

The Study on the Physical Properties of a Dental Base Resin Cured with a New Developed Dental Base Resin Cooker

【作者】 赵堂民

【导师】 施长溪;

【作者基本信息】 第四军医大学 , 口腔临床医学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 甲基丙烯酸甲酯义齿基托材料因其具有良好的理化、机械和生物性能及稳定的色泽、易于加工成型等诸多优越性一直被广泛应用,目前仍是临床上最常用的义齿基托材料,而加热聚合则是该材料固化不可缺少的步骤。为了开发研究和改进甲基丙烯酸甲酯义齿基托材料的聚合成型工艺,了解快速水式液压热聚合义齿基托材料的物理性能,本研究采用快速水式液压自控牙用树脂聚合器和常规水浴法及气压式多功能牙用树脂聚合器三种工艺加热固化聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯义齿基托材料,进行了挠度、抗弯曲强度、弹性模量、抗冲击强度及表面硬度的测试和对比分析;为了更接近临床实际,运用马蹄形模具,模拟无牙颌的牙槽嵴,可以部分直观地反映义齿变形的趋势,同时也可以推测其线形收缩及体积变化的程度;为了使快速水式液压自控牙用树脂聚合器聚合成型义齿基托材料新工艺得以推广应用并运用于临床成为可能,特采用该工艺和常规水浴法制作一定数量的复杂义齿(单颌双侧后牙缺失)并对其进行评估(完好、尚可、失败),同时测量义齿的临床调(牙合)高度。 实验结果表明: 1.运用快速水式液压自控牙用树脂聚合器聚合成型的义齿基托材料,在抗弯曲强度、抗冲击强度、挠度及表面硬度方面与常规水浴法者及应用气压式牙用树脂聚合器者无显著性差异(P>0.05);在弹性模量方面,与应用气压式牙用树脂聚合器者无显著性差异(P>0.05),而与常规水浴法者之间有显著性差第四军医大学硕士学位论文异(P<0.05),液压组<常规水浴法组,说明在韧性方面:液压组>9嫠》?组。 2.将聚甲基丙烯酸甲酷义齿基托材料分别用快速水式液压牙用树脂聚合器和常规水浴法及气压式多功能牙用树脂聚合器三种工艺加热固化成马蹄形的测试件,用以模拟无牙领的情况,结果表明:三者在体积稳定性方面无显著性差异(P>0 .05)。 3.采用快速水式液压牙用树脂聚合器制作复杂可摘义齿39件,与常规水浴法制作的44件复杂可摘义齿进行比较。结果显示:利用新型水式液压牙用树脂聚合器可以制作出满意的义齿,完全可以达到口腔修复的要求,且与常规水浴法相比具有以下优点:(1)可大大缩短热处理固化的时间,提高功效;(2)不增高咬合高度,从而减少了临床调习韵勺时间,因此可明显缩短临床就诊的时间,提高临床工作的效率;(3)具有清洁卫生,节能及无蒸汽对环境的污染等优点;(4)全过程自动控制。与己研制的气压式多功能牙用树脂聚合器相比,大大减小了体积和重量,且不需要外加空气压缩机进行加压,从而大大降低了成本,具有更大的临床推广价值。

【Abstract】 Methyl methacrylate (MMA) dental base resin was the most frequently used clinical dental base resin because of its good physical, chemical, mechanical and biological properties. Heat treatment was an indispensable step in the manufacturing of dentures with MMA base. The aim of this study was to develop, research and improve the synthesis techniques of MMA dental base resin, and to study the physical properties of the dental base resin cured with a new developed dental base resin cooker. The transverse flection, flexural strength, elastic modulus, impact strength and surface hardness of dental base resin were examined and compared, cured with the fast automatic dental resin hydraulic pressure cooker (FADRHPC), the multipurpose dental resin air-pressure cooker (MDRAPC) and the conventional water bath cooker (CWBC). The horseshoes shape mould was used to simulate edentulous jaw’s dental alveoli crista, which could partly directly reflect the transformation tendency of dentures, and on which their line shrink and volume change level could be examined and calculated. To utilize the FADRHPC, this technique and the CWBC were used and evaluated to make complicated dentures (teeth missing both side), clinical adjusted occlusion height of the dentures were measured at the same time.The experiment results showed that:1. The physical properties including the transverse flection, flexural strength,impact strength and surface hardness results showed that there were no significant differences between three groups (P>0.05), but there was a significant difference in the transverse flection between the FADRHPC and the CWBC (P<0.05), which illustrated that the tenacity of dental base resin cured with the FADRHPC was better than that of the CWBC.2. To simulate edentulous jaw, the volume stability of the horseshoes shape test specimens were compared respectively, cured with the FADRHPC, the MDRAPC and the CWBC, the result showed that there were no significant differences between three groups (P>0.05) .3. The properties of PMMA dentures cured with the FADRHPC and the CWBC were examined and compared. The results showed that both the two techniques could produce satisfying dentures, and the FADRHPC had following good qualities comparing to the CWBC. (1) It could greatly shorten the heat treatment time, and raise efficiency. (2) It could greatly shorten the clinical diagnosing time and raise the clinical work efficiency because of less occlusion adjusting was needed in clinical. (3) Sanitation, it could save energy and eliminate the influences on environment from steam. (4) It could accomplish automatically in the whole process. Comparing with the MDRAPC, it could largely decrease the volume and weight of the device, and need not additional air compressor to compress, so it could greatly cut down the cost and had better furthermore clinical spread value.

  • 【分类号】R783.1
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】40

