

Study of Theories and Methods about Standard of Compensation for Ecological Benefits of Forest

【作者】 蒋凤玲

【导师】 黄选瑞;

【作者基本信息】 河北农业大学 , 森林培育, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 森林是陆地生态系统的主体,在改善生态环境、维护生态平衡中具有不可替代的作用。在森林可持续经营过程中,由于森林生态补偿制度尚未建立,森林经营者合法权益始终难以从根本上得到保障。森林生态效益补偿制度的建立,是一个渐进过程,有关森林生态效益补偿机制的研究,依然是林业可持续发展进程中亟待解决的重要课题。毫无疑问,符合社会主义市场经济体制要求的森林生态效益补偿制度,必将有利于加快生态公益林建设步伐,也为寻求合理的生态公益林管理制度和运行机制奠定经济基础。 本文围绕森林可持续经营过程中,合理利益分配机制和资金来源这一中心,系统的论述了确定生态上合理、经济上可行、社会可接受的森林生态效益补偿标准是建立生态效益补偿制度的基础和关键。研究中,从确定森林生态效益补偿范围出法,提出了确定生态效益计量方法。以河北省孟滦林管局为具体研究对象,从该林管局森林经营财务状况分析入手,系统全面分析了该局资金运行情况,以此为基础提出以森林经营成本补偿为基础的补偿标准。采用综合分析手段,最终提出了适合该地区社会经济发展水平的补偿标准。论文主要结论包括: (1)社会主义市场经济体制下,森林可持续经营及其林业生态建设过程中,合理的资金来源包括是:国家投入、林业部门通过各类林产品和森林环境的利用获得经济收入和森林生态效益补偿三个方面。 (2)森林生态效益补偿制度的实施,关键是确定合理的补偿标准,并以生态上合理、经济上可行和社会可接受作为判定补偿标准准则。 (3)提出以森林经营过程实际资金缺口为依据,综合确定森林生态效益标准。 (4)从效益补偿角度,孟滦林管局森林所发挥涵养水源效益年价值为7491.52万元;保育土壤的年价值为353.04万元;总计为7844.6万元,单位面积年补偿额两种方案分别为:355.48元/hm2和394.29元/hm2,并以此作为补偿标准的上限值。 (5)从森林可持续经营成本角度,所确定的补偿资金缺口为6214.76万元,单位面积年补偿资金两种方案分别为196.74元/hm2和235.54元,并以此作为补偿标准的下限值。 (6)从森林生态系统碳汇功能价值研究出发,管局森林碳汇价值为3732.5万元,单位面积年补偿额为506.5元/hm~2。

【Abstract】 The forest is a main part of ecological system of land. It has a very important effect on improving environment of ecology and sustaining the balance of ecology. During the course of forest sustainable development, the legitimate rights and interests of the forest managers were difficult to guard because the standard of compensation for ecological benefits of forest presently was not founded. To build the system of the compensation for benefits of forest is an evolutional process .So the research about the system of the compensation for benefits of forest would still be a cruel problem until sustainable development of forest was solved. No doubt, the system of the compensation for benefits of forest that suite the socialist market economy would be speeded up the process of ecological public welfare forest, while it will be strengthen economy basis for seeking reasonable the system and mechanism of the compensation for benefits of forest.In this paper, it was foundation and crucial that forestry ecological benefit compensation standard of reason in ecology, acceptable in economic and society was confirmed, which was dissertated systemically in sustainable manager forest by distributing benefit reasonable and source of funds. The method of accruing ecological benefit measure was put forward by ascertaining the scale of ecological benefit compensation. The Forestry Management Bureau of Mengluan was set an example of studying. The Forestry Management Bureau of Mengluan funds management was analyzed systemically by analyzing its finance status of forest management which was base that forest management compensation standard was put forward. The cost compensation standard of acceptable the Forestry Management Bureau of Mengluan was put forward. The results were as follow:(1) Reasonable fund source such as nation investment, economy earning of forest department and forest sustainable management and forest ecological building under market economy system of socialism.(2) Forest ecological benefit compensation rule being implemented, it was key of ascertaining reasonable compensation standard, and reason in ecological, capable in economy; acceptable in society must be regarded as compensation standard rule.(3) That factual fund gap in the course of forest management was put forward, and forest ecological benefit standard was confirmed synthesizable.(4) Forest benefit annual value of self-retraining water almost is 74.91 millionsYuan; that of fixing soil almost is 3.53 millions Yuan; amount to78.45 millions Yuan. The benefit value of unit area for two kinds of schemes almost is 355.48 yuan/hm2 and 394.29 yuan/hm2. We take it the maximum of compensation standard.(5) Through the beneficial result operating cost angle, certain compensation capital gap of bureau is 62.15 millions yuan , the benefit value of unit area for two kinds of schemes almost is 196.74 yuan/hm2 and 235.54 yuan/hm2. We take it the minimum of compensation standard.(6) Through the beneficial result operating carbon gathers angle, certain compensation capital gap of bureau is 37.33 millions yuan , the benefit value of unit area almost is 506.5 yuan/hm2

  • 【分类号】F326.2
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】613

