

Studies on the Characteristic of Growth and the Correlation with Physiological and Biochemical Indexes of Young Walnut

【作者】 刘新彩

【导师】 张志华;

【作者基本信息】 河北农业大学 , 果树学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 核桃是我国重要的干果树种,目前生产中因主要使用本砧,且砧木种子来源不规范,后代分离严重,使核桃树体生长受到极大的影响。矮化密植是现代果树栽培的趋势,选择适宜的矮化砧能够促进营养生长向生殖生长转化,从而实现早果、丰产、优质生产。本试验采用石蜡切片法、比色法和间接酶联免疫吸附分析法,对核桃幼树生长特性及其相关生理生化指标进行了研究,主要研究结果如下: 1.核桃幼树在1-3年生时,早实品种与晚实品种株高和干周生长量没有表现出明显差异,早实核桃成年树树体较矮,可能是由于结果较早所致。 2.核桃各品种的材皮比、枝条电阻均与树体生长势存在相关性,材皮比、枝条电阻与株高呈显著正相关。 3.核桃各品种叶片厚度存在一定差异,但均与树体生长势无相关性;栅栏组织厚度普遍大于海绵组织的厚度,栅栏组织厚度占叶厚度的百分率、栅海比与株高和干周呈显著负相关;海绵组织厚度占叶厚度的百分率、叶片气孔密度均与株高和干周正相关。 4.根部导管密度、材皮比、材部面积、材部面积占根横断面积的比例均与株高呈正相关;皮部面积占根横断面积的比例与株高呈负相关,而根横断面积、皮部面积与树体生长势相关性不显著。 5.核桃各品种根部、芽部的IAA含量和GA3含量均显著高于Z、ABA含量,表明树体仍以旺盛的营养生长为主;不同品种间GA3、ABA含量存在一定差异,且分别与株高呈显著的正相关和负相关;IAA、Z含量均对树体生长势有影响,但与树体生长势相关性不显著。 6.叶部、根部POD活性与株高显著负相关,根部IOD活性与株高和干周显著负相关;表明POD、IOD活性对树体生长势有着显著影响。 7.材皮比、栅海比、导管密度、枝条电阻、ABA含量、GA3含量、POD活性、IOD活性均可作为树体生长势早期预测的主要指标,从而为核桃矮化性的鉴定和矮砧预选提供了参考依据,有利于我省核桃矮化密植栽培的发展。

【Abstract】 Walnut is the major dry fruit species in china. Because of mainly using seedling-stocks in the production of walnut, at the same time, the source of stock’s seed was nonstandard, thus it had a badly effect on the growth of walnut tree. Dwarfing and compact planting is a primary characteristic in fruit-tree cultivating now, By choosing suitable dwarfing rootstocks, early fruit, abundant products and excellent manufacture were obtained. The experiment mainly studied the characteristic of growth and the correlation with physiological and biochemical indexes of young walnut though paraffin-wax cut-section, colorimetric analysis and ELISA analysis. The main results were as follows:1.From one to three years, there were no obviously diversities in the growth of tree height and trunk girth between early bearing cultivars and late bearing cultivars. Early bearing walnut was dwarfish when they were mature, probably resulted from the early bearing.2.Wood/bark and shoot’s resistor were all correlated with growth vigor. There was a significant positive correlation between wood/bark, shoot’s resistor and the growth potential.3.Leaf thickness of cultivars were different, it also had no correlation with tree vigor. Palisade tissue’s thickness was thicker than that of spongy tissue, There was a significant negative correlation between the ratio of palisade tissue/leaf thickness, palisade/spongy and the growth potential, and a positive correlation between the ratio of spongy tissue/leaf thickness, density of stomata and the tree vigor.4.Root’s vessel density, wood/bark, wood area and the ratio of wood/whole area were found to be significantly in positive correlation with tree height, the bark percentage of the root’s transverse area to be significantly in negative correlation with tree height. Root’s transverse area and bark area all had no correlation with tree vigor.5.IAA and GA3 contents of root and bud of different cultivars were higher than that of Z and ABA contents, which indicated that the tree had strong nutrient-growth ability. GAs and ABA contents of different cultivars were distinct, they also had respectively significantpositive and negative correlation with tree height. IAA and Z contents had some effects on the tree vigor, but no obvious correlation with it.6.There was a significant negative correlation between POD activities of leaf or root and the growth potential of walnut, Root’s IOD activities had a significant negative correlation with tree height and trunk vigor, which suggested that POD and IOD activities had remarkably influences upon the tree vigor.7. Wood/bark, palisade/spongy, vessel density, shoot’s resistor, ABA and GAa contents, POD and IOD activities were all of the indexes which could predict tree vigor early. So it could offer reference for dwarfish identification and pre-selected of dwarf stock of walnut. Consequently, it was in favor of the development of dwarfing and compact planting of walnut in Hebei province.

  • 【分类号】S664.1
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】395

