

Study on Remote Monitoring and Control System Based on the Internet

【作者】 王建新

【导师】 杨世凤;

【作者基本信息】 河北农业大学 , 农业机械化工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 随着科学技术的迅速发展,作为工农业生产中非常重要的一项技术即监控技术,其重要性正在逐渐被人们所认识和重视。在测控领域,监测技术、计算机技术与通信技术的紧密结合使计算机网络得以迅速普及和发展。在现场设备分布广泛或数据不易采集的场合,要能够及时地监视设备的运行状态并进行有效控制,这就是远程监控技术在工农业生产上的要求。本论文主要阐述了本地计算机通过网络系统Internet/Intranet,对远端的测控系统进行监视和控制,完成对分散控制网络的状态监控。 C/S(Server/Client)技术具有简单、高效等优点,已经成为信息网络的一种最普遍应用的信息交互平台。基于C/S的远程监控系统是以网络作为通信平台的监控系统。本文主要研究了基于C/S模式的网络实时监控系统的关键技术。本系统采用LabWindows/CVI虚拟仪器开发平台,利用网络通信、数据采集及面向对象等技术实现了系统管理、用户管理、设备监控、数据显示及报警等功能,其优点是充分利用了现有的局域网和广域网资源,以较高的性能价格比,以信息的实时获取和实时控制为中心,实现信息、资源、任务的共享和全局一体化的管理。本系统操作简单、界面标准、生动直观,方便了用户的使用。其数据操作对用户都是透明的,一切都由服务器及专用的软件来处理。 由于控制网络与信息网络的技术要求与特点不同,本文对如何实现控制网络与信息网络的融合进行了分析和研究;对比介绍了TCP/IP及DataSocket的动态交换技术;对远程监控系统的实时性进行了研究,并在现有条件的基础上提出了一些提高系统实时性的措施和方法;针对基于三层C/S远程监控系统的特点,网络安全在系统中占有非常重要的地位,本文对网络通信中的基本安全技术进行了阐述,提出了一些加强网络安全的措施;介绍并使用了一些常用的软、硬件抗干扰技术;用畜禽舍远程监控的实例来说明系统构架的可行性、实用性和可靠性。

【Abstract】 With the development of science and technique, the importance of monitoring and control technology has being understood and recognized gradually overall the world industrial and agricultural fields. The combination of monitoring technology, computer technology and communication make Internet spreader and developed rapidly in the field of measurement and control system. In the situation of equipments distributed widely and data acquisition difficult the remote monitoring and control technology is needed to monitor and control the operating state of equipment in time. The paper introduce clients monitor and control the remote measurement system through Internet.The C/S (Client/Sever) technology that has the advantage of easy and effective has being the most widespread information exchange platform of Internet. The paper study real-time remote monitoring and control technology and design a real-time monitoring and control system based on C/S model. The system both use development platform of LabWindows/CVI and make full use of Internet communication, data acquisition, and object oriented programming technology to perform system management, user management, equipment monitoring, data display and alarm function. There have many advantages in this system such as taking full advantage of network resource and higher quality network communication. The system operation interface is simple, standard and vivid. User can run the system conveniently. The special software can deal with much of tedious work so the user can ignore the source of the data and how to put them together into an orderly, functional, structured whole.Because of the difference of the Internet network and the control network in characteristics, how to realize the integration of information and how to analyzed them are the key question in this paper. This paper introduces TCP/IP, DataSocket and dynamic data exchange technology. This paper studies the real-time character of the remote monitoring and control system, and puts forward some measurement methods depending on experimentation. The paper introduces the basic network safety and presents some methods to make Internet communication safer in three layers C/S model. This paper also introduces anti-jamming measurements of software and hardware. At last, the paper proves the system dependable through a sample.

  • 【分类号】TP277
  • 【被引频次】15
  • 【下载频次】581

