

On the History and Basic Laws of Cadre Personnel System Reform Since Reform and Opening

【作者】 刘荣华

【导师】 蒋国海;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 中共党史, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文从分析干部人事制度改革的必要性出发,通过对改革开放20多年来我国干部人事制度改革的历史进程进行分阶段考察,初步总结了七条带有规律性的基本经验。全文分三部分。 第一部分阐述我国的干部人事制度改革的必要性。改革开放以来我国进行的干部人事制度改革,是贯彻马克思主义关于干部队伍建设理论的必然要求,是克服我国传统干部人事制度弊端的根本途径,是建设中国特色社会主义伟大事业的现实需要,也是推进党的建设新的伟大工程的重要措施。 第二部分主要对改革开放20多年来我国干部人事制度改革的历史进程进行分阶段的考察。共分干部人事制度改革的起步阶段(1978-1987)、干部人事制度改革的展开阶段(1987-1992)、干部人事制度改革的深化阶段(1992-1997)和干部人事制度改革的创新阶段(1997年至今)四个阶段,并在考察分析每一阶段的改革背景和主要内容的基础上做了简要评价。 第三部分初步总结了改革开放20多年来我国干部人事制度改革带有规律性的基本经验。共七条:一、坚持党管干部的原则;二、坚持组织路线为政治路线服务的正确方向;三、坚持解放思想、实事求是、与时俱进的思想路线;四、以民主化、科学化、制度化为改革目标;五、继承优良传统并借鉴外国先进经验;六、运用重点突破、整体推进,统筹协调的方法;七、大力开发人才资源,走人才强国之路。这些经验的取得,对我们干部人事制度改革的进一步深化有重要的指导意义。

【Abstract】 Through analyzing the necessity of cadre personnel system reform of China since Reform and Opening, the thesis tentatively generalizes seven pieces of basic laws after a brief historical review of the reforms process. The thesis consists of three chapters.Chapter One discusses the necessity of China’s modern cadre personnel system reform, which is the necessary requirement to implement Maxism’s theory of constructing cadre contingents, the basic approach to overcome the weakness of the traditional cadre system, the realistic need to construct the modern socialist China and the great measure to improve our Party’s construction.Chapter Two mainly explores the history of China’s modern cadre personnel system reforms, which can be divided to four stages: the initial (1978-1987), developing (1987-1992), deepening (1992-1997) and present creative stage (1997-). The chapter mainly focuses on the content and background of the reforms at each stage with some simple comments.In Chapter Three, the author tentatively generalizes seven basic laws of modern cadre personnel system reforms: 1) holding the principle of Party’s administration of all cadres; 2) adhering to the correct orientation that organizing system serves for politic tasks; 3) sticking to the ideology of "emancipating minds, seeking the truth and keeping up with times"; 4) aiming to reach a democratic and scientific system; 5) inheriting the excellent tradition and using the foreign advanced experiences; 6) using the method of overall consideration with more emphasis on the neck of the reforms; 7) opening up human resources to strengthen our nation. All these laws will be of great importance in the further reforms of our cadre personnel system.

  • 【分类号】D630
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】889

