

A Study of How Carbon Fabric Weaved Cloth Strengthens the Mechanical Function of Denture Base

【作者】 钱箫羽

【导师】 姚月玲;

【作者基本信息】 第四军医大学 , 口腔临床医学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯(polymethyl methacrylate)基托因其操作简单,成本低廉的特性,广泛应用于临床义齿的制作。但因其韧性较低,脆性较大,存在着易折断的现象。为使基托具有最薄的厚度和最大的强度,常通过各种机械方法来增强义齿基托的强度。 本实验将经碳纤维预浸织布加强的PMMA试件与常规PMMA试件相比较,测试其弯曲强度和弹性模量;并将碳纤维预浸织布分别置于PMMA测试试件的中央、靠近磨光面和靠近组织面三种状态,研究不同埋入部位对碳纤维织布加强材料的机械性能影响。同时测试了三种厚度(1.0mm,1.5mm,2.0mm)的碳纤维织布加强PMMA试件的机械性能,探索碳纤维织布加强材料厚度与PMMA机械强度的关系。结果表明: 1.将经碳纤维预浸织布加强的PMMA与对照组相比较,弯曲强度显著增加(P<0.01),其强度满足临床需要。 2.将碳纤维预浸织布分别置于试件的中间、靠磨光面和靠近组织面三种状态,弯曲强度测试结果表明,中间层组的弯曲强度大于靠近磨光面组,后者大于靠近组织面组,其间差别均有统计学差异(P<0.01)。此时提示临床用碳纤维进行义齿基托树脂加强时,应将碳纤维织布置基托中央。弹性模量测试结果表明,中间层组的PMMA加强材料的弹性模量与相同厚度的对照组无显著差异(P>0.05);而靠近组织面组和靠近磨光面组均大于中间层组,但靠近组织面的和靠近磨光面的试件的弹性模量间无统计学差异(P>0.05)。此结果提示,中间层组的PMMA加强材料与对照组相比,在提高义齿的抗弯曲性能同时,刚性没有增加,保持了一定的柔第四军医大学硕士学位论文韧性。但靠近组织面组和靠近磨光面组试件的柔韧性虽增加,但抗弯曲性能大大减弱,故临床不宜采用。3.测试了三种厚度的碳纤维织布加强PMMA试件的机械性能,表明经碳纤维织布加强后,厚度为l.Omm的碳纤维织布加强PMMA试件弯曲强度近似于2.srnrn的常规PMMA试件的强度,考虑到基托易折断的多种因素,因而宜采用1.0一1.5~的碳纤维织布加强PMMA以适合临床要求。 本试验表明,碳纤维织布具有易于操作,设计灵活,价格便宜,不需增加特别设备,边缘易于抛光,加强效果好的优点,易于推广。

【Abstract】 PMMA base are widely used in the making of denture base resin because it has the feature of the easy operation and lower price. But its flexibility is low rigidity is high; there exists the performance of easy broken. To make the denture base with thinnest thickness and highest strength, it is often to use kinds of mechanic ways to improve the strength of the denture base. This experiment compares the PMMA which had strengthened by pre-submerged carbon fibre weaved cloth with the normal PMMA, test the flexure strength and flexure modulus; put the pre-submerged carbon fabric weaved cloth at the centre, closely to the polished surface, closely to the tissue surface of the PMMA testing sample three statuses to research the affects of different insert positions and test the three thickness (1.0mm, 1.5mm, 2.0mm) of the carbon fabric to research the relationship of the thickness and mechanic strength. The results are:1. Comparing the PMMA which had strengthened by pre-submerged carbon fabric weaved cloth with the comparing group the flexure strength and both added obviously, the quantity satisfy the clinic requests.2. Put the pre-submerged carbon fabric weaved cloth at the centre, closely to the polished surface, closely to the organization surface ofthe PMMA testing sample three statuses, the flexure strength test shows, the flexure strength of the middle layer group is bigger than the closely to the polished surface group, the later one is bigger than the closely to the tissue group. The difference both is the statistical difference (P<0.01). The results promoted when using the carbon fabric to do the denture base resin strengthen, should put the corban fabric weaved cloth in the middle of the base. The flexure modulus test results shows, the flexure modulus of the middle layer group PMMA strengthening material has no obvious difference with the same thickness group (P>0.05); the closely to the tissue surface group is bigger than the group closely to the polished surface group. But flexure modulus between the closely to the tissue surface sample and the closely to the polished surface sample has no statistical difference (P>0.05). This result promoting, compare the middle layer group PMMA strengthen material with the compared group, the rigidity has no improvement as increased the denture anti-bending feature, keep a definitely flexibility. The closely to the tissue surface and closely to the polished testing samples have the increased the flexibility, but the anti-bending feature is decreased greatly, they are not suitable to be adapted in the denture base.3. Testing the mechanic feature of three different thickness carbon fabric weaved cloth strengthened PMMA samples shows that after the carbon fabric weaved cloth the flexure strength of 1.0mm thickness PMMA sample is closely to the the flexure strength of 2.5mm PMMA sample. Considering the factors that make the base easy to be broken itis suitable to adapt 1.0-1.5mm carbon fabric weaved cloth strengthened PMMA for the clinic requests.The experiment testified, carbon fabric weaved cloth has the advantages of easy operation, flexible design, lower price, no need of extra equipment, edge easy to be polished, strengthen effect good. It’s easy to take into use.

  • 【分类号】R783.1
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】89

