

Study on Organized-soil Substrate Selection and Quantity of Manure and Fertilizer of Sweet Pepper Cultivation in Greenhouse

【作者】 徐知函

【导师】 张志斌;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业科学院 , 蔬菜学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 针对造成我国可控环境条件下蔬菜产量低、质量差、效益低,难以进行长季节生产的关键问题,本试验以甜椒为代表蔬菜,从有机化土栽培基质的筛选,合理的配比,基质栽培条件下甜椒不同阶段的需肥特点,及越冬越夏长季节高产栽培技术等环节进行了研究。提出了改良设施内土壤环境的方法。初步确定了育苗和结果期的无机肥和有机肥的适宜用量。主要有以下研究结论。 以麦秸、玉米秸、白菜秸、菇渣、刨花等农产废弃物为基质材料,通过与洁净土壤混合成有机化土栽培基质栽培甜椒,效果上可以替代草炭和蛭石,并且优于常规土壤栽培。不同有机化栽培基质由于材料和配比不同,栽培效果有一定差异。经过研究几种配方对甜椒的生长、生理特性、品质和产量的影响,发现,麦秸+(大粪干+土壤)+玉米秸(4:3:3)、麦秸+(大粪干+土壤)+白菜秸(4:3:3)两种有机栽培基质表现较好,栽培中显著地提高了甜椒的生长、根系活力和叶片光合能力,大幅度减少了果实中硝酸盐含量,并且产量最高。整个生长期越冬,长达10个月,亩产量可达8024kg。 对4种不同配比的麦秸+玉米秸+洁净土壤+大粪干等辅料的有机化土栽培基质研究表明,基质配比为:麦秸:玉米秸:洁净土壤=5:5:3栽培甜椒效果最好,表现在促进提早进入生殖生长阶段、改善植株源库关系、防止叶片衰老、提高品质和产量等方面。此基质在定植后一个月内,温度比土壤高近2.5℃,适于早春提早定植。此配方的容重是0.32-0.43 g/cm3,孔隙度是0.71-0.75,适宜甜椒根系生长。此配比简单,原料丰富,成本低,适于推广给广大农民。 在有机基质草炭+蛭石(2:1)上进行对甜椒育苗期施肥量研究。甜椒苗于18天苗龄时自72孔穴盘分苗至10*10营养钵后,最适宜的施肥量为,按N、P2O5、K2O=1:1:1的比例,有效养分800g/m3。肥料用量为三元复合肥1500g/m3、尿素90g/m3和某种商品有机肥4000g/m3。在此施肥处理下,甜椒生长速率快、干物质积累速率快、幼苗素质好,分苗后30天定植于有机化土栽培基质麦秸:玉米秸:洁净土壤=5:5:3中,前期产量达3.9kg/m2。 在刚筛选出的有机化土栽培基质:麦秸:玉米秸:洁净土壤=5:5:3上进行甜椒结果期的施肥量的研究。定植后生长期共4个月零10天。适宜的追肥总量为N:27-33kg/667m2、P:2-2.2kg/667m2、K.12-15kg/667m2。在此施肥处理下,基质保温性好,甜椒吸收养分能力强,产量可达4375 kg/667m2,经济效益好。

【Abstract】 Aimming for the crucial problems of causing the low yield, bad quality, low economic benefits and difficult to long-season cultivation, the study using sweet pepper analyzed and discussed the effect of different organized-soil substrate, appropriate proportion, quality of manure and fertilizer in different period on cultivation and key techniques in long-season cultivation in greenhouse. This study brought forward the method which can improve the quality of soil and got the proper quantity of manure and fertilizer on sweet pepper seedling and harvest period. The primarily results are as follows.Using wheat straw, com straw, cabbage straw, mushroom residue and paring as substrate and adding to clean soil to make organized-soil cultivation substrate this study was conducted to select the proper substrate on sweet pepper cultivation. The result showed that organized-soil cultivation substrate can replace peat and vermiculite and was better than soil. After comparing the development, physiological character, fruit quality and yield of sweet pepper planted in some substrate, the result showed the sweet pepper planted in wheat straw+(human excrement+soil)+cabbage straw(4:3:3) and wheat straw+(human excrement+soil)+com straw(4:3:3) grew fine, had strong root activity and photosynthesis rate and high yield. And the fruit nitrogen content was low. The growth period lasted 10 months and the total yield was 8024kg/667m2.After comparing 4 different proportion of wheat straw+(human excrement+soil)+corn straw organized-soil substrate, the result showed the wheat strawrcom straw:cleans soil=5: 5: 3 was the best. It can improve the development of sweet pepper, the relationship between roots and leaves, the fruit quality and the yield. It can also prevent the senescence of leaves. The temperature was higher than soil about 2.5癈 one month after transplanting. The substrate density was 0.32-0.43 g/cm3, the porosity is 0.71-0.75. This substrate was fit for sweet pepper and easy to farmer to use.Using peat+vermiculite(2:l) the study was conducted to the quantity of manure and fertilizer in seedling period. After planting the seedling from 72 hole flat plate to 10*10 bowl, the available nutrition is 800g/m3, N, P2O5, K2O=1: 1: 1, the best quantity of manure and fertilizer was composite fertilizer 1500g/m3, CO(NH2>2 90g/m3, manure 4000g/m3. Under this condition the development of seedling was fine, the growth of dry matter was fast and quality was good. After 30 days the sweet pepper was transplanted to the substrate wheat strawxora strawxleans soil=5: 5: 3. The early yield was 3.9kg/m2.Using substrate wheat strawxorn strawxleans soil=5:5:3, this study was conducted to the proper quantity of manure and fertilizer in harvesting period. The growth period was 4 months and 10 days after transplanting. The best quantity was N:27-33kg/667m2 , P :2-2.2kg/667m2 , K . 12-15kg/667m2. Under this condition the temperature was high, the ability of absorbing nutrition of sweet pepper was great, the yield was 4375kg/667m2 and benefit was high.

  • 【分类号】S641.3
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】444

