

A Contrastive Study of English and Chinese Coordinate Constructions and Their Translation

【作者】 吴阳

【导师】 黄振定;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 英语语言文学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 在英汉语言对比研究中,并列结构的词语和分句所占比例极小。这一方面的比较与翻译,仅散见于某些翻译论著中的语序章节,而已发表的寥寥几篇论文,也几乎都是对英汉并列结构中不同语序的考察和描写。诚然,语序是我们翻译并列结构时所可能遇到的一个难题。但事实上,在翻译实践中,还存在远比语序更为复杂得多的实际问题,如并列连词的增译省译,并列结构的分析理解,内含逻辑关系的再现以及句式结构的权衡选择等等。 对于英汉并列结构中呈现出的语序差异,人们习惯上从语义的角度加以解释。由于角度单一,且笼统概括,有时难免牵强附会。本文在传统语义解释的基础上,加进了语音和语用及思维模式等方面的因素,以此丰富视野,增强解释力。 汉语中对偶排比俯拾皆是,并列现象极为丰富。汉语的意合式语言特征决定了不属于同一层次的并列成分的存在。这种并列结构一旦按原样植入英语,势必会给英语读者带来理解上的困惑。本文提出对于这种汉语并列结构,必须从深层意念上加以把握,按照英语语言的表达习惯,将其改成不同的层次结构。 总之,本文对英汉词语和句子的并列结构作了相当数量的收集整理和初步分类,针对其差异作了从理论到实践上的探究,并提出了以译入语为本位的翻译原则和解决办法。这些似乎是他人所做得不够的,但本文也只是尝试性的探索而已。 全文分为五章。 引论:从探讨并列结构的深层结构来分析并列结构在翻译中所呈现出的复杂性,并提出总的以译入语为本位的翻译原则。 第一章:从英汉语的句法特征出发,指出英汉并列结构中显性与隐性,形合与意合的差异。强调在双语转换时,须按照以译入语为本位的翻译原则,考虑显性与隐性,形合与意合的转化问题,注意并列连词的省译增译,对于并列结构交叉配列等现象须采用分译法进行必要的调整。 第二章:考察英汉并列结构中语序的共性与个性,并从语义、语音及语用多方面解释其产生差异的原因,同时指出在翻译时应本着“为目的语读者服务”的原则,将源语的语序,按照目的语的表达习惯,调整为目的语韵语序,使其易于为目的语读者所接受。 第三章:专门讨论四字结构和动词连贯排比等并列对举现象的汉译英,提出在以译入语为本位的前提下,灵活采用维持并列、词义合译及改变层次结构等翻译方法。 第四章:考察英汉假拟并列这种特殊的现象,指出翻译这类并列结构时,理解是关键,一定要认真把握整个句子的深层逻辑,透析其中的内在语义。在汉语假拟并列的理解及汉译英中,指出必须将内含逻辑关系和主次前后的并列成分,按照英语语言的表达习惯,转译成英语的层次结构。 结论部分:强调英汉两种语言的差别不仅表现在形式结构,也存在于思维方式和审美习惯之中,在英汉翻译对比研究中,后者应引起我们足够的重视。 总之,并列结构看似简单,但在翻译实践中却体现了其复杂性。因此,我们在处理并列结构,尤其是汉语的并列成分的问题时,就必得要深入分析,谨慎小心,切忌将汉语的并列结构一律译成英语的并列句。

【Abstract】 In the contrastive study of English and Chinese languages, little attention was paid to coordinate constructions. There were just a few points mentioned in chapters on translation and a few papers were published. Besides , the main concern of these chapters and books seems to be just the differences of the word order, which is of course a problem that we encounter in coordinate constructions. As a matter of fact, however, there are far more complicated problems that have to be tackled with in the study of translation, such as the ellipsis and supply of coordinators, the understanding and transformation of coordinate constructions and the selecting of sentence patterns.Traditionally, differences of the word order between English and Chinese coordinate constructions are explained from the semantic point of view, which shows its limitation owing to the one-sidedness and over generalization. In this thesis, phonetic and pragmatic factors together with different modes of thinking are considered so as to enrich the traditional discussion.Coordination and parallisrn are common in paratactically featured Chinese where conjoins belonging to different statuses are acceptable. If this structure is introduced into English, English readers will find it difficult to understand. In this thesis, the author holds that the deep structures of Chinese sentences should be carefully examined, and hierarchical structures should be selected so that the translated texts can conform to English modes of expression.To sum up, in view of the relatively insufficient investigation done in this field, the author makes a tentatively contrastive study of the English and Chinese coordinate construction by collecting and classifying various kinds of co-ordinations. The author, through the analysis of their differences both from a theoretical and a practical point of view, alsodraws a target-oriented principle to deal with coordinate constructions in the process of translation, and suggests some specific translating methods.The main body of the paper consists of the following: The introduction gives a deep structural view of the coordinate construction and analyses the complexities of such structures, suggesting general principles in translation.Chapter One begins with syntactic differences between English and Chinese, presenting the differences between syndetic coordination and asyndetic coordination. In translation, hypotactic structures have to be converted into paratactic ones, reducing the amount of unnecessary conjunctions or vice versa. Moreover, if co-ordinations appear in a criss-cross arrangement, the target-oriented principle should be adopted.Chapter Two discusses similarities and differences between the word order of English and Chinese coordinate constructions. These differences are considered in terms of semantics, phonetics and pragmatics. In translation, the guideline of "serving the readers of the target language" should be followed and therefore adequate adjustments have to be made in the word order.Chapter Three specifically deals with Chinese parallel structures such as four-character-structufes and parallel predicate verbs. Based on the target-oriented principle, the author suggests different methods of translation from Chinese into English, such as preserving the construction, blending and hierarchical structuring, etc.Chapter Four discusses a special phenomenon - instances of "pseudo-co-ordinations" both in English and in Chinese, pointing out that in translation, correct understanding is of vital importance and attention must be paid to the deep structures of the sentences. In particular, when we translate sentences from Chinese into English, the hierarchical structure should be taken into account if conjoined Chinese elements are not parallel in status.In the Conclusion, the author emphasizes that besides a comparative analysis of the superficial structure of languages, translation study should also consider the differences in thought pattern and aesthetic taste. Only in this way can we expect

  • 【分类号】H315.9
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】635

