

【作者】 石岩

【导师】 李晓安;

【作者基本信息】 首都经济贸易大学 , 经济法, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 在二十一世纪,智力成果已经成为影响一国综合国力的重要因素,作为智力成果保护的知识产权制度也日益为各国所关注。知识产权制度通过赋予所有者以独占性的权利,从而激励智力成果的开发与利用。但是,权利人往往为牟取利润而滥用知识产权,造成了对市场竞争秩序的破坏。本文研究的课题即在于探讨如何在维持知识产权权利人优势的前提下有效的维护市场竞争。本文运用经济分析、比较分析等方法,在对知识产权制度、知识产权滥用、知识产权法律限制体系及其与反垄断法律制度的关系等问题进行深入探讨的基础上,较为详细的考察了世界各国及国际知识产权反垄断立法、执法与司法的实践及其发展,最终提出了在我国应尽快建立知识产权反垄断法律规制体系的建议,并就该体系的构建提出了作者的初步设想。 本文第一部分就知识产权保护与知识产权滥用问题进行了初步的探讨,运用成本收益分析的方法研究了知识产权保护与竞争的关系,指出了过度的知识产权保护对市场竞争秩序以及社会整体福利的损害,进而对知识产权滥用及其与知识产权正当行使的界限问题进行了探讨,最终得出了必须构建知识产权的法律限制体系这一结论。继而在对知识产权法律限制体系的研究中,笔者首先对知识产权法的传统法律限制体系进行了考察,指出了该体系在新的经济和科技发展形势下的破坏,提出了从私法到公法领域对于该体系的重建,并特别指出了反垄断法在该限制体系中的特殊地位和作用。 本文第二部分探讨了知识产权法与反垄断法的关系,指出了二者在立法目的、价值目标上的一致以及在调整角度、目标重心以及具体制度上的冲突,并最终指出了知识产权法与反垄断法的关系最终以反垄断法在一定范围内的退让(适用除外制度),保证知识产权法适度的制度生存空间而终结。 本文第三部分介绍了美国、欧盟、日本以及世界贸易组织在有关知识产权滥用反垄断规制方面的实践及其发展,并运用比较分析的方法对其在相关制度方面的共同点与差别进行了分析和评价,并指出了其对我国相关立法的借鉴意义。 本文第四部分是全篇的重点和研究的目的所在,在这一部分文章首先指出了我国知识产权反垄断立法的必要性和紧迫性,并对我国现行相关法律规范进行了梳理,指出了我国相关规范现状背后所蕴涵的深层的历史和制度原因,随即从基本原则、运行机制、规范体系及其具体形式、反垄断控制方式、规制对象等诸多方面提出了关于构建我国知识产权滥用反垄断法律体系的初步设想。

【Abstract】 Intellectual wealth has became the outstanding element which can affect comprehensive national power in the 21st century. As the protect of intellectual wealth, the whole world pay more and more attention on intellectual property. It endow the owners with exclusive rights to stimulate the exploitation and utilization. However the owners often abuse their rights to make profit, which destroyed the market competition. The topic of this thesis is how to protect competition effectively on basis of the maintenance of the owner’s advantage. With the methods of economic analysis and comparison, we made a deep research on intellectual property, abuse of intellectual property, the restriction legal system of intellectual property, the relation between intellectual property and antimonopoly law. We introduced the practice of antimonopoly in the realm of intellectual property in many countries, advised to build the regulation system of antimonopoly in the realm of intellectual property in our country immediately, and put forward the preliminary design of that system.The first chapter discussed the protect and the abuse of intellectual property, use the method of cost and revenue analysis to research the relation between protect of intellectual property and competition. We indicated that the ultra protect of intellectual property will destroy the competition and result in a deadweight welfare loss. Then we discussed the traditional restriction system of intellectual property law, concluded that we must rebuild the restriction system by private law and public law, and indicated the special position and role of antimonopoly law in the restriction system of intellectual property.The second chapter discussed the relationship between intellectual property law and antimonopoly law. We have pointed out that their accordance on the aims and the spirit, and their conflict on angles, priority, regulations and detailed measures. In the end, we concluded that the relationship between them ended in the concession in some degree by antimonopoly law to ensure the moderate space for existence of intellectual property.The third chapter introduced the practice and progress of antimonopoly in the realm of intellectual property in USA, EC, Japan and WTO, and made an analysis and appraisal on the sameness and difference by comparison. In this part we also pointed the reference significance to our country.The forth chapter is the focus and the purpose in this thesis. We first remarked the necessity and urgency of antimonopoly in the realm of intellectual property in our country. Then expatiated the correlated standing regulations in our legal system, and indicated it’s deep reasons of history and institution. In the end we try to propose the detailed regulation system in antimonopoly of intellectual property from the respects of basic principle, running mechanism, regulation system and it’s detailed form, antimonopoly control mode, etc.

【关键词】 知识产权权利滥用反垄断
【Key words】 intellectual propertymisuse of rightsantimonopoly
  • 【分类号】D913
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】1694

