
熊蜂(Bombus Lucorum)的人工繁育技术研究

Studies on Breeding Technology of Bumble Bee (Bombus Lucorum) in Captivity

【作者】 安建东

【导师】 吴杰;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业科学院 , 特种经济动物饲养学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 熊蜂的人工繁育包括一系列的技术环节。本论文主要从诱导蜂王产卵、蜂王和雄蜂的交配、环境温度对蜂群发育的影响三个方面对Bombus lucorum熊蜂进行了人工繁育技术的研究,研究结果如下: 1) 在熊蜂繁育的开始,采用一系列的诱导方法诱导蜂王产卵,结果发现,仅仅放入塑料诱导器或者木头诱导器,对蜂王的产卵和蜂群的发展没有明显的促进作用;但如果采用诱导器和蜜蜂工蜂组合的诱导方法,不但能明显地促进蜂王产卵,提高产卵率,而且能加速蜂群的发展,缩短成群时间,提高成群率;在采用诱导器和蜜蜂工蜂组合的诱导方法中,蜜蜂工蜂的数量为2~3只时,蜂王产卵率和蜂群成群率最高,成群时间最短:但在塑料诱导器和木头诱导器之间,蜂王产卵和蜂群发展的各个技术指标没有显著差异。 2) 人工控制条件下熊蜂的交配活动,受蜂王日龄、雄蜂日龄、雌雄性比、交配笼内蜂王的放置密度和光照等多个因素的影响。8日龄蜂王和11~12日龄雄蜂按1:5的比例下放入交配笼,其交配成功率最高,交配笼内的蜂王数量最好控制在30只以内:如果有大批量的蜂王需要进行交配时,蜂王数量至少要控制在60只以内:在晴天,交配笼放置在室外,其交配成功率最高,在阴天,交配笼应放置在交配室内,并开启荧光灯照明,其交配成功率最高。 3) 温度是影响熊蜂发育的主要环境因素之一。在25~30℃范围内,随着温度的上升,发育周期呈缩短趋势,蜂群成群率呈上升趋势,在29℃左右时,蜂王产卵时间、第一批卵虫蛹的发育时间和蜂群的成群时间最短,成群率最高。而且,随着温度的上升,子代蜂王数量逐渐增加,在29℃左右时,蜂群所产生的蜂王数量最多,但环境温度对蜂群的工蜂数、雄蜂数和蜂王初生重没有影响。在29℃的环境温度下,不仅能够促进蜂王产卵、加速蜂群的发展、缩短繁育周期、提高成群率,而且而能够刺激子代蜂王的产生,有利于熊蜂周年多代繁育工作的进行。

【Abstract】 Breeding bumblebees in captivity consists of a series of technologies. The present thesis studied 3 of them on B. lucorum, the effects of different stimulation methods on queens oviposition, the copulation of males and females, the effects of environment temperature on colony development. The results are as follows:1) The different stimulation methods (CK, SY, SY1, SY2, SY3, SY4, MY, MY 1, MY2, MY3, MY4) had been adopted to stimulate queens to start egg laying in the study. The stimulator with 2-3 honeybee workers (SY2, SY3, MY2, MY3) are the better methods among them, it can improve queens laying and colony development, increase the rate of queens laying and the rate of adult colony, shorten the initiation time of queens laying and the adult time of colony. But there is no difference between different stimulator SY and MY on queens laying and colony development.2) The copulation of bumblebees in captivity is relate to the days of queen and drone, the rate of male and female, the density of queens in mating cage, the illumination of environment. The mating rate of queens is keeping ahead under 8 days queen with 11-12 days drone according to 1 : 5 of female and male. In order to get the higher mating rate, the number of queens in the mating cage should be limited to 30, the mating cage should be put in the mating room with the light in cloudy day and outside the mating room in the sunny day.3 ) Temperature is one of the main environment factors which effect queens laying and colonies development. The developing period of colonies incline to decrease and the rate of adult colonies goes up when temperature is rising in the range of 25 C ~ 30 C, the initiation time of queens laying, the developing time of queen’s first brood, the adult time of colonies are shortest under 29 C condition, and the rate of adult colonies is highest, in addition, the quantity of first generation queens is reached top among the range of experiment temperature.

【关键词】 熊蜂Bombus lucorum人工繁育技术
【Key words】 bumblebeeBombus lucorumbreeding in captivity
  • 【分类号】S892
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】228

