具体的实践设想。

【Abstract】 This thesis mainly analyzes the application of credit management into financial innovation, to discuss the function and importance of credit management to financial innovation and to put forward the new thought and suggestion of developing the financial industry of China.On the basis of discussing the basic theories of credit management and financialinnovation, the thesis focuses on the consumer credit--the typical form offinancial innovation, analyzing the situation and factors of its development related to credit management. Then it is pointed that there must be some credit problems that can’t be solved solely by the financial institutions within the financial system during the financial innovation procedure. However, those problems can be solved by the socialized credit management system and industry which are out of the financial system. Therefore, it comes to the conclusion that credit management supports the financial innovation significantly.The thesis analyzes the current situation of credit management and financial innovation in China, and holds the opinion that lagging of the development of the credit management is one of the important reasons why the financial innovation of China is inadequate. It raises detailed suggestion and plans developing the credit management system and industry of China according to the analysis above.As to the methodology, the thesis reviews the history while having the present in mind. It relates the theories to practice while combining the theoretical analysis and practical conclusions together, and applies the theories into practice while putting forward the detailed practical consideration according to the abstract outline.

  • 【分类号】F832
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】699

