

Assessment and Classification of Genetic Diversity on Common Bean (Phaseolus Vulgaris L.)

【作者】 张赤红

【导师】 王述民;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业科学院 , 作物遗传育种, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究基于普通菜豆地理区划、农艺性状鉴定等资料,通过离差平方和法聚类,采用系统取样和随机取样相结合的办法,从编目入库的4029份普通菜豆种质资源中选取400份种质构成初级核心样晶,比例为9.93%。并经代表性验证,初步证明已构建的初级核心样晶具有较好的代表性。 对324份普通菜豆种质资源(国内280份,国外44份)的形态多样性进行了鉴定研究,进一步证明普通菜豆为短日照作物,对光温反应比较敏感。我国普通菜豆种质资源平均多样性指数为1.632,国外材料为1.227;通过多变量的主成分分析,第一主成分和第二主成分一共代表了普通菜豆形态多样性的46%;基于形态性状,把324份普通菜豆种质聚类并划分为三大组群。我国普通菜豆的地理分布呈现从东北至西南的分布带。 利用36对SSR引物对377份菜豆种质资源(我国普通菜豆332份,国外普通菜豆16份,野生菜豆29份)的基因组DNA进行扩增,结果如下: (1)综合等位变异数和多样性指数得出,三种生态类型的普通菜豆遗传多样性由大到小的顺序为:国内普通菜豆、野生菜豆和国外普通菜豆。 (2)普通菜豆等位变异数最多的是贵州省。普通菜豆种质遗传多样性指数最高的是黑龙江省,其次为云南省和贵州省。 (3)基于SSR标记结果,将377份总样品聚为6组,其中29份野生菜豆聚在第一组群,与其它样品无任何交叉;国外16份材料中的11份与我国25份材料聚在第六组。 综合分析本研究结果,初步推断云南和贵州等省为普通菜豆次级起源中心—“中国中心”。拟将我国普通菜豆划分为4个生态型,即东北生态型、华北生态型、黄河中下游生态型和西南生态型。

【Abstract】 Based on the date of agroecological, morphological evaluation, a core collection comprising of 400 samples selected from 4029 common bean accessions was developed with the strategy combining stratification, random sampling with cluster analysis by using Ward’s method. The proportion of the core collection in the original collection was 9.93%. According to representative test, the primary core collection could well represent the original collection on the genetic diversity.The results of evaluation on the morphological characters showed that common bean was susceptible to photoperiod and temperature. The average diversity index of Chinese common bean was 1.632 while alien common’s was 1.227. The first and second principal components totally represented 46% of morphological diversity. Based on morphological data, 324 accessions were clustered into 3 groups . Common bean was mainly distributed in the regions from northeastern China to southwestern China.36 paris of SSR informative primer combinations were employed to assess the genetic variation of 377 common bean accessions (332 Chinese common bean accessions, 16 alien common bean accessions and 29 wild bean accessions). The results were as follows:(1) Based on dates of alleles and Shannon-weaver index, The genetic diversity of Chinese common bean was higher than that of wild common bean and the genetic diversity of wild common bean was higher than that of alien common bean germplasm resources.(2) Among Chinese common bean accessions, the germplasm resources from Guizhou province had more alleles. The Shannon-Weaver index appeared the highest level in the accesses from Heilongjiang province and then Yunnan and Guizhou province.(3) Based on date of SSR, 377 accessions were clustered into 6 groups. 29 wild bean were clustered into the first group without other one. It were clustered into the sixth group that llof 16 alien common bean accessions and 25 Chinese common bean.All the results obtained in the present study confirmed that Yunnan and Guizhou province were secondary origin center of common bean-China center. It is suggested that ecotypes of common bean were classified, i.e. the Northeast ecotype, North China ecotype, the middle and lower reachers of the Yellow River ecotype and Southwest ecotype.

  • 【分类号】S643.1
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】272

