

【作者】 王起全

【导师】 向衍荪;

【作者基本信息】 首都经济贸易大学 , 安全技术与工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 冲压事故发生频率高、后果严重,是压力加工中最严重的危害。随着我国加入WTO,世界经济的多元化发展,尤其是我国安全生产法和相应的行业安全管理规程出台以后,在冲压机械方面我国需更进一步加强相应执法技术支持工作。因此,研究冲压机械伤害风险评价分析及对策无论是对企业内部事故预防还是对职工健康安全及节省国家因事故造成的经济损失都是十分必要的。 本人进行了大量的研究工作,建立了动态的冲压机械伤害风险评价分析管理信息系统,使冲压机械伤害风险评价分析工作组织化、条理化、系统化。 本论文主要讲述了以下内容:第一,介绍了冲压机械安全管理国内外发展历程和现状,为本文进行冲压机械伤害风险评价分析及对策研究提供环境背景;第二,对冲压机械作业危险因素进行识别,运用事故树分析等方法,对其进行原因分析。第三,运用安全检查表分析法对冲压作业进行了综合管理评价、设备设施的固有危险性评价和劳动卫生与作业环境评价。为建立以此为基础的风险评价管理信息系统搭建了平台;第四,应用计算机编程语言和数据库软件,对冲压作业风险进行评价分级,建立动态的冲压机械伤害风险评价数据库管理信息系统,该系统可以保存下所有评价过的项目资料,可供参考和修改,实现了对冲压机械伤害风险评价的数据库动态管理;第五,针对前述评价结果,提出相应的安全技术措施和安全管理措施,为我国安全执法部门和企业提供技术支持。

【Abstract】 Punch accident, is the most serious hazard in pressing, with high happening frequencies and serious consequences. Along with our country entering WTO and world economy diversification development, particularly after Safety Production Law and profession safety management regulations issued, we need strengthen corresponding technology supporting work. Therefore, it is necessary to research pressing risk assessment analysis and measure for safeguarding workers’ health, preventing from accident happening and decreasing our country’s economic loss.I have done much research work, and established moving pressing risk assessment information management system. At the same time, I made pressing risk assessment work systematic and orderly.The chief content in this paper is: firstly, introducing the history and present conditions of pressing safety management, which is the environment of pressing risk assessment analysis and measure; secondly, recognizing the risk factors of pressing and analyzing the reasons by using accident trees method; thirdly, assessing the pressing work through three aspects by using safety inspect table; forthly, establishing computer information management system to classify and assess pressing work; fifthly, from above assessment results, providing safety technology measures and safety management measures for supporting government to control pressing risk.

【关键词】 冲压机械安全风险评价
【Key words】 Pressing machineSafetyRiskAssessment
  • 【分类号】X941
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】1018

