

The Research of Impact of Emotional Education to the Emotional Stability of Junior One Students

【作者】 徐广荣

【导师】 陈娉美;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 基础心理学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 关于情绪教育,已有的研究多为一些简单的理论介绍,缺乏纳入课堂教育的实践。而且情绪教育所依据的理论单一。已有的情绪教育研究,没有针对初中生情绪稳定性的研究。 情绪不稳定是目前我国中学生比较普遍存在的心理健康问题。它常常表现为学生的学习劲头时高时低、做作业的热情忽高忽低,对同学忽冷忽热、对老师时而亲时而疏远,对父母时而亲时而冷淡,心情时好时坏等。 因此本研究旨在探讨基于理性情绪教育理论、情绪智力理论、多元智力理论的情绪教育对初中生情绪稳定性的影响并根据研究的发现,提出具体建议,以作为学校情绪教育及进一步研究提供参考。希望通过精心设计的情绪教育课程和作业,让学生了解负面情绪对于学习、智力发挥、人际交往、心理健康等的重要影响,使学生能够辨认自己和他人的情绪,帮助学生掌握一些情绪教育的理论、情绪调节的方法并能应用这些理论和方法自觉调节情绪,培养良好、积极的情绪,抵制不良情绪,提高情绪的稳定性,使学生获得一种更加宽容、合理的思维方式。建立同老师、同学、父母间和谐的人际关系。 本研究以长沙市三十五中初一年级为实验对象,其中对照组49人,实验组52人,本研究所采取设计为实验组—控制组前后测设计。实验组参加为时十周,每周两节课的情绪教育辅导课,该课程由作者本人上。课程及课后作业的设计以理性情绪教育理论、情绪智力理论、多元智力理论和初中生的实际情况为依据。而控制组接受正常的教育,没有接受情绪辅导教育。 本研究结果显示,情绪教育对增进学生的情绪稳定性有良好的促进作用。情绪教育课程十分适合正在成长中的青少年,尤其适合作为学校实施、推进发展性辅导的重要课程。

【Abstract】 The past researchs about emotional education lack practice in class. Only some theories are introduced and the theory emotional education based on is simple, no research to the emotional stability of Junior high school students in the past research.Emotional instability is a common problem of mental health for the middle school students in China; their attitude to their parents, teachers and classmates is changeable. Sometimes friendly and sometimes indifferent. The attitude to their study and homework is the same. Sometimes in high spirits, sometimes in low spirits.Therefore, the purpose of this study is to explore the impact to the emotional stability of Junior high school students according to the emotional education which combine many theories such as theory of rational emotive education, theory of emotional intelligence, theory of multiple intelligence and give some suggestions on how to implement emotive education to the school according to the result of this study. We also hope that they can know the impact of negative emotion to their study, interpersonal relationship and mental health , hope that they can recognize their own and other people’ s emotion, hope that the students can master some emotive theories and some skills of emotion control , hope that they can cultivate positive emotion and enhance their emotional stability ,hope that they can acquire reasonable thinking method and establish a good relationship with theirparents , teachers and classmates.This study chose two classes from Junior one of Changsha 35th Middle School as the sample. 52students were selected as study class, 47 students as control class. This study is designed as front-back test, the study class received emotive education training class taught by the author for 10 weeks, 2 periods a week. The classes and exercises were designed according to the theory mentioned above, as the contrast; the control class received normal education.The results of this study show that emotive education is useful .in enhancing the emotional stability of students and the courses of emotive education are suitable for the growing adolescents especially for the school to implement emotive education.

  • 【分类号】G441
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】511

