

Study on the Mode of Capitalization of Conversion Agricultural Scientific and Technological Results

【作者】 王丽

【导师】 王淑珍; 尉京红;

【作者基本信息】 河北农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 科学技术是第一生产力,这是被国内外经济发展实践证明了的正确论断。科技需应用于生产才能发挥其应有的作用,但据统计资料显示,我国农业科技成果实际应用到生产的仅有15%~20%,与发达国家的60%~70%相比,还有很大差距,还不能满足我国农业发展的需要。因此,促进我国农业发展的当务之急是提高农业科技成果的转化率。对此,本文在分析我国的农业科技成果转化现状及存在问题的基础上,提出了有利于提高农业科技成果转化率的新模式,即农业科技成果资本化模式,并对这种模式做了初步的系统研究。 我国农业科技成果转化率低,主要是因为科技与经济脱节。分析发达国家的农业科技成果转化的成功模式,可以看出,解决这种脱节现象主要是通过进行引入利益驱动机制,使技术研究方和提供方直接沟通。在此基础上,提出了适合农业发展的农业科技成果资本化模式。旨在通过农业科技成果资本化模式的研究以提高我国农业科技成果的转化率,以更快的实施我国的科教兴国战略。 本文共分四部分,首先,从农业科技成果的基本概念和特点入手,明确了农业科技成果的实质,在此基础上,分析了我国农业科技成果转化率低的现状和原因,得出造成这种结果的深层次的原因是科技与经济脱节。其次,通过对美国、法国、日本、荷兰四国的农业科技成果转化模式分析,得出进行农业科技成果转化的商业化运作是十分重要的。第三,提出了农业科技成果资本化模式的基本框架,并从马克思和西方经济学家对资本的分析及我国的现实环境等方面论述了我国农业科技成果资本化模式的可行性。并结合河北农业大学的科技入股治山模式的实践,通过农业科技成果资本化在实践中所产生的良好效果,给农业科技成果资本化模式的普遍应用提供了实践论证。第四,对农业科技成果资本化实施过程中需解决的观念问题、产权归属问题、价值评估问题、出资比例即出资方式问题进行了分析和探讨。

【Abstract】 Science and technology is the primary productive force, this is correct judgement proved by the domestic and international economic development practice. Science and technology play a important role when it have needed apply to production, according to the statistical data, our country agricultural scientific and technical results apply to production is from percent fifteen to percent twenty, comparing with from sixty to percent seventy of the developed country production, there is very great disparity, it can’t meet needs of agriculture development yet. So, the task of top priority of promoting agricultural development of our country is to improve conversion ratio of the agricultural scientific and technical result. As to this, this text is on the basis of analysing the current situation of conversion of agricultural scientific and technical result of our country and problem, it propose the new mode of helping to improve the conversion ratio of agricultural scientific and technical results, namely agricultural scientific and technical results capitalization mode and make preliminary system study to the mode.The conversion ratio of agricultural scientific and technical results of our country is low, mainly because science and technology is divorced from economy. Analysing the successful conversion mode of agricultural of scientific and technical results of the developed country, it find out that it solve the discrepancy through leading into the interests urge mechanism and make the technical research side and the offer side to communicate directly. On this basis, it propose the capitalization mode of agricultural scientific and technical results that suit to agricultural development. Through the research of the capitalization mode,it can improve the conversion ratio of the agricultural scientific and technical results of our country and implement the strategy of revitalizing the nation through science and education of the faster in our country.This text have four parts altogether, at first, it proceed with basic conception and characteristic of the agricultural scientific and technical results, it define the essence of the agricultural scientific and technical results. On this basis, it analyse the current situation and reason with low conversion ratio of the agricultural scientific and technical results in our country, it draw the profound reason for this kind is that the science and technology divorced from economy. Secondly , through analysing the conversion mode of agricultural scientific and technical results of U.S.A. , France , Japanese , Dutch Shikoku, it draw that the commercialized operation is very important for agricultural conversion of scientific and technical results. Third, it put forward to the basic frame of capitalization mode of the agricultural scientific and technical results, and from Marx and western economist’s argument of the capital, and realistic environment of our country ,etc, it discuss the feasibility of capitalization mode of agricultural scientific and technical results in ourcountry. It combine agricultural university of Hebei of becoming a shareholder, capitalizing use offer practice demonstration generally of the capitalization mode for the agricultural scientific and technical results . Fourth, it carry on analysis and discussion for idea problem, ownership question of the property right, value assessment question , the proportion of investment namely investment way question that need to solve in the course of capitalizating of agricultural scientific and technical results.

  • 【分类号】F323.3
  • 【被引频次】19
  • 【下载频次】552

