

Concerning Political Rights of the Disadvantaged Group During the Period of Social Transformation of China

【作者】 张锋

【导师】 杨楹;

【作者基本信息】 华侨大学 , 马克思主义哲学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 我国社会正处在社会转型的关键阶段。社会转型是社会生活的整体性转变,它包括以社会经济关系为核心的社会生活、经济生活、政治生活、精神生活的全面变革。社会经济生活是整个社会生活转变的原动力和基础,它本质是由生产方式的转变所引起的社会关系的根本变革。在我国,生产方式的转变主要是由计划经济生产方式向市场经济生产方式的转变;由以家庭为组织单位、具有浓厚自然经济色彩的小农经济生产方式,向以大机器生产为背景、以商品交换为目的社会化大生产方式的转变;由人的依赖性向相对独立的人对物的依赖性的转变;是新的经济结构的生成和利益关系的重组。由此决定,社会政治生活的转变则表现为血缘政治、权力政治对新型公民政治、权利政治的纠缠;政治制度的创新与重新建构:新型制度伦理价值的生成。文化生活的转变则是由专制向民主、野蛮向文明的转变。这一转变是整个社会生活的精神阵痛,它引发了一系列相关的社会问题。而弱势群体则成为其中的一个“显”问题、“硬”问题。关于弱势群体的产生、本质以及其权利何以得到保障等诸多问题,我们可以从不同维度、不同的层次加以研究。本文主要以弱势群体的政治权利作为切入点,从而透视中国转型时期政治文明建设中不可忽略的诸多问题。 以“政治权利”这一独特的视角入手,通过解析中国社会变迁及其转型过程,我们认为,弱势群体产生的一个非常重要因素就是政治权利的被剥夺和缺失。它实质表现为我国政治制度理论理念与现实经济关系的背离;权力的合理性和合法性的丧失;执政党的执政理念、思维方式与市场经济下的政治权力运作机制的要求相悖:中国传统社会的政治权力文化对中国现代社会的政治权利文化的消解;自然经济下的人治社会对现代市场经济下法治社会的纠缠。 弱势群体的存在并非是当下社会转型时期特有的历史现象,但在社会历史发展的不同阶段,弱势群体的表现有所差别,因而不同的思想家学者从不同立场和角度对这一问题进行关注和理论探讨,并就解决这一问题提出了一系列的设想,形成了如公正论、代价论、公平论、均衡论等不同的探究范式。然而,只有马克思真切关注资本主义社会中最大的社会弱势群体——无产阶级的命运和前途,提出了科学社会主义理论范式,实现了改造社会现实经济关系与塑造科学的政治制度伦理价值、建构合理的政治制度的历史统一。所以,从其理论原则和精神出发,对我国社会弱势群体的关怀,首先必须立足于解析和改造我国社会现实的经济关系:必须以社会的首要伦理价值——正义为建构政治制度的精神实质和导向;必须实现由臣民政治向公民政治,人治向法治,义务政治向权利政治、责任政治的转变;必须指向人性,符合人性和体现人性,来建构我国的社会政治制度。当然,认识和解决我国的社会弱势群体问题,需要保持一种历史的自我反思,批判精神,并且这一问题的解决必须依托现实社会经济关系的发展,以及对各种社会因素不断深入分析和历史改造的过程。

【Abstract】 In China, the transformation of social life is that productive mode of the planed economy is turned into that of the market economy, that productive mode of small present economy within family unit is changed into socialized mode of machinery production, that new economic structure is produced and benefit relationship is restructured .This transformation determines the change of social political life which displays powerful politics of traditional society badgering with rightful politics of modern society, innovation and rebuilding of political system, and becoming of ethic value of new political system . This transition has caused a series of social problems, among which the problem about the disadvantaged group has been obvious. We think that it is greatly important and extremely imperative to discuss the problems about political rights.During the period of our social transformation, a critical factor that political rights have been deprived of and theirs absence leads to the inevitable creation of the disadvantaged group. Moreover , its essence is that valuable ideas of political system have deviated from economic relationship in reality in our county, that rationality and validity of powers has been lost, that ruling theory and thinking way of the party in power are incompatible with operative mechanism of political power under the conditions of market economy , that the culture of political powers in traditional society dissolving the culture of political rights ,that the rule by the will of the authorities badgering with the rule by law.So, concerning for the future and fate of the proletariates as a large disadvantaged group of capitalism society, Marx has created the theory of scientific socialism . According to the principles and spirits of this theory, we should care for the disadvantaged group in our country , as follows: at first, we must be based on parsing and reconstructing economic relationship in reality in our country. Then, we must regard the justice that is the first-line ethic value of society as an essential spirit constructing of political system. Moreover, we must realize the transformation of politics into civil politics, the rule by the will of authorities into the rule by law, the obligatory politics into the right politics. Finally, the concern should point at the humanity, accord with humanity and embody the humanity.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 华侨大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】D669
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】340

