

The Reflection on the History of the University Curriculum Reform in PRC

【作者】 朱璋龙

【导师】 张传燧;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 高等教育学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 高校课程既是培养高级人才的载体,也是高校教育教学的核心。所以,当代高等教育改革无不以课程与教学改革为突破口。回顾新中国高校课程50多年的动态发展过程,分析其发展与改革的时代背景、指导思想,研究其特征,总结经验,吸取教训,探索规律,揭露弊端,提出对策,将是很有意义的事。 论文共分三个部分。 第一部分含引言和第一章,对50多年来我国高校课程改革时代背景作全面的描述,并根据高校课程在不同时期所表现出的不同特征,将其分为五个时期:改造与借鉴时期(1949—1956),“以俄为师”,实行专才教育,形成全国大一统的课程体系;探索与调整时期(1957—1965),改革全国大一统的课程体系,进行自主探索;挫折与倒退时期(1966—1976),课程改革严重受挫,课程体系混乱不堪;恢复与加速时期(1977—1992),结束了高校课程领域的混乱后,开始加速发展,由于国家给予高校更多自主权,在建设有中国特色的高校课程体系上取得了很大成就;高潮与深化时期(1993—),高校课程改革更加理性、自觉。 第二部分对新中国高校课程改革不同阶段的重要政策、主要内容、重大措施进行准确的把握,全面厘清了50多年来高校专业设置、课程设置和教材建设的历史沿革,力图将新中国高校课程改革曲折的历史画卷展现出来。 第三部分对新中国高校课程改革的历史进行理性思考,总结高校课程改革的主要成就。同时,指出存在的问题:课程理论研究薄弱;课程目标观上,社会主体目标过于强旺;课程价值观上,重社会、学科价值,轻个人价值;课程知识观上,重知识传授,轻能力培养;课程主体单一;课程内容陈旧、课程体系僵化;课程管理过于集中统一;教学方法上,课程观念落后等。据此,提出有针对性的改革策略,推动当前如火如荼高校课程改革更健康,更完善地向前发展。

【Abstract】 It is the university curriculum that is the important carrier of cultivating the advanced intellect and the core of teaching in the higher education. Therefore, it is widely accepted that the reform of the curriculum and teaching is the breakthrough for higher education reform. It is significant to analyze the social background, dissect the guiding ideology, study the features, summarize the experiences, absorb the quintessence, ponder the rules, expose the deficiency and pose the countermeasures by reviewing the process and studying the history of university curriculum reform in the past over 50 years, which is also the spotlight of this thesis.This thesis is composed of the following three parts.Part I discusses the background of university curriculum reform in China in the past 50 years, which can be divided into five periods according to different characteristics of university curriculum:(1) Alteration and Learning Period (1949-1956) is characterized by learning from Russia, executing specialized education and having the whole curriculum system all over China. (2) Researching and Adjusting Period (1957-1965) is characterized by the whole reformation and self-study. (3) Frustration and Reversal Period (1966-1976) is characterized by serious defeat in curriculum reform and the badly confused curriculum system. (4) Restoration and Development F’eriod (1977-1992). In the period, university curriculum ends the confusion and rapidly development again. Our country has given universities more authorities and we obtained great achievement on constructing university curriculum system with Chinese characteristics. (5) Upsurge and Deepening Period (1993-). University curriculum reform is more rational.Part II mainly describes the important policies , the contents and great measures of the university curriculum reform of China in the past over 50 years. This part is the core that involves the reform of major establishment, course offering and textbook construction.Part III mair.ly exposes the relationship between theory and practice,generalizes the achievements by analyzing the history of university curriculum reform in China and also points out the problems in university curriculum reform: On the curriculum theory, the research is so insufficient; On the curriculum aim, the social principal part is very strong; On the curriculum value, it emphasizes social subject, belittles the individual; On the view of knowledge, it pays more attention to teaching knowledge, looks down on training the ability; The curriculum subject is so single; The content is old and the system is ossified; The management is too intensive and centralized; The curriculum is very backward and so on. According to these, the part poses some correspond measures and promotes the present curriculum reform to develop more successfully and efficiently.

  • 【分类号】G642.3
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】1052

