

【作者】 杨紫薇

【导师】 赵树勤;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 铁凝是当代女作家中具有独特创作风格的一位,她对美的歌颂和对丑的批判交织贯穿其整个创作过程。本文主要从批判精神的角度切入其作品。铁凝作品的批判精神主要表现在对至善人性的质询、变异人性的勘测及女性命运的审视。在论者看来,铁凝作品中虽然描绘了美好的人性,但在传统美德与现代意识的冲突中,作家又不时对传统美德表现出质询;同时铁凝将笔触深入变异人物的灵魂深处,通过对变异人性的勘测,引发人们对人性对历史和现实的思考。关注女性生存状态和命运,张扬女性意识,反叛男权中心意识也是铁凝小说批判精神的一个重要方面。其批判精神实现的方式主要是借鉴西方现代派表现手法中的荒诞和象征、幽默与反讽等,以全新的视角和叙述方式去揭示人类的生存状态和生命意识,探索人类心灵深处的复杂性,从而使作品具有更广阔更深刻的意义。在此基础上,本文还进一步论述了其作品批判精神的生成主要来自于作者对文革的反思、个人生活经历的影响以及作者对生活与创作的理性思考。

【Abstract】 Tie Ning is one of the women writers with a unique style of writing, through whose writing are carried the praise of the beauty and the criticism of the ugly. This paper tries to deal with her writing from the angle of the spirit of criticism in her novel. The criticism in her writing mainly lies in her inquiry into the perfectness of humanity, the exploration into the distorted humanity and the regard about the fate of women, In the writer’s view, Tie Ning’s description of the perfect humanity constantly arouses people’s inquiry about the traditional virtue in the conflict between the traditional virtue and the modern value. Meanwhile Tie Ning’s deep touch into the soul of the distorted humanity and her exploration into the distorted humanity start people thinking about the history and the reality. Another aspect about Tie Ning’s criticism in her novel is her concern about women’s existing state and their fate, her presentation of the consciousness of the female and her criticism of the masculinism. The criticism is realized through fantasy , symbolism, humour and irony. Her novel depicts the existing condition of the human being and the sense of life and explores the complexity of the soul of the human being in a brand new point of view and manner of narration so that they are of profound and great significance . Besides, this paper goes on to explain the generation of the criticism of her novel. That is the criticism mainly generates from the writer’s introspection of the "culture Revolution "and her life experiences and her rational thinking in life and writing

  • 【分类号】I207.42
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】396

