

Study on Resistant Physiological Mechanism of Jujube Species on Jujube Witches’ Broom

【作者】 张淑红

【导师】 高宝嘉; 温秀军;

【作者基本信息】 河北农业大学 , 森林保护, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 枣树是我国重要的经济林树种之一,在我国大部分地区广泛种植。枣疯病是由植原体引起的枣树上一种毁灭性系统侵染病害,给我国的枣树生产造成巨大的经济损失。本研究采用嫁接病皮的方法接种病原,以嫁接病原后的不同枣树品种和单株为试材,观察其田间生长状况,嫁接情况并对体内的病原进行PCR检测鉴定;病理生理学方面,生长季节内对嫁接枣树不同品系抗病植株和感病植株枣吊内过氧化物酶(POD)、多酚氧化酶(PPO)、吲哚乙酸氧化酶(IAAO)、苯丙氨酸解氨酶(PAL)的活性及POD、IAAO同工酶进行了测定和比较;同时,对不同枣树品系叶片的酚类物质、绿原酸、蛋白质、氨基酸含量进行了比较和研究,旨在进一步从生理生化的角度探讨枣疯病问题,为枣疯病的研究提供一些基础数据。主要试验结果如下: 1.枣树通过嫁接病皮可以传病,用聚合酶链反应(PCR)技术对枣树体内的病原进行检测,结果发现,在所有嫁接枣树植株内都能检测到植原体的存在,抗病婆枣单株、蛤蟆枣内病原浓度相对较低,婆枣感病株和酸枣病株病原浓度较高,胡瓶枣内病原浓度也比较高。病菌的存在与否和枣树的发病症状间没有直接关系,一些抗病性强的品种和单株尽管体内含有植原体,但不表现症状。 2.用分光光度法对枣树枣吊内POD、PPO、IAAO、PAL酶活性进行测定,结果表明同一枣树品种不同单株间四种酶活性的变化趋势在生长季节中没有太大的差异,但是婆枣中感病单株的POD、PPO、IAAO酶活性比抗病单株高,PAL酶活性比抗病株低;胡瓶枣中感病株POD、IAAO酶活性比抗病株高,PPO、PAL酶活性比抗病株低。这表明不同枣树品种对植原体的侵染反应是有差异的。 3.用不连续聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(PAGE)法对枣树叶片的POD、IAAO同工酶进行了研究和比较,结果表明婆枣抗病感病单株叶片的POD和IAAO同工酶酶谱在8月份的测定中差别都比较大,在7月和9月份的测定中差别不大;胡瓶枣不同单株间两种同工酶谱在3次测定中差别都不明显。 4.同一枣树品种不同单株叶片内酚类物质和绿原酸含量有一定差异。在7、8、9月3次测定中,婆枣抗病单株叶片总酚和绿原酸含量都比感病单株高。胡瓶枣中抗病株叶片的总酚和绿原酸含量也比感病株高。不同枣树品种叶片内总酚和绿原酸含量进行比较,结果表明抗病品系叶片内酚类物质和绿原酸含量也比感病品系高,因此酚类物质和绿原酸可以作为研究枣树抗病生理的一个重要指标。 5.同一枣树品种不同单株叶片内蛋白质含量有一定差异。在7、8、9月3次测定中,婆枣感病单株叶片内蛋白质含量都比抗病株高;胡瓶枣感病病株叶片蛋白质含量也比抗病单株高。不同枣树品种叶片蛋白质含量比较表明,感病品种叶片蛋白质含量均比抗病品系高。而氨基酸含量的变化在不同品种和同一品种内的变化都没有明显的规律性。

【Abstract】 Zizyphus jujube, as one of the important economic trees, is planted widely in china. Jujube witches’ broom (JWB) caused by phytoplasma, is becoming the most destructive systematic disease of Chinese jujube and has brought much economic damage to our country. In this paper, the pathogen detection and growth condition in the field of different ziziphus jujube cultivars were studied after grafted infected barks. In addition, on the physio-pathological aspect, the POD,PPO,PAL,IAAO enzyme activity, POD and IAAO isozyme in different zizyphus jujube cultivars bearing branch and the content of phenolic compounds , protein, amino acids, chlorogenic acids in leaves were also analyzed respectively, the main result were as follows:1. Zizuphus jujube may be infected by phytoplasma through graft transmission using disease barks. After grafted infected barks, almost all the jujube cultivars and single tree have phytoplasma through PCR detection. However, in Pozao and Hamazao healthy single tree leaves, the content of phytoplasma is relative lower, in Pozao and Suanzao disease single tree, higher; while in Hupingzao cultivars, both healthy trees and disease trees have high phytoplasma content. It can be concluded that there is no direct relationship between phytoplasma content and sympotom, what’s more, different jujube cultivars may have different reaction to phytoplasma.2. Using ultraviolet spectrophotometry determining the enzyme activity of POD,PPO,IAAO,PAL in jujube bearing branch, the result showed that in the same cultivar, there is no significant difference among all the single tree on the enzyme change tendency. But in Pozao cultivar, the POD,PPO,IAAO enzyme activity of susceptible single tree are a little higher than resistant ones, the PAL enzyme activity lower than resistant ones. While in Hupingzao cultivar, the POD,IAAO activity of susceptible tree are higher than resistant ones, the PPO,PAL activity lower than resistant ones. This also indicated that different jujube cultivars may have different reaction to phytoplasma.3. The POD and IAAO isozyme of different jujube cultivars bearing branch were determined by using incontinous polyaerylamicle electrophoretic (PAGE) method. It showed that in Pozao cultivar, the PODJAAO isozyme band have obvious difference between susceptible trees and resistant ones in August, while in Hupingzao cultivar, there is no significant difference between susceptible trees and resistant trees.4. The phenolic content and chlorogenic acid content in different jujube cultivars leaves were studied , the result suggested that in the same strain , the phenolic content and chlorogenic acid content of resistant single tree are usually higher than susceptible ones. Comparing different cultivars also indicated the content of phenolic compound and chlorogenic acid in resistant cultivars and single tree are shortly higher than susceptible ones. Therefore, these two indexes may be used to study JWB.5. The content of protein and amino acid in different cultivars leaves were also analyzed. It indicated that in the same strain, the protein and amino acid content of susceptible trees are a little higher than resistant ones. Furthermore, all diseased cultivars protein content are higher than resistant ones. But the amino content has no obvious regularity.

  • 【分类号】S436.65
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】290

