

An Experimental Study of Elaborative Inference Generation in Text Comprehension

【作者】 屈晓兰

【导师】 陈向阳;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 发展与教育心理学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 对精加工推理的研究是阅读理解研究中一个非常重要的领域。精加工推理是指超越原文的信息、激活相关背景知识而进行的推理。纵观国外对精加工推理的研究,绝大多数的研究都集中在探讨精加工推理的机制方面;由于不同研究者所使用的方法、材料和被试的差别,所得到的研究结论不尽相同;而且探讨不同年龄读者精加工推理发展的年龄特征的研究相对较少。 本研究应用计算机累积窗口技术,通过两个实验探讨语篇阅读中的精加工推理。实验一以80名大学生为被试,用核证法探讨了“是否在原文出现过(是否为原文的句子)”和“是否符合原文”为指导语的精加工推理的差异;实验二以小学五年级、初中二年级、高中二年级和大学生各40名为被试探讨了不同年龄读者语篇阅读中的精加工推理发展的年龄特征。 本研究得到了以下结论: (1)使用累积窗口技术及句子核证法进行精加工推理研究时,指导语使用“是否符合原文”比较合适; (2)对于篇幅较长的说明文来说,不同年级的读者都会在语篇阅读过程中构建精加工推理中的内涵推理:不同年级的内涵推理成绩上没有显著差异;而对内涵推理命题的核证时间的差异反应了随年龄的增大精加工推理构建水平有提高趋势; (3)不同年级的读者在语篇阅读中都很少构建精加工推理中的外延推理,但对外延推理命题的核证时间随年龄的增大而减少。

【Abstract】 Elaborative inferences, which could add to the richness of a reader’ s understanding of the passage, have received considerable attention in text comprehension research. And they include broad inference and stricted inference. The current researches on elaborative inferences mainly involve the experimental materials and methodological differences between studies, while age and instruction effects have seldom been investigated.The two experiments were performed to investigate age and instruction effects on elaborative inferences. Experiment 1 used 2 X3 design to explore instruction effect; Experiment 2, which was laid great stress on, took 4X3 design to investigate the age effect of elaborative inference generation. The results are demonstrated as following:(1)The instruction that contains the sentence "Do the sentences accord with the previous passage?" is more suitable for studies of elaborative inferences;(2)When long exposition texts are employed as experiment materials, readers who are above 10 years old can generate broad inference online; however, there are significant differences between age groups on the response time they spend in verifying target sentences;(3)Though stricted inference is hardly generated online, the older the readers are, the less response time they spend in generating this type of elaborative inferences.

  • 【分类号】B842
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】146

