

A Research on the Issues of the Only One Child Travel Market

【作者】 孔旭红

【导师】 黄远水;

【作者基本信息】 华侨大学 , 旅游管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 我国于1978年开始执行计划生育政策,经过20多年的发展,我国已经拥有8000多万独生子女家庭,标示着我国已经进入独生子女时代。独生子女所处的特殊历史地位与独生子女特殊的历史角色决定了独生子女时代具有一定的特殊性,独生子女时代的旅游也必然会发生一些变化。同时,独生子女所具有的特殊的人格特征、消费特征与旅游行为特征也将为旅游业的发展带来重要改观。 本文共分三部分,包括: 导论。我国旅游市场正在朝细分化发展,但是在众多的细分市场中忽略了独生子女市场的研究,笔者在检索了众多独生子女问题文献之后发现独生子女旅游问题研究尚有较大发展空间,并进一步分析了研究独生子女旅游问题的重要意义,指出我国已经进入独生子女时代,我国的旅游业也将进入独生子女旅游时代。随着越来越多的独生子女走上社会经济舞台,我国的社会生活、经济生活将发生重大改变,独生子女的巨大市场潜力日益凸显,独生子女的消费决策能力也越来越不容忽视。 正文。正文可进一步分为三个部分。第一部分重点在于分析独生子女的特征。本文从独生子女的人格特征、消费特征、旅游行为特征等三个方面对独生子女的特征进行了剖析,并指出独生子女的特征将会对今后的旅游发展造成一定的影响;第二部分重点分析了目前针对独生子女市场的旅游发展的现状与存在的问题,指出目前我国的旅游发展存在漠视独生子女的旅游需求、缺乏个性化产品、市场定位不清、市场推广乏力等问题;根据这些问题与独生子女的特征,在正文的第三部分本文提出了一些建议与对策,包括完善丰富旅游产品、满足独生子女旅游需求,加强改善营销工作、结合时代特征、完善健全旅游保障体系等内容。 调查问卷与报告。本文在保定、石家庄等城市的中学、大学、社会人士中共投放调查问卷430份,收回有效问卷328份。在广泛调查的基础上得到了有关独生子女旅游的第一手资料,得到了有关独生子女旅游的重要信息。报告就独生子女、非独生子女及其家长的旅游行为、旅游消费特征等问题做出了一些初步的分析。 本文试图在前人已有的研究基础上在以下方面有所创新与突破:(1) 根据我国是独生子女大国的基本国情,指出我国今后的旅游发展将建立在独生子女时代的时代特征之上。(2) 通过针对独生子女人群进行调查,分析独生子女特征并进一步分析目前我国独生子女旅游的现状和问题。(3) 针对独生子女旅游问题提出建议与对策。

【Abstract】 Segmentation strategy has become increasingly important for successful marketing planning in the tourism industry. After over 20years’ development since the Family Planning Policy, China has entered the era of the Only One Child. The Only One Child Group will dramatically contribute to the development of our country’s tourism in the future.This paper tried to illustrate from three parts:Introduction. The tourism market can be divided into several segmentations, but among which there is no market segmentation about The Only Child market. The writer found that there were still large spaces in the field and pointed out that it is significant to carry out studies on the market.Text. It can be further divided into three parts. The first emphasized on analyzing the characters of The Only One Child from the aspects of their personalities, consumption characters, and their traveling behaviors. The second made a probe into the present development of the market and some problems were pointed in the part. At last, some suggestions were given in the text.Investigation questionnaires. The writer distributed 430 pieces of questionnaires in Baoding and Shijiazhuang to make an investigation, which contained very important first-hand information about the market, and an analysis about the result was given as well.The paper made a tentative innovation and breakthrough in the followingaspects:Pointed out that our country has entered the era of The Only One Child. The future tourism development will be heavily oriented by The Only One Childmarket.Investigated the market and analyzed the characters of the market.Analyzed the status quo and the problems in the market developing.Put forward the advice and suggestions on the market.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 华侨大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】F592
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】729

