

The Study of the Training Method of the Personnel in the Art Professional School

【作者】 易介南

【导师】 雷鸣强;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 教育管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 艺术教育是通过对戏剧、音乐、舞蹈、美术、电视电影等知识和经验的传授,以训练技能为主要形式,培养学生的情感,激发学生的想象力,养成学生感受美、追求美、表现美、创造美的能力。学校艺术教育包括两个方面:一是以知识为中心的文化基础课教学,一是以经验为中心的艺术专业课教学。专业课教学的基本方式是“口传心授”。 高等艺术职业教育具有高等职业教育的一般属性,因为艺术规律的作用,高等艺术教育又有自己的独特性。高等艺术职业学院体现了高等艺术职业教育的一般特征。表现在办学的行业性和地方性;专业设置的综合性和办学层次的过渡性以及对生源的选择性和独特的市场性。 湖南艺术职业学院与全国11所高职艺术学院一样都是近年从中专升格成大专的。在升格发展过程中,湖南艺术职业学院努力构建有特色的办学模式,确立了“围绕舞台,造就人才”,“追求卓越,不厌平凡”的办学理念;提出了“树大师,树大楼”,“出人才,出作品”的发展思路;在人才培养方式上形成自己的特色,在管理体制上进行创新,使之符合艺术教育与职业教育的规律;打通产学结合的通道,大力发展文化产业。使学院在市场经济的条件下,事业和产业快速地发育、生长和壮大。构建一个高等艺术职业教育的办学模式,既是为了明确自己的发展思路和发展方向,也可以为同类学校的发展提供借鉴。

【Abstract】 Art education is to develop students’ affection, intrigue students’ imagination, train students’ ability of sensing beauty, pursuing beauty, presenting beauty in the forms of skill-training through the imparting of knowledge and experiences of the opera, music, dancing, painting, movies and televisions. College education includes two aspects: general knowledge teaching and art major course teaching. The main method of art major teaching is "inputting the knowledge and experiences by oral instructions".College art education has the general characteristics of vocational education. Because of the laws of art, It has its own special characteristics: professionalizm, localization, special market, comprehensive major-setting, different source of students and transitional gradation of college-running.Hunan art vocational college was upgraded from art vocational school as other eleven similar schools in recent years. During the course of upgrading, it worked hard to set up a distinguishing college-running pattern. It formed a belief of "bring up the personnel round the stage" and "pursuing excellence and willing to be common". It advanced a developing thought of "setting up masters, setting up mansions" and "training the talent, creating more works". It brought forth new ideas in regulatory so as to accord with the laws of art education and vocational education. It opens up the passageway between property and knowledge and devoted major efforts to developing cultural and educational undertaking. Under the condition of market economy, the schooling and the undertaking of the college rapidly grow up and become strong. Constructing the running pattern of art vocational education can not only clear the thoughts and direction of its own development but provide experiences for similar college.

  • 【分类号】G719.2
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】356

