

Study of Herd Genetic Structure and Microsatellite Marker of Economic Traits on Seghers Pigs

【作者】 墨锋涛

【导师】 贾青;

【作者基本信息】 河北农业大学 , 动物遗传育种与繁殖, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本试验研究利用微卫星DNA标记技术,对斯格五系杂交专门化配套品系的5个曾祖代A系、B系、C系、X系、Y系群体,祖代群体,父母代群体和商品代群体的遗传结构进行了分析,探讨了群体之间的遗传关系和群体内的遗传变异,分析了斯格猪各个群体内的遗传标记基因型与经济性状的关系。研究结果表明:斯格猪在标记位点S0214、S0003、SW790、SWR485上共检测到37个等位基因,平均每个位点等位基因数9.3个。同一位点不同曾祖代群体间出现的等位基因数不完全相同,基因型频率差异也较大。认为曾祖代各个群体具有不同的遗传基础。经过研究分析找到了斯格猪曾祖代群体的特征性条带作为各个群体的特定的遗传标记。A系特有的特征性条带为SW790位点的154bp条带和SWR485位点的126bp条带,B系特有的特征性条带为SW790位点的116bp条带和S0003位点的143bp、146bp、161bp条带,X系特有的特征性条带为SWR485位点的138 bp条带。5个曾祖代群体和祖代、父母代、商品代群体的平均位点杂合度在0.6795~0.7689之间,平均多态信息含量在0.6786~0.7686之间,表明斯格猪在群体内具有较高的遗传多样性,这与斯格猪专门化品系培育的遗传基础比较广泛有关。祖代、父母代、商品代群体的平均杂合度随着群体在杂交繁育体系中位置的由高到低而逐渐升高。根据Nei氏标准遗传距离用类平均法进行了聚类,结果将杂交繁育体系中作为母本使用的A系和X系聚为一类,作为父本使用的C系、Y系聚为一类。这与曾祖代5个品系群体在杂交繁育体系中所起的作用相吻合。试验对斯格猪在背膘厚、全程日增重,公猪的采精量、精液密度、精子活力和母猪的产仔数、活仔数、出生窝重、21日龄窝重、28日龄窝重性状与微卫星标记基因型的关系进行了分析,找到了各个性状在不同标记位点上性能较好的标记基因型。其中在在背膘厚上发现有SWR485位点的AA基因型可以作为标记辅助选择的标记基因型;在全程日增重性状上发现SW790位点上的AA基因型可作为标记辅助选择的标记基因型;在采精量上发现的可作为标记辅助选择的标记基因型的为SW790的AA基因型、S0003的AA基因型;在精液密度上发现的可作为标记辅助选择的标记基因型的为SWR485的AA基因型;在精子活力上发现的可作为标记辅助选择的标记基因型的为S0003的AA基因型,SW790的CC基因型;在产仔数上发现的可作为标记辅助选择的标记基因型的为S0003的BB基因型;在初生窝重上上发现的可作为标记辅助选择的标记基因型的为S0003的AA基因型;在21日龄窝重上发现的可作为标记辅助选择的标记基因型的为S0003的BB基因型。

【Abstract】 This experiment studied the Seghers 5-line-crossbreed commercial hybrid line by using microsatellite DNA genetic markers. 5 grand-grandparent lines (line A, line B, lien C, line X, line Y), grandparent herd, parent herd and the final result commercial hybrid herd were studied. The herd genetic structures, genetic diversity and the distance among herds were analyzed. The relationship between genetic marker genotype of Seghers herds and economic traits were analyzed. The results of the experiment were shown as follows. 37 alleles were detected at loci S0214, S0003, SW790 and SWR485 with average 9.3 alleles per locus. The numbers of alleles in each grand-grandparent line herds were different from each other. There were great genotype differences among grand-grandparent herds. This indicated that the genetic background of 5 grand-grandparent lines were different from each other. The characteristic bands of Seghers grand-grandparent pigs were found. The characteristic bands of line A were 154bp band at locus SW790 and 126bp band at locus SWR485. The characteristic bands of line B were 116bp band at locus SW790 and 143bp, 146bp, 161bp bands at locus S0003. The characteristic band of line X was 138bp band at locus SWR485.The range average locus heterozygosity of grand-grandparent herds, grandparent herd, parent herd, and commercial hybrid herd was between 0.6795 and 0.7689. The locus average polymorphism information content was between 0.6786 and 0.7686. The result above showed that the genetic diversity of Seghers herds at these loci was high, which because the genetic breeding backgrounds of Seghers pigs were enough wide. The average locus heterozygosity of grandparent herd, parent herd and commercial hybrid herd rose gradually with the decline of herd position in the hybrid system. The clustering of 5 grand-grandparent lines was done using group average method based on the Nei’s standard distance. Line A and line X herds which only female pigs were used, met into one group. Line C and line Y which only male pigs were used met into one group. The result accorded with the effect of the lines in the hybrid system. It was analyzed the relationship between the microsatellite marker genotypes and traits, which included back fat thickness, whole period daily gain, ejaculation volume, sperm density, sperm livingness, the litter size, alive Utter size, litter weight, 21 day litter weight, 28 day litter weight. The genetic marker genotypesof the traits at each locus were found. The results were shown as follows. The genetic marker genotype of back fat thickness was genotype AA at locus SWR485. The genetic marker genotype of the whole period daily gain was genotype AA at locus SW790. The genetic marker genotypes of the ejaculation volume were genotype AA at locus S0003, genotype AA at locus SW790. The genetic marker genotype of the sperm density was genotype AA at locus SWR485. The genetic marker genotypes of the sperm livingness were genotype AA at locus S0003 and genotype CC at locus SW790. The genetic marker genotype of the litter size was genotype BB at locus S0003. The genetic marker genotypes of the litter weight was genotype AA at locus S0003. The genetic marker genotype of the 21st day litter weight was genotype BB at locus S0003.

  • 【分类号】S828
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】93

