

A Research on the Development of the Construction of Key Disciplines in Medical Universities and of the Model of Management

【作者】 王显超

【导师】 刘鉴汶; 王玉琨;

【作者基本信息】 第四军医大学 , 社会医学与卫生事业管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 学科是高校发展的基础,是人才成长的摇篮,是科学研究的基地。重点学科作为大学的重要办学指标,代表了院校的实力与水平,体现了院校的特色与优势。高等医科院校肩负着培养医学科学人才、提高人民健康水平、促进医学科技进步的重任,抓好医科院校的重点学科建设,对于带动学科整体实力的增强、推进院校整体水平的提高具有重要而深远的意义,从而为培养高质量的医学专业人才,创造高层次的创新性研究成果,提供高水平的医疗保健服务打下坚实的基础。 在本课题研究过程中,查阅了大量的参考文献,参阅了不少国家和总部机关的文件,综合了许多前人的研究成果,对课题研究的顺利开展起到了重要作用。近年来,学科建设工作越来越受到国家和各高等院校的重视,特别是随着“211工程”和“985工程”的实施,重点学科建设已经成为落实“科教兴国”战略的重要举措,因此许多专家、学者从不同的角度对重点学科建设的意 第四军医大学硕士学位论文义与作用、原则与目标、内容与方式、问题与对策、评估与评价以及内部外部关系等进行了比较深入的探索,取得了较为丰富的成果与经验。本课题研究的主要目的是通过对高等医科院校重点学科建设发展的影响要素和重点学科建设管理模式的探讨,为高等医科院校的学科建设管理部门和重点学科自身在进行建设与发展的决策和管理过程中提供一定的参考和借鉴。本研究主要包括:①建立重点学科建设发展影响要素的框架与基本内容;②建立重点学科建设管理模式的框架与基本内容。 主要研究方法是通过文献回顾法以及专家咨询座谈法,提出初步的高等医科院校重点学科建设发展影响要素和管理模式的总体框架及其内涵,再次进行座谈式的征求专家意见,修改后形成咨询前的影响要素和管理模式的框架和基本内容。在此基础上采用专家咨询法,选择25位从事(或曾从事)学科建设管理的领导和专家以及担任(或曾担任)学科带头人的专家进行第一轮专家咨询,收到专家咨询第一轮有效反馈表21份,根据专家咨询意见进行修改后,再进行第二轮专家咨询,收到专家咨询第二轮有效反馈表21份,根据专家咨询意见进行了部分修改。从专家咨询的结果看,经过两轮咨询以后,专家们对我们提出的影响要素及管理模式的各项内容,除部分具体内容修改和次序调整外,绝大多数的意见均为同意或基本同意,同意率基本达到90%以上,说明参与咨询的专家对我们提出的这两方面内容从总体上讲是赞同的。最后我们对两轮专家咨询中的专家同意率做刀检验,对不满足刀检验条件的,做FISher精确检验,统计结果显示,绝大多数P值>0.05,主要原因是在第一轮专家咨询中,专家对咨询内容的同意率比较高,说明我们所提出的这两方面咨询内容在第一轮专家咨询过程中就基本得到了专家们的认可,与他们的意见总体一致。 通过本课题研究得出:①高等医科院校重点学科建设发展影响要素的框架与基本内容;②高等医科院校重点学科建设管理模 第四军医大学硕士学位论文式的框架与基本内容。确定的重点学科建设发展影响要素,分为5个项目,分别为“学术权威性”、“前沿创新性”、“学科开放性”、“建设适应性”和“发展整体性”,每个项目中包含3项内容,涵盖了关于学科研究方向、学术队伍、人才培养、科学研究、实验室建设及学术环境和条件等学科建设基本内容的要求;确定的重点学科建设管理模式,分为5个项目,分别为“准确定位、规范管理”、“合理规划、落实目标”、“规范运行、机制合理”、“营造环境、鼓励创新”及“定期评估、综合评价”,每个项目中包含2项内容,涵盖了学科建设的定位、规划、目标、运行机制、保障条件、评估与评价等学科建设管理层面的各项要求。 本课题研究的主要创新点是我们在对重点学科建设的地位和作用有新的理解基础上,从发展的角度阐述了高等医科院校影响重点学科建设的要素,对重点学科建设的管理工作提出了新的思路,并运用统计学方法对专家咨询的结果进行分析。存在的不足主要是我们所进行的研究还只是初步的理性探讨,在实际工作当中,还应根据重点学科建设实践经验的积累与理论研究的深入进一步加以改进和完善。

【Abstract】 Discipline is the foundation of the development of universities, the cradle of talents and the base of scientific research. As a significant standard for evaluating the managing capability of universities, key discipline represents the academic strength and level of universities together with their advantages and features. Medical universities undertake the important responsibility of educating talents in medical science, lifting the healthy standard of the people and promoting the advancement of medical science. A good work in the construction of key discipline in medical universities has an important and far-reaching significance in activating the development of the whole academic strength of all the disciplines and pushing forward the development of the comprehensive capabilities of universities. So that the solid foundation for the education of medical talents with high quality, the creation of advanced innovative achievements and the provision of high-level health care service can be laid.In this research, large amount of referential materials, documents from the government and the departments of the headquarters and the research achievements of the predecessors have been consulted and they have played avery important role in successfully progressing the research. In recent years, the construction of disciplines has been paid much attention by the government and all the universities. Especially with the carrying out of the "221 Project" and "985 Project", the construction of key disciplines has become an important measure in accomplishing the strategy of "developing the country with science and education". Therefore, many experts and scholars have explored from different angles deeply into all the subjects concerning the construction of key disciplines: its significance and role, principles and aims, content and methods, problems and countermeasures, evaluation and assessment and the intra- and inter-relationships. They have achieved much success and experience. The main aim of this research is to provide certain consulting reference for the department who is in charge of the construction and for the construction itself in the process of constructing, decision making and managing through the study of the important elements of effecting the construction of key disciplines in medical institutions of higher education and the study of the management model of it. The main contents of this research is the following: (1) the establishment of the framework and basic content of the construction of key disciplines;(2) the establishment of the framework and the basic content of the management model of the key disciplines.The major researching methods are as the following: firstly, through the method of literature review and consultative lecture with experts, the important elements affecting the construction of key disciplines in medical institutions of higher education and the general framework and connotation of its management model have been proposed primarily; secondly, a second symposium of experts has been held to gather their suggestions and opinions of the result in the first stage. After a thorough revision the important elements and the framework and content of the management model are established. On the basis of it, the method of experts’ consultation has been adopted. Twenty-five leaders and experts who are undertaking or used toundertake the management of the construction of disciplines and experts who are or used to be the leader of the academic researches have been chosen to hold the first round of experts’ symposium. Altogether 21 valid feedback forms have been collected after the first session of consultation. According to the suggestions of the experts, the revision was made. Then second round of experts’ symposium was held and another 21 valid feedback forms have been collected and partial revision has been made according to the experts’ suggestions. From the results of the experts’ symposium, we find that after two rounds of experts’ consultation except the revision of some specific phrases

【关键词】 重点学科发展管理
【Key words】 key disciplinedevelopmentmanagement
  • 【分类号】R-4
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】508

