

On Strategic Measures in Competitive Sports

【作者】 刘锡梅

【导师】 李艳翎;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 体育人文社会学, 2004, 硕士


【摘要】 战略是一种具有长远性、规律性和全面性的谋划。它源于军事,但随着人类社会的发展,战略的概念已延伸到军事以外的各个领域,成为了各行业克敌制胜的法宝。竞技体育是具有很大社会广延性和强烈竞争的特殊行业,战略对竞技体育的发展具有导向作用,对竞技体育的领导具有决策作用,对竞技体育的成败起决定作用,当今竞技体育的竞争已不仅是竞技场上的较量,还是竞技场外战略谋略的对弈。 湖南省的竞技体育在“精品工程”战略的指导下,在悉尼奥运会上8人出征,获7金1银5铜,创造了湖南竞技体育的辉煌,引发了“湖南体育现象”,打造了“体育湘军”的品牌。湖南省竞技体育所创造的令人瞩目的成就引起了国内同行业的关注,也促使了人们对“精品工程”的探究。 本文主要采用了文献资料、调查访问、数理统计、逻辑分析等研究方法,经分析研究得出结论:1) “精品工程”是指在有限的人力、物力、财力等条件下立足现实,因人因地制宜,确定适合自身特点的运动项目,将现有的优势项目精雕细刻,做强做大,争取在优势项目的小市场占有大份额,缩短战线,与奥运会项目接轨,尽快走向世界的地方性竞技体育的优势战略。2) 湖南省的经济状况和内陆省份的地域是湖南省竞技体育发展的劣势,湖湘文化对湖南竞技体育“精品工程”战略的形成产生了积极影响。3) “女、小、轻、巧、水”运动项目的合理布局是湖南省竞技体育“精品工程”战略的核心内容,正确的战略指导思想、战略目标、战略实施是“精品工程”战略实现的保证。人力、物力资源的优化配置和管理是“精品工程”实施的保障。4) 湖南省竞技体育“精品工程”模式具有推广价值,但它具有地域性,项目发展不平衡性和风险性,要创造性地推广。

【Abstract】 Strategy is a measure the characteristics of Some long-term schemes ensuring regularity over all planning. It comes out form the basic require of military actions. With the development of human Society, however, it has already had its extension inside other fields and it has been the door key of success. Competitive sports is a kind of special business full of sense of wide extension and tough competition. The development of competition sports need the strategy as its guidance, meanwhile the strategy plays as the adviser of the top official of the competitive sports. For sure, it may decide Success and failure of sports. As a result. People can see rather that the Competition in sports is not only the competition of athletes inside the arena but also the competition of strategy outside the arena.Following up with the tactics of the spearhead project, Hunan’s Team of 8 Athletes won 7 gold, 1 silver, and 5 bronzes in the Sydney Olympics. That brought the history of Hunan sports the ring test period of time, people started "the study of the Hunan Competitive sports phenomenon," the name of Hunan sports squad Began to spread out. Naturally, the details of "the spearhead project" fully suck the attention of the competitive sports experts of the whole country.My essay takes the method of background materials research, site investigation data statistics logical analyze and finally reaches the conclusions: (1) "spearhead project analysis," with the considerations of the existence of the limited man-power sources and financial support pays Enough attentions to the fact, trying hard to find out right items for the right athletes, and the right events for the right places and toe optimum Training acts, meanwhile, focuses on some "me strong, thy weak" events as the basic and the Olympics games as the goal, and finally harvest from those events and escapes from the waste of small-size advantages, only by doing this can we let the world know usfaster; (2) Hunan province is an inner province of China with a Comparator ilety weak economical situation which set up quite big a stone-on-road to stop Hunan sports from the faster development, but Hunan local traditional culture adds up more advantages for the above mentioned projects; (3) "Female events, small-investment events, Strength less events, suppleness events and Aquatic events" stand as the key item of the "spearhead projects" and, those events logically occupation and reasonably location in the whole strategy is the whole strategy is the key of the keys Only may Correct tactics and their goals design ensure the strategy all-round be realized; (4)Hunan competitive sports "spearhead project" strategy from has a worthy of promotion, but it still has own regional experience limitation and the risk of events unbalance, so the promotion need some originality.

【关键词】 竞技体育精品工程战略
【Key words】 Competitivespearhead projectsstrategy
  • 【分类号】G808
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】448

