

【作者】 黄文娟

【导师】 杨道德;

【作者基本信息】 中南林学院 , 野生动植物保护与利用, 2004, 硕士


【摘要】 开展生物多样性保护和实施可持续发展战略已成为人类遏制生态环境恶化,逐步改善人类生存状况的两大对策。自然保护区建设是保护自然资源和生物多样性、维持生态平衡、促进人类与自然协调持续发展的有效途径。我国自然保护区事业始于20世纪50年代,经历了起步、停滞和快速发展三个时期。在此期间,众多专家分别就自然保护区的类型、管理、评估体系、社区共管等方面进行了深入研究。 社区共管(Community Co-management)是一种全新的自然保护区管理模式,通过当地社区和保护区共同参与社区和保护区的自然资源管理的决策、实施和评估的形式,达到保护生物多样性和提高社区居民生活水平的目的。本文以自然保护区社区共管为切入点,从区域经济学、生态经济学、外部性和可持续发展理论着手分析,以作为GEF“中国林业可持续发展项目”中社区共管自项目的实施地——湖南壶瓶山国家级自然保护区为例,旨在引导我国自然保护区在以保护为前提下,合理使用自然资源,争取建立生态效益、经济效益和社会效益三赢的模式。 作者经过3个月(2003年6月中旬~7月上旬,7月下旬~8月中旬、9月中旬~10月上旬,2004年3月上旬~中旬)的实地调查,运用参与式乡村评估方法,在对湖南壶瓶山国家级自然保护区当地社区社会经济本底状况和居民心态调查的基础上,从12个候选示范村中选定5个社区共管示范村,并结合当地社区实际情况,从加强保护区自身建设、培养社区自我发展能力和完善共管委员会职能三个方面,提出如下有关社区共管实施和监测的建议:合理规划核心区、缓冲区和实验区;完善管理制度;增强宣传教育力度;加强生境保护和生物多样性监测;优化产业结构;提升投入产出效率;发展社区替代能源;重视妇女和社区发展;提供信息与技术支持等。 最后就有关社区共管的一些热点问题进行了探讨,如:PRA调查方法运用过程中存在的技术问题;社区共管项目中能源替代的商业化运作的必要性和商业开发培训——融资——评估模式的建立;以及社区共管信用承诺机制、监督机制和激励机制的构建等。

【Abstract】 To protect the biodiversity and implement the sustainable development tactics have been the two countermeasures to hold back the deterioration of the environment and improve the living status of human being. The construction of the natural Reserve is an effective way to protect the natural resources, the Bio-diversity, the Ecological balance, as well as to advance the sustainable development between nature and human beings. In China, natural reserve first developed in 1950s, having experienced such three stages as the starting, the stagnating, and the fast developing stage. During the period, many experts have had a deep research on the types of natural reserve, the management, the appraisal system, and the Community Co-management.The Community Co-management, a fire-new management mode of the natural reserve, according to the co-participation of the local community and the natural reserve on the tactics and the appraisal systems of the natural resources in the natural reserve, the purpose will be achieved, which is to protect the biodiversity and enhance human living conditions. Based on the Community Co-management of the natural reserve, taking the Hupingshan National Natural Reserve as an example, which is a Community Co-management sample of the project of Global Environment Facility in China-Forestry Sustainable Development project, based on the District Economy, Eco-Economy, Externality, Sustainable Development and Sociology theory, this article analysed the ways and the countermeasures being carried out in the natural reserve. It is aimed to build a mode, which benefits the environment, the economy, and the society, under the protection of natural resources.According to the three-month investigation, with the application of Participatory Rural Appraisal, based on the investigation of the local economic status as well as its inhabitants, relying on its practical situation, the author named five sample Co-management Communities from the twelve waiting list, and put up some suggestions about how to implement and supervise the Community Co-management from the three aspects, such as reinforcing the self-construction of the Natural Reserve, cultivating the self-developing ability of the community, and perfecting duties of the co-management committee. Here are the suggestions: trying to plan the core area, the buffer area, and the experiment area properly; perfecting the management system; strengthening the propaganda and education; reinforcing the environment protection and the biodiversitymonitoring; optimizing industry structure; improving the input efficiency; developing the substituting energy; emphasizing women and the community development; providing information and technology support and so on.Some hot issues about the Community Co-management are discussed in this article, such as: the technical problems existing in the application of the Participatory Rural Appraisal investigation; the necessity and the mode of the substituting energy commercialized operation in the Community Co-management project; as well as the credit and promise mechanism, the supervising mechanism, and incentive mechanism of the Community Co-management.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南林学院
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】X36
  • 【被引频次】19
  • 【下载频次】753

